Chapter 8
In the end, Lou Xiaoe did not divorce Xu Damao either.

Even her own reminder, she didn't take it to heart, it seemed that she was acting like a villain again.

Since the last meeting of the whole courtyard, there have been rumors in the courtyard that he is not authentic, that if he cannot get a wife, he expects others to divorce, and those in good courtyards who have new wives are wary of themselves.

What frustrates Shazhu the most is that even Lou Xiaoe looks weird at herself, and tries to avoid herself when she sees her.

The pickpocketing in the courtyard did not affect my mood. After all, no matter what, life still has to go on.

Thinking of the reminder from my aunt a few days ago, I haven't seen the old lady in the backyard for a long time.

Thinking of the old lady, I realized that I haven't eaten meat for a long time.

When I came to the cheap room, I spent two yuan and bought a roast duck.

On the way home, suddenly a child came out from the side, blocking his way.

Looking up, it turned out to be Xiaobaiyan Wolfstick Geng.

"Boy, you want to fight, right?!" Sha Zhu said jokingly.

He actually hated Stick Geng, but after all, he was still a 12-year-old child, and it was a bit of a shame to start a fight with a child.

"Shazhu, you dare to hit me! You will regret it! I want to introduce someone to you, you should thank me!" Bang Geng said arrogantly without being afraid of Shazhu.

Bang Geng's arrogant tone completely made Silly Zhu laugh.

"Heh! What? You introduced someone to me, boy! Did you steal someone's wine, and then came here to fight with me?" Silly Zhu said with a sneer.

"Silly Zhu, don't you want to chase after Teacher Ran from our school? If I bring her over to give you a blind date, you'll pay my tuition, how about that?" Bang Geng said.

"Boy, have you heard nonsense? Be careful, I will beat you up!" Silly Zhu said.

Only then did I remember that there was a scene in the TV series where I paid tuition fees, and I almost forgot about it.

"Hmph! Silly Zhu, I'm already an adult! I know everything about the courtyard! The third master said to introduce you, but he didn't! If you want to know Teacher Ran, you have to watch me!" Said, turned and ran away.

"Hey! Are all the brats so arrogant these days? Does your family know that you are so arrogant?" Silly Zhu looked at Bang Geng who ran away, sighed, and left.

"Hey, that's not right! Brat, you actually called me Silly Zhu! What a white-eyed wolf!"

Sha Zhu didn't take the matter of Bang Geng to heart. Although he was a white-eyed wolf, he was an ignorant child after all, and he would not unconditionally indulge and kneel and lick like in TV dramas.

As for Mr. Ran, whom Bang Geng said, she is indeed beautiful, and she is the only pure female character in the TV series of Siheyuan.

But Sha Zhu felt that he and she were really not suitable. Ran Qiuye was considered an intellectual with a cleanliness obsession, and it was difficult for him to bear a rough old man in the capital like Sha Zhu.

So, thinking of this, Silly Zhu was in no mood to develop anything with Ran Qiuye.

Silly Zhu, who was thinking about things, didn't notice that behind him, there was an old and thin figure, chasing him quickly.

The figure stretched out a hand, put it on Shazhu's shoulder, and said in surprise, "Hey, young man! I finally found you!"

Silly Zhu turned around in a daze, looked at the strange old man in front of him speechlessly, and said with emotion in his heart, "I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, so there are so many people blocking my way?!"

"Master, did you recognize the wrong person? We don't seem to know each other?" Silly Zhu said speechlessly.

"It's me! A few days ago, you gave me a box of salted fish, remember?" said the strange uncle still excitedly.

"Oh! It's you, uncle! I almost forgot about it!" Silly Zhu remembered it now, looked at the uncle who had slowed down, and said with some joy.

"Thanks to your box of salted fish, otherwise I would have starved to death!" Thinking of the box of salted fish, the old man said with gratitude.

"A box of salted fish can exchange a life. It's really worth it! I should be thankful! I've made a lot of money!" Sha Zhu said.

Hearing Shazhu's words, he even started to cry.

"You are such a good person! By the way, my surname is Zhang, so you can call me Lao Zhang! I ate that box of salted fish of yours for a week! Not only did it save my life, but I even waited for my nephew from my hometown Come pick me up and go back to my hometown in Jiangxi to take care of me." The old man said gratefully.

"Then congratulations to Uncle Zhang, it's been hard work, and it's really nice to have relatives to help take care of the elderly!" Silly Zhu said congratulating.

"That's right! I've been alone for so long, and I'm about to starve to death! I didn't expect not only to meet you, a noble man, but also to wait for my nephew from my hometown to pick me up. It's considered a return to my roots!" Uncle Zhang said happily.

"I'm looking for you this time because I'm going back to my hometown. I want to find you. Thank you!" Uncle Zhang explained.

After finishing speaking, he took out a black finger puller from his bosom, whose material could no longer be seen, handed it to Sha Zhu, and continued, "My grandfather was a registered Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain. After he passed away, he will give it to me." This one relic was left behind. I want to give it to you as a thank you."

"Don't, sir, this is too expensive! Besides, it's just a box of salted fish! It's really no big deal!" Sha Zhu quickly refused.

"No, the kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by the spring! Besides, this is a life-saving kindness! It's just a finger-wringing gift for you, don't refuse!" Uncle Zhang said.

"That's fine! I'll accept it!" Silly Zhu reluctantly accepted this finger pull that looked like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade.

"Since Uncle Zhang is going back to his hometown, you take the 20 yuan and save it for travel expenses!" Silly Zhu thought for a while, took out 20 yuan, and handed it to Uncle Zhang.

"How is this possible? Not only did you save my life, but you also took 20 yuan from you. Didn't you slap me in the face?" Uncle Zhang said excitedly.

"Uncle Zhang, listen to me first, although your nephew has come to pick you up and go back to your hometown! But you should keep some money in your hand no matter what! 20 yuan is not too much, it is not too much, it is also my little Xinyi, you just accept it!" Silly Zhu explained.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Uncle Zhang said with emotion.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, but Uncle Zhang still left. Looking at the thin figure, Sha Zhu suddenly felt relieved, it was really good to be able to return to the roots.

Then put this strange wrench on your finger, not to mention, it fits well!
Thinking of this, Sha Zhu laughed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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