Chapter 38 The Wrangler

Silly Zhu took Ah Hong directly by plane and came to the magic capital.

It is said to be an audition, but it is actually just a formality.

After all, I am now the legendary father of the funder, and there is almost no resistance to the actor I recommend, let alone my wife who is the funder.

At the movie theater in Shanghai, I met the legendary Director Xie, "Director Xie, hello, I'm He Yuzhu! This is my wife, Zhong Chuhong!"

"Ah Hong, this is Director Xie, you must follow Director Xie's request to shoot every detail."

"Director Xie, hello!" Ah Hong also greeted Director Xie with a smile.

"Mr. He, I have something, I'm curious! Are you so confident about this drama? You paid such a high price!" Director Xie couldn't help asking the question in his heart.

"Actually, to be precise, I have confidence in you, Director Xie." Shazhu thought for a while and then smiled and said, "I'm not an upstart! After paying such a high price, I just can't watch the decline of domestic movies. My idea is that the moon is round in a foreign country, and things are good in a foreign country! Foreign shooting techniques and equipment are very good, and we also need to learn the concept! However, we cannot abandon ourselves for the sake of learning!"

"To put it bluntly, I just want to make some contributions to domestic films! Let foreigners also see the charm of Chinese films!"

"Mr. He can really help this film to be released globally? You know, it is very difficult for a domestic film!" Director Xie asked another question.

"In Asia, Shaw's influence is still very strong! The trouble is in Europe and the United States, but my people are already taking action! The problem should not be a big problem!" Sha Zhu said confidently.

"Thank you very much, Mr. He, for your trust in me, my old Xie will definitely do my best to make a good film!" Director Xie said happily.

At this time, Director Xie saw a strange woman behind Ah Hong, and asked suspiciously, "Who is this lady?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce. This is the assistant I hired for my wife Ahong. Isn't this going to the Chilechuan pastoral area to shoot soon? My wife is not familiar with the mainland, let alone the pastoral area. I didn't even go Yes! There is an assistant who is familiar with the pastoral environment next to me, so I can rest assured!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile.

Director Xie is not someone who has never seen the world. One look at this assistant, he is not an ordinary person. He walks like a model soldier!A female soldier is rare in this era!It seems that Mr. He loves his wife very much!
In the crew, Shazhu met several main creative personnel, not only Zhu Shimao and Niu Ben, but also Cong Shan by accident!
It's just that when this beautiful woman saw Sha Zhu and Ah Hong, her face was not her face, her nose was not her nose.

It seems that Cong Shan couldn't let go of losing this opportunity, and she is still watching the opportunity!It's no wonder that whether it's the movie theater in Shanghai or Director Xie, it will fascinate people!

Ah Hong saw the difference in Cong Shan's attitude, and asked Sha Zhu strangely, "Brother, this beauty, did you have a festival?"

"Eh? It's a holiday? It's a big holiday! She was kicked away by you, Cong Shan, the heroine of this show!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile.

"Ah? Then why is she still on the set?" Ah Hong was surprised, and then asked suspiciously.

"Don't give up! There are few filming opportunities in the mainland, and it's still such a big production! I won't say anything else, you should understand it!" Sha Zhu said.

"I know!" Ah Hong suddenly realized.

"Don't worry about the rest! Just make this movie! Also, Sister Liu appears to be an assistant, but is actually your bodyguard! She is a serious veteran of the female special forces team, and everything must be consulted with Sister Liu in advance. Agree, do you understand?" Sha Zhu couldn't bear to see Ah Hong, so he asked in a solemn tone on purpose.

This Sister Liu, who has ruined a lot of silly thoughts, is of course the big leader please.

After talking about the situation with the big leader, the other party also agreed with his carefulness, and then contacted this ugly super female soldier king, Sister Liu!
In the evening, Sha Zhu took Ah Hong to a dinner organized by the director of the movie theater in Shanghai.

"Mr. He, I have been admiring you for a long time!" The director of Modu Cinema greeted Shazhu with a smile and said.

"Hello, director! Nice to meet you!" Sha Zhu also smiled and stretched out his hands, then pointed to Ah Hong and said, "This is my wife, Zhong Chuhong!"

"Ms. Zhong, hello!"

"Firemaster, hello!"

After everyone was seated, after drinking for three rounds, the director said, "I heard from Director Xie that Mr. He has great ideas for domestic films!?"

"I have some humble opinions! I don't dare to show off in front of you masters!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Mr. He, you are being polite, your Shaw Brothers is very important in the whole of Asia!" the manager said complimentingly.

"Hey! It's all the people below! I'm not in charge!" Sha Zhu shook his head and said.

"Mr. He, you are too modest! Being able to control the Shaw Brothers represents the strength of Mr. He!"

"Next, we have an important project at the Shanghai Film Studio. I wonder if Mr. He is interested in it!?" The director introduced with a smile.

"Oh? What project?" Silly Zhu asked suspiciously.

"A garland on a high mountain! A war movie!" the director said nervously.

Hearing the title of this drama, Sha Zhu almost jumped up excitedly!
Forcibly suppressing his excitement, he said casually, "Oh! A war movie? Hong Kong Island has never made such a movie! I don't know much about it! However, since it is a war movie, there are very few female roles in it!"

"Although there are few female characters in war movies, there are still some in this movie, but there are a few scenes! Of course, we can add more scenes!" The director hurriedly said nervously.

"Adding drama randomly, I personally dislike it! Although I don't know war movies, if Director Xie still directs, I will vote with confidence!" Silly Zhu looked at Director Xie at the side with a smile, and turned to the director. Said.

Hearing that Shazhu agreed to invest, the director immediately said excitedly, "Coincidentally! The chosen director is Director Xie!"

"Since there are few female roles, the investment in this garland under the mountain cannot be as harsh as this time's Wrangler!" Sha Zhu said bluntly.

The director of Modu Films also knew about investing in "Wrangler", and he was too harsh on Sha Zhu, so he promised with some embarrassment, "Of course, we will discuss the details later!"

Several people clinked their glasses excitedly and drank it all in one gulp.

"Brother, do you also like this wreath under the mountain!?" Ah Hong asked with a smile.

"Well, the one who understands me best is your good wife! To be honest, you are really my lucky star! I am just wondering how to win this drama! I didn't expect to be so lucky! It is completely free Work!" Silly Zhu kissed Ah Hong on the face, and happily explained.

"There are no war films on Hong Kong Island! And if this film is finished and released globally, the impact may be even better! Although the role of women is not important, if you participate in the role, the effect will be very good!"

"Well! Brother, I'll listen to you!" Ah Hong said obediently.

Ah Hong and the "Wrangler" crew set off to Chilechuan Ranch for filming.

Sha Zhu also returned to the capital with the long-awaited "garland on the mountain" investment contract.

(End of this chapter)

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