Chapter 33 Repayment
Ah Hong gave birth to a pair of twins, but Sha Zhu was overjoyed.

Seeing Ah Hong looking at her child lovingly, Sha Zhu was very happy.

Without He Xiao in this world, he had two children all of a sudden.

I named them He Xu and He Jing.

Mentioning He Xiao, Sha Zhu unconsciously thought of Lou Xiaoe, who hadn't contacted her for many years, wondering what happened to their Lou family? !
For so many years, I have been really busy and haven't contacted Lou's family.

In fact, Silly Zhu still somewhat complained about the Lou family's defense against him, and that feeling was really uncomfortable.

Forget it, it's been so long, there's no need to pay too much attention to it.

If you care too much, you will only appear to be too stingy.

I have to get in touch myself!After all, his starting capital has not yet been returned to Lou's family.

I came again to my first stop on Hong Kong Island, Lou's house.

Silly Zhu sighed in his heart.

"Uncle Lou, long time no see! Do you still remember me!?" Seeing Father Lou on the hospital bed, Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Are you silly?" Father Lou said, looking at the familiar face in front of him in surprise.

"Silly Zhu, you finally came to see me, an old man! You finally don't hate me anymore!" Lou's father burst into tears and said.

"Uncle Lou, resentment is really out of the question! At most, it's an old rivalry with you!

I always think that you looked down on me at the beginning, and then you want to look like a human being outside, and then come back to shake your prestige in front of you! "Silly Zhu joked with a smile.

Hearing Shazhu's tone, he didn't look like he hated himself, so he asked suspiciously, "Shazhu, you really don't hate me?"

"I really don't hold any grudges! Without your encouragement, I wouldn't be where I am today!" Sha Zhu said sincerely.

Feeling Shazhu's sincerity, Lou's father finally smiled and said with relief, "Okay! That's great! Shake my old man with me and see how high that silly Zhu I know has reached!"

"Five-star!" Silly Zhu didn't say much, just said two simple words with a smile.

"What? Five-star?" Lou's father and Lou's mother beside him were surprised.

"Yes, that's right! The Five Star Group is my Shazhu's industry!" Shazhu said proudly.

"Silly Zhu, don't lie to Uncle Lou, you are cowardly!" Father Lou said in disbelief.

Seeing Shazhu's still smiling expression, both Lou's father and Lou's mother confirmed the fact.

"How did you do it?" Lou's father and Lou's mother exchanged glances, seeing the shock in their respective eyes, and then asked suspiciously.

"What's more, it keeps spinning like a top every day. So, for more than ten years, I haven't had time to contact you! It's my fault, I'm late!" Silly Zhu grabbed Father Lou's hand, Sincere apology said.

"Son, it's not your fault, it's us!" Lou's mother cried with regret when she remembered what the Lou family did back then.

According to their knowledge for so many years, it was because of Lou Xiaoe that Sha Zhu abandoned everything in the capital and came to Hong Kong Island without hesitation.

Some misunderstandings are really hard to explain.

The terrible thing is that sometimes the more you try to explain, the more counterproductive it may be.

This is probably getting darker and darker!

Therefore, Sha Zhu simply stopped talking about this topic.

Silly Zhu deliberately changed the topic and said, "Is Xiao'e doing well in the past few years!?"

"Not good! Not good at all! She went to Hong Kong University for three years, and then met a man named Chen!

The two have worked hard together for many years, and they have earned some money, but the one surnamed Chen suddenly changed his mind!Some time ago, the two also divorced!There are two boys left! "Mother Lou explained.

"Auntie, take it easy, most marriages are unsatisfactory! This is very normal!" Silly Zhu said with an open mind.

"What about you, silly Zhu? Are you married?" Mother Lou suddenly looked at silly Zhu nervously and asked.

At this moment, Lou's mother suddenly wanted to hear Sha Zhu saying that she was not married.

Then, her own daughter can find true happiness.

"Auntie, I'm married! I got married in 79!" Sha Zhu said with a smile.

"Your wife must be very beautiful!?" Mother Lou first let out a disappointed expression, and then asked with a forced smile.

"It's okay!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Seeing Shazhu's happy smile, Lou's father and Lou's mother knew that each other must be very beautiful!

"Shazhu's vision has always been high, otherwise he wouldn't have been single until now before getting married!" Father Lou said with a smile.

"Uncle Lou, Auntie, I'm here to repay the money you lent me back then! It's 200 million!" Shazhu took out the check he had prepared a long time ago, and said, "Back then, the money that Xiao'e gave me I also sold silver jewelry for 168 million!"

"As for the check, you should take it back! It's what you deserve! It's also our kindness to you." Father Lou didn't accept the check, but said.

"Back then, if it weren't for your news, which made our Lou family leave, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"How can this work? Back then, I just provided some news! It's not that kind of kindness!" Sha Zhu said shaking his head.

Seeing that both of them were unwilling to accept, Sha Zhu said, "Since you don't want it, then let Lou Xiao'e come to work in our company! If she is qualified to be the general manager of Five Star Group, I will give her 5.00% of Five Star shares as a dividend!"

"Then how can it be!" Lou's father and Lou's mother said as they looked at each other with bright eyes.

"Second elder, don't refuse, just listen to me!" Silly Zhu said, "Now that the mainland policy has changed dramatically, I will gradually focus on the capital! That is to say, I don't have much energy and stay on Hong Kong Island! But I Need a trustworthy helper, Xiao'e is really the right person!"

"With her help, I will be much more relaxed!"

"But, Xiao'e has passed! Does your wife mind?" Both Lou's father and Lou's mother were moved and said in bewilderment.

"No! In the future, I will bring my wife back to the capital, and I plan to arrange a job for her in the capital! She will be happy to have someone reliable to help me!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile.

In the end, Silly Zhu met Lou Xiaoe who came back.

"Stupid? It's really you? I can't believe it! After so many years, you haven't changed at all! How do you take care of yourself?" Lou Xiao'e was surprised by her bones and her brain circuits. All different from others.

"I'm a big man, what maintenance do I need! Brother, this is a natural thing!" Sha Zhu said angrily.

"Cut! Pull it! Who doesn't know who, aren't you that rough guy in the capital? You were born! You're a liar!" Lou Xiao'e also said angrily.

"I came here this time to invite you to my five-star job! How about it? Do you want to?" Silly Zhu said straight to the point.

"What position do you plan to give me?" Lou Xiao'e said with a smile.

"The first is the vice president of the group. After getting familiar with the situation of the group, it may be the general manager! It all depends on your own performance! And after becoming the general manager, there will be a 5.00% share dividend!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Such a good condition, of course I agreed!" Lou Xiaoe said with a smile.

After arranging everything on Hong Kong Island and seeing the smooth birth of my child, I finally calmed down!
In this way, Sha Zhu took the plane again and returned to the capital.

This time, Sha Zhu did not take Ah Hong back to the capital.

After all, she had just given birth, and she still had to stay on Hong Kong Island with peace of mind.

Seeing the five-star hotel rising from the ground, Shazhu feels relaxed and happy for a while.

This is the cornerstone of my own capital.

 When you are weak, you are surrounded by wicked people who are cautious; when you are strong, the people around you become good people.If Lou Xiaoe and Sha Zhu still had a relationship, with He Xiao, Sha Zhu followed Lou's family to Hong Kong Island, and in the end, he would become Sha Zhu again and be sent away by Lou's family!this is the truth!
(End of this chapter)

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