Chapter 22 The Great Leader

"Boss, you're back!" Ayu asked in surprise when she saw Sha Zhu patrolling the store.

"Yes, I just came back, so I looked around! Are the last few stores okay?" Silly Zhu asked.

The matter of Fusang came to an end, and a large franchise fee and a steady stream of purchase fees were collected.

Looking at these huge sums of money, Shazhu couldn't help but lament that the money is so easy to earn!

"Business is very stable! There is not much fluctuation!" Ayu said truthfully.

"How about the franchise stores in Europe and America?" Silly Zhu asked again.

"Not ideal! I don't understand, why can't we go to Europe and the United States like Fusang franchise, and directly look for franchisees?" Ayu thought for a while and said.

Ah Yu thought that Fusang's franchise strategy was so successful, but the boss took the trouble to advertise in Hong Kong Island, looking for franchisees!Isn't it good to send people directly to Europe and the United States to find franchisees?

"It's very simple, and energy is limited! Europe and the United States are not the key areas of our company.

People on Hong Kong Island have never felt safe!So I especially like to immigrate abroad!I always think that after immigrating, I can get security!But the real situation is completely opposite. "

"Now, we are giving those Hong Kong Islanders who are determined to immigrate another sense of security!

You have to know that those who immigrated are not necessarily rich and wealthy, but more of them are middle-class families.

If they immigrate, many people may not have a domestic source of fixed income!will be forced to return to poverty!
Now our five-star noodle restaurant let them join!In this way, they have a fixed income, don't they feel more secure?And it is the most real sense of security! "Silly Zhu explained in as much detail as possible.

"The boss thinks so far!" Ayu said in admiration.

"It's better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish! If the Hong Kong people outside know what the boss thinks, they will definitely be very moved!"

Silly Zhu doesn't want to be mysterious and deep like an emperor, and his employees have to guess and speculate about everything!

Shazhu's own rank is too low to do this.

After all, his "five-star noodle restaurant" is a small sailboat!You can't attract any high-level talents, you can only cultivate talents by yourself!

Clearly let employees know their intention to be the boss, wouldn't it be better and faster to implement it!

To put it simply, Shazhu doesn't want to be too aggressive, at least not in front of his own employees.Not only will I work for you, but I will also endure your pretense, and I will not be afraid of being struck by lightning!


As usual, MCA came to the leader's house to cook at a fixed time.

Twice a week, unshakeable!Since the master left, his apprentice still persisted.

It's just because the master specially explained this before leaving.

In the past one or two years, the biggest change is that the leader's home has changed from a single-family villa to a tube building.

"Ma Hua, you are here! Has your master heard anything?" The leader's wife asked Ma Hua when she saw Ma Hua busy in the kitchen.

"Not yet! But before he left, he left me Sichuan cuisine recipes and the eating habits of the leader. I can't make mistakes." Ma Hua said with a smile.

"You master and apprentice really have a heart!" The wife of the leader said sincerely, "You don't know, when I first saw your master, I really couldn't understand his foolishness! Say something, it can choke people to death ! I wondered if he could cook! I even had a big fight with him!"

Hearing the leader's wife's words, Ma Hua, who was cooking, thought of the master's usual behavior, and laughed unconsciously, "Then you always know that he has a nickname?"

"I know! Silly Zhu, right!" said the leader's wife.

"No! That's his name, and his nickname is the God of War in the Courtyard! He hits people if he disagrees! No one in the Courtyard and the rolling mill is afraid of him messing up!" Ma Hua said with a smile.

"As soon as I entered the kitchen of the rolling mill, there was never a day when I was not beaten by him, and I have never seen him who was not jealous!"

"Haha, it's really interesting! The God of War in the courtyard! Is he good at fighting?" The leader's wife asked with a big laugh.

Hearing the laughter from the kitchen, the leader came in curiously, saw Ma Hua and said, "Twist is coming, what are you talking about funny?"

"Hello leader, we are talking about my master's nickname!" Ma Hua explained.

"Isn't Sha Zhu's nickname Sha Zhu?" the leader asked doubtfully.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Haha, no, it's the God of War in the courtyard! Interesting!" the leader's wife continued.

"The God of War in the courtyard? He is very good at fighting!?" The leader also laughed.

"Xu Damao, the projectionist in our rolling mill, you know!? He was beaten up by my master since he was a child!

The second uncle in the courtyard is an official fan, and he used to like to bully my master!But he is an elder, my master has nothing to do with him.In order to get revenge, he had to beat the second uncle's three sons!

As a result, the eldest son of the second uncle dare not go back to the courtyard!His eldest son thought that it was the second uncle looking for trouble for nothing, which caused the three of their brothers to be beaten! "Mahwa explained.

"This is not good, very bad! This is too domineering!" The leader criticized Sha Zhu, but his face was full of smiles.

"I guess it may be that my master has lived with his sister since he was a child. In order not to be bullied, he can only bully people he doesn't like!" Ma Hua thought that the leader was really criticizing his master, so he quickly explained.

"Hmm! That makes sense! A child, dragging a younger sister! This is the new society. If it was in the old society, it might have been long ago." The leader suddenly said with emotion.

"Oh, let's not talk! What delicious food are you doing today!?" The leader asked.

"The master told me before he left that you can't let you eat greasy food too often!

So today I asked someone to make some bean curd and pig's trotter buns.As for the hoof buns, I made them in clear stew!Then make some Sichuan-style dipping sauce and eat it directly! "Mahua said.

"Oh! Can you make Sichuan-style dipping sauce?" The leader asked in surprise.

"Before my master left, he specially taught me!" Ma Hua said.

"You guys have a heart!" The leader said with emotion.

Then he pretended to be angry and said, "However, this shows that Shazhu is too domineering! People can control my diet when they are not around me!"

"Twist! In a few days, we will go to the south! You don't have to run so hard to our side anymore!" The leader said suddenly.

"The work of the leader has been transferred to the south?" MCA asked.

"Yes, that is, I will leave in a few days!" The leader said.

"The leader must inform me when he returns to the capital! I'll cook for you again!" Ma Hua said.

"Okay, I will let you know when the time comes!" The leader said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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