Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 207 Zheng 3 Does Not Accept Jia Zhang

Chapter 207 Zheng San Does Not Accept Jia Zhang
Having an extra person in the family should have been a happy event, but Qin Huairu was very worried.

Now Mrs. Jia Zhang still lives in the old house, and now that the stick is married, it would be inappropriate for Mrs. Jia to live with Mr. and Mrs. Bang again.

After all, the newlywed Yaner's stick and Yu Manting think of an old woman sleeping in a house at night, will there be a feeling of conflict in my heart?
Looking at Zheng San who came back from get off work, Qin Huairu was hesitant to speak all the time, and finally survived the family dinner, Qin Huairu couldn't bear it any longer and said to Zheng San, "Zheng San, you look very good now!" Terrier is married!
It is really inconvenient for our mother to live with them again!
So I thought about letting our mother build a small bed in our room, what do you think? "

"I feel bad!
Qin Huairu, I seem to have told you before that Mrs. Jia and Zhang would never want to stay in my house for the rest of their lives.

How can you still have such unrealistic ideas! Hearing Qin Huairu's request, Zheng San refused in a bad tone.

"Qin Huairu, maybe you don't know the lifestyle of ordinary people in Northeast China?
They have always slept on the same kang as a family!

Not as delicate as you think!

So, I advise you to stop messing around! "

Hearing Zheng San's refusal and explanation, Qin Huairu was still a little bit unwilling to give up, and then argued again, "But the conditions of Man Ting's family are relatively good, and there will be no such thing as a big family sleeping on the same kang, I'm worried that she will I can't bear this kind of suffering!"

"Qin Huairu, you don't understand what I'm saying, do you?

It's up to BangJiao and her daughter-in-law whether to eat or not.

I let Xiaodang and Huaihua live with me, I have done my best, so don't push yourself too far! Hearing Qin Huairu's stalking, Zheng San was not the previous He Fan, and said impatiently.

Hearing the resentment in Zheng San's words, Qin Huai was completely hopeless when he knew about it, and then returned to his old house with a sad face, and set up a small plank bed in a corner of the room for Jia Zhang sleep on it.

"Mom, just be patient for a few days!
Zheng San doesn't want you to live with him! "Qin Huairu comforted Jia Zhang who was on the side in a low voice.

Hearing Qin Huairu's comfort, Jia Zhang said angrily, "Hmph! Zheng San is a heartless person!

I never counted on him! "

Jia Zhang complained without scruples, Qin Huairu was worried that his new daughter-in-law Yu Manting would hear, and quickly complained in a low voice, "Mom! Keep your voice down!
Not afraid of being heard by Man Ting! "

Yu Manting asked Stickong suspiciously, "That Zheng San at the dinner table just now is your stepfather?"

"Yes! It's him!" Hearing Yu Manting's doubts, Stick said with a smile.

"But when I see his rough and fierce appearance, I feel that he is not a good talker!" Yu Manting said with emotion.

"Yes! This Zheng San is a simple-minded, well-developed idiot!
He beats people every time he moves, and I don't know how he lived to such a big age! "Hearing Yu Manting's emotion, Bang Geng said with a helpless wry smile.

"However, I have never dealt with him!

I won't have too much contact with him in the future, it doesn't matter what kind of person he is! "

"But, he is your stepfather after all!
If it really makes the relationship too stiff!
It will be hard for your mother to be caught in the middle! "Hearing what Banggen said, Yu Manting said worriedly.

Hearing Yu Manting's worries, Bang Ji didn't know, but thinking of Zheng San's stubbornness, even if he apologized himself, he would not accept his grandma Jia Zhang's living there, "Hey! Forget it!
The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge head, so let's take a step and see it! "

"Zhuzi, I heard that you have been transferred to the Archives Bureau of the capital!

Do you feel a little unhappy in your heart?
If you really don't like the Archives Bureau, I'll find a way to transfer you away! "The big leader looked at He Fan who had been busy for a long time and finally got some leisure, and asked with concern.

"No need, Uncle!

Maybe in the eyes of others, the Archives Bureau is a place for the elderly, but I think it is quite suitable for me!

This is like the difference between a guerrilla and a regular army. I used to be the deputy director of a rolling mill. It sounds like I have a lot of power, but I can only be regarded as a guerrilla who is not in the organization!

He doesn't even have the level he should have, isn't he the grass head king?
Now that I have been transferred to the Deputy Director of the Archives Bureau, I will be staffed immediately, and the rank will be set at the deputy department level!
Isn't this just making up for me, the biggest flaw! He Fan was very moved when he heard the great leader's concern for him, and then he smiled and said what was in his heart.

"Haha, I guess when Director Yang arranged my work, he must have grayed his hair because of worry!
Director Yang must have paid a heavy price for me to be assigned to the Archives Bureau! "

Hearing He Fan's speculation about Director Yang, the big leader laughed happily, and said angrily, "Haha, this little Yang! He is too thoughtful!

However, what you said makes sense, he must be too worried to eat when he arranges your work! "

"I heard that your parents-in-law have returned to their posts, why didn't you go to Shanbei Province to see it!" The wife of the chief leader looked at the happy faces of the chief leader and He Fan, and then asked suspiciously.

"Hey! It's hard to say!

I can't say why! He Fan thought of You Fengxia's subtle changes when he heard the question from the leader's wife, he suddenly sighed and said with a helpless wry smile.

The big leader and his wife are both good people, and they knew what was going on when they heard the tone of He Fan's words, but they didn't want to interfere too much, so they didn't talk about this topic again.

He Fan was really satisfied with the fact that he was transferred to the Deputy Director of the Archives Bureau, and his rank was set at the deputy department level.

Because He Fan was just an inexperienced cook when he was the deputy director of the rolling mill, and he was directly recognized by Director Li as the deputy director.

So He Fan has always known his own position. When he fired Director Li back then, He Fan was ready and ready to be a cook again.

However, thanks to the farm project's extra points and Director Nie's great efforts behind the scenes, He Fan was successfully appointed as the deputy director for several years.

After Director Yang came to power, if He Fan went to the big boss to find connections, there is a high possibility that he would be transferred back to the State Guesthouse again.

It cannot be said that the State Guest House is not good, it is just that he got used to being a leader and suddenly became a cook again. He Fan found that he couldn't accept it, so he ended up in a stalemate with Director Yang.

In the end, it really did not exceed He Fan's expectations. The anxious factory manager Yang and He Fan who were exhausted made arrangements for a good place to go.

Some people may not understand, isn't it just a place like the Archives Bureau with no future for the elderly?What's the big deal!
But you must know that the most important thing for the Chinese people is the establishment and rank, both of which are things that people are crazily fighting for. How can He Fan be exempted from the vulgarity!
Now that He Fan has an organization and a rank, he is no longer the grass-headed king he used to be, and what he does in the future will be in a different realm.

(End of this chapter)

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