Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 84 The Great Chapter Qin Huairu

Chapter 84

"Qin Huairu? That's no wonder! She has always been the smartest one in the courtyard!" Lou Xiao'e suddenly realized when she heard Ma Hua's answer.

"However, I could tell from the beginning that Qin Huairu is very dependent on and likes Sha Zhu! She has always regarded Sha Zhu as her Qin Huairu's confinement!" Lou Xiao'e glanced at Sha Zhu who was baking food, and suddenly said with a strange smile .

"What nonsense! Lou Xiao'e, eat your meat skewers! Such delicious meat skewers can't stop your mouth!" Silly Zhu said pretending to be annoyed when he heard Lou Xiao'e's arrangement to him.

"Sister Lou, do you also think that Sister Qin treats me and my brother well? But now my brother has no conscience to help their family anymore! How do you tell them to live their lives?" He Yushui heard Lou Xiaoe's words, Thinking that he found a bosom friend, he complained immediately.

Lou Xiaoe felt speechless looking at He Yushui, who was even more stupid than herself, talking to herself, and didn't know how to respond for a while.

Ran Qiuye heard the conversation of several people, and quickly said to He Yushui earnestly, "Yushui, in fact, Ma Hua and I have lived in that courtyard for more than ten years, and the twists and turns inside are too clear.

If your brother hadn't left the capital back then, he might have had to accept his fate and be with Qin Huairu in the end, and then he would have to raise her three children and that wicked mother-in-law for Qin Huairu!Then your brother is not very miserable! "

He Yushui heard the hypothetical situation that Ran Qiuye said, but he thought disapprovingly and said, "I don't feel miserable! Isn't this very good?"

After saying that, I realized something was wrong, and quickly looked at Ah Hong who was next to me with a smile and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry! We are also discussing this kind of assumption! Now that my brother has you, it is impossible to be with Sister Qin It's over!"

Seeing that He Yushui is still cute and stupid, Shazhu is quite speechless, and he is a little disheartened, too lazy to talk to this cheap sister!
Sha Zhu has long realized that changing a person's inherent thinking is harder than reaching the sky.

Therefore, Shazhu never had the extravagant hope of changing He Yushui's mind, no matter what he did, it would be futile.

Seeing that Sha Zhu has been grilling the meat skewers in his hand, Ah Hong is not good at joining the discussion. After all, it is about Sha Zhu's previous relationship. As a latecomer, it is better not to say anything.

For a moment, the scene that was still lively just now suddenly felt a little awkward.

The two children were also very sensitive, and leaned towards their mother, Ran Qiuye, a little at a loss. For them, it was safest to be with their mother at this time.

Seeing the cold scene, Lou Xiao'e quickly recalled, "When Xu Damao and I were not divorced, I often heard him say that Qin Huairu was very scheming!

Qin Huairu has always liked Shazhu very much, and thought that Shazhu would always be able to take care of their family, so every time Shazhu went on a blind date, Qin Huairu would deliberately hang around in front of Shazhu and his blind date, saying words of gratitude to Shazhu, Holding Shazhu's underpants in his hand to wash them, what he was thinking of was destroying Shazhu's blind date!

You can imagine, which girl would like her future husband to be unclear with a widow! "

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's memories, everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hmph! Xu Damao of your family did not cause much damage back then! Qin Huairu and Xu Damao can be said to be the main culprits for my failure to marry a wife in the capital!" Silly Zhu said bluntly.

"Silly Zhu, you have to be careful! Xu Damao and I have been divorced for more than ten years! His bastard does not belong to my family! If you talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry with you!" Lou Xiao'e said angrily when she heard what Silly Zhu said.

Seeing Lou Xiaoe's appearance, Shazhu was a little amused, "Why? You still want to threaten your boss!?"

"Hmph! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll resign! I'll make you a business man! You'll be exhausted!" Lou Xiao'e said fiercely.

"Haha, Mr. Lou is still the best. Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, this is my weakness! Okay, you are good! I am afraid of you!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Hearing Shazhu and Lou Xiaoe's mutual confrontation, the awkward atmosphere just now eased a bit, Ah Hong smiled and said to Lou Xiaoe, "Brother is like this, he's dead!"

He Yushui didn't wink at all, and didn't see her coming, which made everyone very embarrassed.

He still went his own way and said, "What you said, I actually know something!
But that is all in the past!Aren't we going to look ahead?
Besides, at such an old age, I just want my brother to give up the house that the courtyard house cannot live in to Bang Geng who needs it more. Is this wrong?
I think my brother has been away from the capital for more than ten years and has long forgotten the mutual help of the people in the capital!Becoming selfish! "

Still He Yushui is not stupid enough to directly point the finger at Ah Hong.

But when he heard He Yushui's weird talk, Shazhu was so angry that he still wanted to run away. It turned out that He Yushui knew everything, but he still matched himself with Qin Huairu.

When Ran Qiuye heard He Yushui discussing the house, she thought of the deaf old lady, and said, "When the deaf old lady wanted to give her house to your brother, I was there at the time, and I wrote the gift agreement!
The deaf old lady later told me that the reason for writing this agreement was to guard against the uncle and Qin Huairu!
Qin Huairu's family is not enough to take advantage, but the uncle always wants to dominate others by virtue of kidnapping!They are really doing selfish things under the guise of hypocrisy! "

Hearing what Ran Qiuye said, Silly Zhu sighed and said, "Yu Shui, the reason why I left the capital at the beginning was not to go to Baoding City to take care of our father at all, I was forced to leave by Qin Huairu and my uncle!
Maybe in your opinion, it is a wonderful thing for me to live together with Qin Huairu!
That's because you don't know, Qin Huairu never thought about being with me, she just wanted me to support her three children and mother-in-law!

What you don't even know is that when Qin Huairu gave birth to Sophora japonica, she had already been impaled secretly!
If I marry her, I will not even have a biological child, and I can only work hard to support them all my life!
What is this, isn't he a vampire? "

Hearing Sha Zhu's words, everyone present was shocked. They really didn't expect that they would underestimate Qin Huairu in the end. It turned out that she had already played a big game of chess with the uncle.

The uncle and Qin Huairu have been eyeing Sha Zhu for a long time, treating him like a pawn waiting to be slaughtered.

At this moment, everyone unanimously felt a chill in their hearts.

"Impossible! Stupid brother, you are talking nonsense! Grandpa and Sister Qin wouldn't do this!" He Yushui said in disbelief.

"Hey! Anyway, what we say is the truth, whether you believe it or not is up to you! When you come to my house in the future, don't talk to me about anything about the old courtyard, or we will stop communicating with each other!" Silly Zhu said helplessly.

Although Shazhu is a time traveler and has no relationship with He Yushui in front of him, but with his cheap sister, Shazhu still feels a little bit sad when he finally came to this point.

Since you can't change other people's views and thinking, you don't need to make any unnecessary arguments, because that is meaningless!
(End of this chapter)

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