Chapter 61 Kindness
After eating, the three separated, and Sha Zhu drove home with Ah Hong.

"Brother! Are we really not going back to the old courtyard later?" Ah Hong asked while looking at the silly Zhu who was driving.

"I just said it yesterday, I really won't go back! There are too many troubles in the courtyard! Last time I helped Bang Chang learn to drive, I did my best! I'm afraid that Qin Huairu will let her two daughters go again in a few days. Xiao Dang and Huai Hua came to beg us to find a job! Then we will be in a difficult situation!" Silly Zhu said helplessly.

"Probably not! We didn't directly come forward about the matter of Banggeng, Qin Huairu should know what we mean, right?" Ah Hong said uncertainly.

"I thought so too at the beginning, but you don't know these neighbors well, so it's not enough to take advantage of them!

Actually, it's my fault too!Living alone on Hong Kong Island for so many years, I miss the life in the old courtyard house!This time I came back and I had enough fun! "Silly Zhu said with a wry smile.

"It's no wonder brother, after all, you are alone in Hong Kong Island with no relatives! It's normal to miss your relatives and neighbors! Besides, your courtyard is really lively! If you don't have those troubles, it's actually quite good to live in. !” Ah Hong said distressedly.

From meeting Sha Zhu for the first time to marrying him at the age of 19, Ah Hong knew all about the hardships Sha Zhu experienced.

"From now on, try not to care about the old courtyard house! Just live our lives well!" Silly Zhu said.

"No matter who comes to you, you will push the matter on me!"

"Next time I see rain, I will also tell her not to let her get involved in the mess in the courtyard!"

"Okay, I see!" Ah Hong said.

"Brother, do you think Lou Xiao'e and Sister Lou will go to see Xu Damao when she returns to the capital this time?" Ah Hong asked curiously.

"No! What Lou Xiaoe hates the most is Xu Damao! It is Xu Damao who is infertile, but he often beats Lou Xiaoe. On the contrary, Lou Xiaoe is barren! He often gets involved with other women behind Lou Xiaoe's back! Don't you think it's annoying? !” Silly Zhu said with a sneer.

"Then will Xu Damao come to harass Sister Lou?" Ah Hong asked again.

"No way! Xu Damao is cowardly and cheap! He has no guts!" Sha Zhu said with a smile, "But what you said reminded me that Lou Xiao'e should be assigned a reliable driver.

In any case, the Lou family is our family's great benefactor. If it weren't for the Lou family lending me nearly 200 million Hong Kong dollars as the starting capital!It's really hard to say what I am now! "

"Besides, Lou Xiao'e is also an employee of our family now, and her safety really needs to be paid attention to."

"It turns out that the Lou family is so righteous, no wonder my elder brother wants to give Lou Xiao'e 5.00% of the shares!" Ah Hong said.

Silly Zhu looked at Ah Hong, and explained with a smile, "At the beginning, I went to pay back the 200 million Hong Kong dollars to their family, but Lou's father and Lou's mother were unwilling to accept it. In desperation, I thought of letting Lou Xiao'e work in Wuxing, and then Giving Lou Xiaoe 5.00% of the shares! It can be regarded as repaying the kindness that their family showed me at the beginning!"

"You can imagine, without the 200 million Hong Kong dollars, I can only work in Hong Kong Island! No matter how good my cooking skills are, it will be difficult to earn start-up capital quickly!

In fact, if the Lou family did not agree to lend me the money, I might not have gone to Hong Kong Island!Because there is no funds, it is useless to go there, it is better to stay in the capital and be an ordinary idiot! "

Qin Huairu is responsible for the uncle's current meals.

When I came to Qinhuai Ru's house, seeing that the food was ready, the uncle said happily, "I heard Xiao Dang said that Bang Geng got his driver's license?"

"Yes! Grandpa! Now I don't have to worry about his work anymore!" Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"That's a happy event! Xiao Dang, go and get the bottle of wine from my house! We gave it a drink today, and it's a celebration!" the old man said to Xiao Dang with a smile.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Xiao Dang finished, and ran to get the wine.

"Has the specific work of Bang Geng been settled?" the uncle saw Xiao Dang coming back with the wine, and then asked.

"Not yet, but as long as you have a driver's license, it's easy to find a job!" Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"That's right! Drivers are very popular now!" the uncle said, "But if you want to work in a rolling mill, I can go to the factory leader to talk about it with my driver's license!"

"Master, I don't need it for now! I want to look for it myself first!" Bang Geng refused.

Bang prefers to work for a private boss, so that it is easier to make money.

"Alright, if you want to enter the rolling mill! I'll go and talk about it for you! Even though I'm retired now! I still have some face!" The old man said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir!" Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"By the way, Huai Ru! How is the relationship between you and Sha Zhu recently? Has it eased?" The uncle asked suddenly again.

"No, it's still the same!" Qin Huairu said.

"Hey! This stupid Zhu has been out for so many years, and he has learned badly! He is becoming more and more selfish, only thinking about himself, and not thinking about others at all!" The old man said angrily.

"Grandpa, let's eat! Don't mention silly things! Disgusting!" Jia Zhang suddenly said.

Li Haiwang's recent days are getting more and more comfortable.

Times have changed dramatically since The Wind Rises ended!My life in the rolling mill was getting more and more difficult, and I was often excluded.

I went into business in a fit of anger, but I didn't expect that I took another step in the right direction, and quickly made a lot of money, which can be regarded as a fortune.

As soon as this person has money, he wants to show off in front of his acquaintances.

Didn't he suddenly think of Liu Lan today, I heard that she is working in the five-star hotel now.

"Liu Lan! You didn't expect it! I went into business, and I'm still doing well! Regret it now!" King Li Hai found Liu Lan and said drunkenly.

"I just made some money! What's the big deal! It's like a big boss!" Liu Lan said sarcastically.

"Tell you, Liu Lan! All I have is money now! You'd better be polite to me, or I'll let your five-star boss fire you! By then you won't even have tears. You must have thought a lot about this job. Find a way!" Li Haiwang said while raising his hands.

"Take off your dirty hands!" Liu Lan opened the dirty hands stretched out by King Li Hai and cursed.

"Fire me! Do you know the five-star boss? Stop bragging here!"

"Why don't I know your five-star boss, you know, I often come to Five-Star for dinner! Believe it or not, I will ask your boss to fire you right now!" King Li Hai said sternly.

"Joke! Our boss is a fool, He Yuzhu, the cook in the canteen of the rolling mill! Didn't you say you knew him? Did you know him when you went to see him?!" Liu Lan said mockingly, then turned and left.

"What?" King Li Hai was stunned, and after thinking for a long time, he remembered that silly pillar from before.

"He Yuzhu is now the owner of a five-star hotel!?"

(End of this chapter)

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