Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 243 This is an attempt by Shazhu

Chapter 243 This is an attempt by Shazhu

On the second day, Hideshi Yoshino brought six other forestry experts to Five Star Company. In this way, Five Star Forestry Research Institute was formally established.

He Fan asked Miyamoto Musashi to go through all the legal procedures for the research institute, then he picked up the phone and called Meizi who was far away on Hong Kong Island, and asked her to discuss with relevant departments on behalf of the company. Five-star forestry experts went to Saihanba matter.

After hearing He Fan's order, Meizi was very surprised. After all, it is difficult to see commercial returns in forestry research. Generally, few businessmen are willing to get involved. Since He Fan decided, Meizi could only follow through.

The leader of the Hong Kong Island Xinhua News Agency, holding Meizi's business card in his hand, was stunned when he heard Meizi's explanation. He really felt incredible. He couldn't help thinking that this might be an illegal activity of some organization, and then He said in embarrassment, "We are very grateful for the actions of your five-star company, but the things involved here are really too troublesome! So."

"Our five-star company understands what the president means!
Our boss has already explained that there are only seven forestry experts who have entered the mainland, and there are some necessary forestry materials.

As for all experimental materials, they will also be reported in advance, and they are guaranteed not to contain any electronic equipment!
No additional security personnel are sent, all security personnel are hired from the mainland or appointed by your unit, and then our five-star company pays all expenses! "Hearing the rejection of the president of Xinhua News Agency, Meizi admired He Fan even more in her heart. She had expected the rejection of the other party, and explained directly with a smile.

Hearing Meizi's guarantee on behalf of the five-star company, the president of Xinhua News Agency was really surprised, and some doubted that he was too suspicious.

"This... This matter is not for me to decide for the time being!

I will report to my superior as soon as possible, and then reply to your company as soon as possible! "Although Meizi's conditions are very favorable, the president of Xinhua News Agency still needs to ask the leadership.

"Then please, Your Excellency the President!"

Within a few days, Meizi was notified of the approval of the president of Xinhua News Agency, and then began to prepare.

As soon as the mainland side agreed, the five-star company would hand over a huge sum of money to the mainland, and then asked the mainland to help build the camp where their five-star forestry experts were stationed.

When the seven forestry experts from Japan prepared everything, they entered the country from Hong Kong Island. The logistics materials were left at the customs for inspection, and the seven experts rushed to Saihanba first.

When they saw the newly established five-star camp, the experts all showed satisfied expressions.

"Have you heard? Not far from the Forestry Bureau, a large area of ​​buildings has been newly built. It seems that Japanese forestry experts have come to study and plant trees in our Saihanba!" A local villager suddenly said mysteriously .

"No way! Devils would be so kind? Now that our Saihanba fell into this field, it has a lot to do with their deforestation!" Another villager said angrily.

"You haven't seen that house, it's built in style! It's much better than the Forestry Bureau! I heard it was built with their own money!"

The news that Japanese forestry experts were coming to Saihanba to study and plant trees was completely spread among the nearby villagers. Yu Zhenglai from the Forestry Bureau also brought Qu He to visit the five-star forestry camp, but was stopped by the guard outside the door. down.

Yu Zhenglai and Qu He both looked at the signboard at the door with complicated expressions, and the Five Star Forestry Research Institute said, "Old Qu, it seems that we have to work harder!
Let old Chen Duo work hard, must be ahead of these guests, and plant the tree alive! "

"Yeah! I saw the supplies they sent over by themselves, including a lot of rice and "five-star instant noodles".

On the battlefield of Bangzi, whoever can seize the "five-star instant noodles" will be so excited that he can't sleep for a few days! Qu He on the side heard Yu Zhenglai's emotion, Qu He deeply felt it, and then suddenly envied the supplies of Five Star Company.

"Hehehe, it seems that the "five-star instant noodles" are produced by other five-star companies!

It's not like the supply is open for your own employees to eat! Regarding the envy in Qu He's words, Yu Zhenglai said with a disapproving smile.

"Yeah! What do you think their five-star company is up to?
I really don't know what benefits this kind of forestry research will have! "

"Hehe, if you understand! You will become a big capitalist!"

Forestry experts going to the mainland to plant trees is actually an attempt by He Fan. In the future, there will be more important majors such as agriculture and industry. He even wants to try to build factories in China. Of course, now is definitely the most difficult time.

After finishing the work of the Five Star Forestry Research Institute, He Fan once again set his sights on his Five Star Company. The current Five Star already has a Five Star Noodle Restaurant, a Five Star Instant Noodle Factory, a Five Star Machinery Manufacturing Factory, and a Five Star Shipping Company. It's scaled up.

In a year or two, he had such a huge career, in fact, He Fan was quite satisfied.

In the next two or three years, there will be a period of the Bangzi War, but his own instant noodles can rely on this war to earn a lot of money for himself. He Fan will not consider disclosing the patent of instant noodles until the Bangzi ceases the war.

At that time, I can consider other investments again. Of course, I have thought about returning to China now, but it is really not a good time, and there will be a lot of trouble.

In 1954, Tokyo.

This year, He Fan has finally come of age, he has already grown up, and after many years of nutritional supplements, He Fan is no longer the rough man in the capital city of his previous life. Instead, after years of experience in business, he has acquired some unique temperament.

Maybe He Daqing might not be able to recognize him in front of his father He Daqing now, let alone the neighbors in the courtyard, maybe in their hearts, maybe He Fan is long gone now!

After all, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child would really have a hard time surviving when he ran away from home alone during the war-torn period. In the current courtyard, few people mention the silly pillars at the beginning, just like the courtyard There's never been a person like this before.

The Five Star Forestry Research Institute was very successful. In [-], Hideshi Yoshino returned to Tokyo, and when he saw He Fan, he apologized bitterly, saying that they had wasted more than two years and got nothing, and felt very sorry. He Fan's support.

After two years of development, the Forestry Research Institute is no longer the original seven forestry experts. He Fan also hired some forestry experts from Europe and the United States. He would not make a move easily. By [-], the Five Star Forestry Research Institute also had [-] to [-] forestry experts.

Their work has long been no longer limited to Saihanba, and they often go to various domestic colleges and universities to disseminate professional knowledge. The current five-star forestry research institute camp, after several expansions, has become a place where five-star experts gather. land.

There are not only forestry experts, but also agricultural and industrial experts. Their job is to teach domestic technology hand in hand. Without the defensiveness at the beginning, the two sides get along more harmoniously.

Even though they are very puzzled about the purpose of the five-star company, it still does not prevent the domestic leaders from being happy about the private technical support of the five-star company.

(End of this chapter)

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