Chapter 264
1962, Beijing.

In the morning, Qin Huairu saw that He Daqing next door had locked the door before going to work. He knew that he hadn't let him take advantage of him, so he was a little angry.

Over the years, He Fan has sent a lot of food to his cheap father He Daqing and younger sister He Yushui.

Like five-star instant noodles and ham sausage, they are all open for supply.

In fact, the two children of Qinhuai Ru's family and her wicked mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, were indirectly benefited. As for Xiaohuaihua, she can't walk yet!
Especially the stick stem, who often ran to He Daqing's room to rummage through.

When He Daqing saw the behavior of the stick, because he wanted to please Qin Huairu, he always ignored it. Now that the door was suddenly locked, Jia Zhang and the two children were completely blinded and anxious.

"Huai Ru, what happened to He Daqing today? Why did you lock the door suddenly!"

"Hey! Mom, his own door, if he wants to lock it, let others lock it!" Qin Huairu was a little angry when seeing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's questioning knowingly.

"What? Where is the stick going to eat ham sausage and instant noodles?

Huai Ru, did you offend He Daqing?
Quickly admit his mistake!
Let him open the door quickly! "Jia Zhang stared, and ordered Qin Huairu to say angrily.

"Mom, if He Daqing wants me to marry him, are you willing?" Qin Huairu said angrily.

"Ah? He Daqing, an old pervert, actually thinks this way?
I think he is a fool! "Jia Zhang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Huai Ru, stay away from this He Daqing in the future! Let's not eat his ham!"

Although Jia Zhang is greedy and loves to take advantage, but if he wants to exchange his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu's body, he will not agree.

The stick on the side heard the conversation between grandma Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu, who was already eight or nine years old, and couldn't accept it at all, "I don't want it! I want to eat ham sausage!

Don't let me eat He Daqing's ham sausage, then go out and buy it for me! "

"Ouch, my precious grandson!
There are no ham sausages and instant noodles sold outside!
Where did you ask grandma to buy it for you? "Jia Zhang said in a difficult way.

"Impossible! Grandma, you are lying!
Why did Silly Zhu buy so much and give it back to He Daqing and that silly water! "

"Oh, who knows where Shazhu brought it back from the south!
Anyway, there is no capital city!

Good boy, let's take Xiaodang sister out to play! "

Seeing that he really couldn't eat ham sausage, he was very sad, so he had to take his younger sister Xiaodang out to play.

Looking at the backs of Bang Geng and Xiao Dang, Jia Zhang said with a wry smile, "Hey! What should I do?
The stick's mouth has been fed up by He Daqing!
Now that the doors are locked, there will definitely be no lunch boxes in the future!

Every day, the stick noodles are stuffed buns, what a job! "

1983, Beijing.

He Fan brought Ah Hong back from Hong Kong Island, and the two children stayed on Hong Kong Island, with Ah Hong's mother taking care of them. He Fan and Ah Hong felt at ease, and finally they could spend a few days in their world together.

However, He Fan also brought back Zhou Huimin's mother and daughter. As soon as they returned to the capital, He Fan sent them to the Capital Conservatory of Music.

In fact, in He Fan's view, Zhong Chuhong and Zhou Huimin's family backgrounds are very similar, they both belong to the kind of children from poor families who are already in charge of the family!

It's just that Zhong Chuhong is a little bit luckier. She has a complete family. Seeing that Zhou Huimin's mother and daughter have a good future, He Fan feels a sense of accomplishment.

Without the noise of the two children at home, He Fan really feels that life is so leisurely,

Lying alone on a deck chair in the yard, basking in the sun leisurely, enjoying a comfortable time.

But before he had a good time, he saw his cheap sister He Yushui walking in in a hurry.

"Brother, you still don't care about your nephew!"

"He Yushui, what's wrong with you?
Shout out as soon as you walk in!

Get out of here! "Looking at He Yushui in front of him, He Fan lost his patience.

He Yushui had never seen his brother treat him like this before, and He Yushui was completely bewildered, standing there a little timidly.

Hearing the movement, Ah Hong hurried out to check the situation, then gave He Fan a blank look, and comforted He Yushui, "Yushui, if you have anything, just tell me!
Don't talk to your brother! "

"Hmph!" He Fan didn't say anything after hearing Ah Hong's words.

He Yushui secretly glanced at his elder brother He Fan, and quickly explained to Ah Hong, "Sister-in-law, I want to change your nephew to a better junior high school!

My little police officer is usually too busy and has no time. I just want to see if you and your brother can do anything! "

"Can't you talk about something?

Do you have to yell as soon as you walk in?

Your small family is busy, you can understand him!

How did it come to me as an older brother, as if I owed you! He Fan complained angrily after hearing He Yushui's explanation.

"I, I won't do it next time!" He Yushui also realized what was wrong, and said hesitantly.

"Go back to your house!

It's just this shit, if you do it again next time, believe it or not, I'll slap you! "

"Ah? Brother, can you help your nephew?"

"Silly Yushui, your brother agreed! My brother means that this matter is very simple!" A Hong who was on the side saw He Yushui who was foolish, shook her head and said with a wry smile.

"Ah! That's great! Then I'll go home and wait for your news!"

"Wait for the rain, I brought you some presents from Hong Kong Island!
It just so happens that you're here, so I don't have to send it to you specially! Seeing that He Yushui was about to leave, Ah Hong hurriedly stopped her.

Soon Ah Hong took out a lot of things from the house and handed them to He Yushui. Seeing so many gifts, He Yushui immediately said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, so many things? What are they?"

"Hehe, they are all specialties from Hong Kong Island, as well as abalone, sea cucumber and bird's nest!
By the way, you can do these things, right? "

"Yes! Of course I will!

There are many seafood dishes in Tanjia Cuisine!

Although neither my dad nor my brother taught me specifically, I have learned a lot! "

Seeing the back of He Yushui leaving happily, He Fan shook his head helplessly, "My younger sister has never respected me since she was a child!
There is really nothing to do with her! "

"Then brother, you can't scold her directly!
About the nephew, brother, what are you going to do? "

"It's very simple, just call Lou Xiao'e and ask her to donate a batch of desks to Dongzhimen Middle School!

Tell the school about the situation and it will be resolved! "

"Then I'll leave her to make a call now, by the way, do you want her to come back for dinner tonight?" Ah Hong hurriedly got up to make arrangements, and then suggested.

"No need! While the child is not at home, let's spend a few days in the world of two people!

Why let her have a light bulb! He Fan didn't even have to think about it, he just refused.

(End of this chapter)

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