Chapter 66
Silly Zhu didn't know about the conspiracy between the three elders of the courtyard house and Qin Huairu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and even if he knew, he would only treat it as a joke.

Now that I am rich, it doesn't mean that I will cater to others unconditionally.

Leaving the capital city and arriving on Hong Kong Island, for more than ten years, I really felt lonely by myself, and I missed the excitement of the courtyard house, but after all these years, they still did their own thing!It really chilled Silly Zhu's hot enthusiasm.

With Lou Xiao'e's assistance, things in the capital are gradually on the right track. The Wrangler is about to be released, and I need to go to Hong Kong Island to solve some things.

"Ah Hong, I'm going to Hong Kong Island tomorrow. The negotiations for the merger of the Five Star Cinemas and Anyuan Cinemas are over, and I'll be back to sign the contract!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"That's really great, the Jiang brothers are so difficult, they are finally willing to bow their heads!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"Yes! Negotiations are very difficult! Why don't you come back to Hong Kong Island with me! Just to see our children and your parents!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Hearing what Shazhu said, Ah Hong was a little moved, but after thinking about the work, she said, "Forget it, the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala have entered a critical moment, and it would be a pity to leave now! Anyway, I will send my parents and my family next year." The child is here! There is plenty of time!"

"Don't worry, your hard work today will be rewarded handsomely in the future! After a few years, you will reach a high position, and when you look back now, you will find that this is not a problem!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"After finishing the work, I will try my best to go back to the capital! In the next few days, I will let Lou Xiao'e stay with you in the courtyard, or you can stay with Lou Xiao'e in a five-star hotel!" Silly Zhu arranged.

"Brother, your idea is really good!" Ah Hong said happily.

On Hong Kong Island, Shazhu first inspected the branches of [-] five-star noodle restaurants. He was really happy to see that the business of the noodle restaurants is still booming!
Although the income of the five-star noodle restaurant can no longer catch up with the benefits of the five-star food factory and Fotai's beverage factory, this is the root of Shazhu's start-up, and it is incomparable to other projects in terms of emotion!
When he came to the headquarters of the Five Star Group, seeing the Jiang brothers waiting for him, Sha Zhu immediately said with a smile, "Mr. Dajiang and Mr. Xiaojiang, we are finally a family! I am so happy today!"

"It is also an honor for us two brothers to work with Mr. He!" Mr. Ojiang also said with a smile.

The negotiation work has long been over, and I just signed a sign when I came here. I saw the newly established five-star theater chain written in the contract. The five-star group holds 60.00% of the shares, the Jiang brothers hold 30.00% of the shares, and the other 5.00% belongs to the theater. LINE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT!

Silly Zhu signed his name with satisfaction, and from now on, the five-star theater chain will be officially established!

"Mr. Dajiang, we are a family now, so I'll just say something straight! I'm not too specific about business! As long as you don't be petty like Mr. Shao!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Also, we must not be too harsh on the film company, and there must be no wrangling in the repayment! What we five-star do is reputation. With word of mouth, we can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry of Hong Kong Island! As for a good script, Our Five Stars can also invest!"

"Don't worry, Mr. He, we two brothers will definitely do a good job in the five-star theater chain!" Da Jiang and Xiao Jiang looked at each other and said with a smile.

"Well, as the first launch of the five-star theater chain, I have high hopes for Wrangler! So you must do a good job in screening!" Shazhu said.

"How is the relationship with Jiahe? Has Mr. Zou agreed to the screening?"

"Mr. Zou agreed, and he also expressed his desire to meet Mr. He!" Da Jiang said with a smile.

"There are a lot of things going on recently. It's still at the premiere of the Wrangler. Let's see you again!" Sha Zhu thought for a while and said.

"Okay! I got it! We have already negotiated about the release in Europe and America. As for Southeast Asia and Fusang, Shaw Brothers reported that they have also negotiated!" Da Jiang said proactively.

"That's good! This is the Chilechuan folk song that I rushed to produce in the capital. You can use it in the pre-promotion! If the effect is good, it will be sent to the area where the Wrangler is shown, and it will also be added to the pre-promotion." Silly Zhu took out a Handed the demo of Chilechuan folk songs to the Jiang brothers, and said.

"Mr. He, I have a question. I don't know if it's appropriate to ask?" Mr. Ojiang asked hesitantly.

"Oh, it's okay! Tell me!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Why does Mr. He value this Wrangler so much!? There is such a big move!" Da Jiang asked suspiciously.

"Let me tell you this! My wife Zhong Chuhong participated in this Wrangler, but if she only acts in this movie in her life, I think it is enough! Do you understand? This is a movie that is enough for an actor The movie of a lifetime." Silly Zhu explained.

Hearing Shazhu's explanation, the Jiang brothers knew what they were going to do next.

After finishing his work, Shazhu finally had time to go home.

Ah Hong's parents are not used to the life in the villa, and they still return to the old house, but Sha Zhu's original house is given to them to live in!

In this way, the whole family can finally live!

When he got home and saw He Xu and He Jing who no longer knew him, Sha Zhu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

This kiss, that hug, scares the child into tears.

But Shazhu laughed happily.

Ah Hong's parents looked at all this with a smile, and quickly picked up the two children, and only then stopped the children from crying.

I saw the children lying on the shoulders of their grandparents, staring at the villain in front of them with wide eyes.

"Zhuzi! Why didn't Ahong come back with you!?" Ahong's father asked, "Her mother and I miss her a little bit!"

"She joined a working group at CCTV, and now she is about to enter the final stage, and she cannot leave for now! When the two children are older next year, I will come back and take you to the capital. From now on, we can see each other every day!" Silly smile explained.

"Then what about your younger brother and two younger sisters going to school?" Ah Hong's father asked suspiciously.

"You can contact the schools in the capital city. You should know that the schools in the capital city have the best teaching resources in the country. You can rest assured!" Silly Zhu explained with a smile.

"That's good!" Ah Hong's parents felt relieved.

"Then Zhuzi, how many days are you going to stay in Hong Kong this time?" Ah Hong's mother asked.

"Go back to the capital tomorrow! The matter of Hong Kong Island has already been done today, that is, some signing matters!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Then Ah Hong is alone in the capital, are you okay?" Ah Hong's mother asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I arranged for our five-star vice president Lou Xiao'e and Ah Hong to be my companions, you should have met last time!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Oh! I remembered, it was her family who brought you to Hong Kong Island, right!" Ah Hong's mother thought for a while and said.

"Yes, that's her!" Silly Zhu said.

 The code word code is dizzy, and I need everyone's big recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, collections, and comments to encourage.

(End of this chapter)

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