Chapter 96 Strange Dreams

The two three-year-old children are actually very noisy, almost never sleeping at night and waking up during the day.

The reason why I told Ah Hong's parents that two or three-year-old children are easy to take care of is that I don't want to be separated from the children again, and I don't want to trouble Ah Hong's parents too much because of my own children.

After all, Ah Hong's parents also have their own things to do, and as a child, if you rely too much on your parents, it will not be a long-term thing after all.

It took a lot of effort to put the two children to sleep, and Sha Zhu and A Hong didn't have any intention of being affectionate.

After a day of shopping during the day, Shazhu and Ah Hong were indeed a little tired.

After carrying the sleeping child to the crib, Sha Zhu and A Hong hugged each other and fell asleep.

Silly Zhu actually had a very strange dream in his drowsy sleep.

In the dream, an old beggar appeared in front of him, smiled and said to Sha Zhu, "Hello! We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Silly Zhu looked at the old beggar in front of him strangely. He still felt very familiar, but he still couldn't remember his real identity. Then he asked the old beggar suspiciously, "Who are you? Have we met somewhere?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you really forgot about me! Then let me give you a hint! Salted fish! Pull your fingers!" said the old beggar with a loud laugh.

"What salted fish? Pull your finger? What is it all about? It's completely inexplicable!" Silly Zhu said speechlessly.

"Eh? Should I say that you have a poor memory, or should I say that you have a lot of work!" The old beggar saw that the silly Zhu was still in a daze, and then said helplessly, "More than ten years ago, you used a salty The fish saved my life, and then I gave you a finger wrench! I made it so clear, have you remembered this time?"

"Oh? Now I have a little impression! At the beginning, the finger wrench suddenly disappeared inexplicably. I thought you lied to me, thought that the wrench finger was fake and shoddy, and then melted it away. So I didn't care. Over the years, I have experienced Of course I can’t remember so many things!” Silly Zhu was a little impressed, and then explained with a wry smile.

"No! More than ten years ago, you were so old! You should be dead by now! By the way, this is in my dream, why did you appear in my dream?" Silly Zhu said As he spoke, he finally realized what was wrong and said inexplicably in surprise.

"Are you a ghost?" Silly Zhu looked at the mysterious old beggar in horror and said.

"Don't get me wrong! I'm not a ghost! To be precise, I'm the finger-wielding weapon spirit. More precisely, the finger-wielding spirit doesn't disappear but integrates into your body, allowing you to wash your bones and marrow, and stay young forever! "The old beggar explained with a mysterious face.

"Are you making me happy? The more you talk, the more mysterious! Are you going to say that you are an immortal cultivator?" Silly Zhu said with a look of disbelief, and then said in a sarcastic tone.

"I know you don't believe it, so let me tell you a story first!" The old beggar said confidently as if he had expected you not to believe it.

"More than 100 years ago, I was a Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain. When I came to a paddock forest, I suddenly turned into an elk on a whim.

Unfortunately, I was shot by two bows and arrows at the same time, because I was not good at learning, I died directly in Huangquan!

But when I was dying, two guards grabbed my elk body at the same time, but my soul was divided into two by a mysterious force and attached to the wrench in their hands.

And the thumb you saw back then was one of them, and the other one was in which time and space it was not known! "

Hearing the old beggar's explanation, Sha Zhu was dumbfounded, "This is too unreal! But what does it have to do with me? Why are you pestering me?"

"I'm not pestering you, but the finger has already recognized you as master, you can only find another finger.

Because only when two fingers come together, can I get real relief, and another finger can also make a person's bones and marrows cleanse and youthful forever!
Don't you want your wife to be equally youthful?Do you want to be young forever, but your wife is old? " said the old beggar seductively.

"I don't mind if my wife is old or not, as long as she is my wife, I will always be with her for the rest of my life!
Besides, this finger pull can at most keep us youthful forever, but it doesn't mean immortality!Anyway, in the end we are still the same as an embryo of loess, but it is meaningless if we are not young forever! " Hearing the old beggar's temptation, Sha Zhu said with a smile.

Because Shazhu knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and his current life is so happy, there is no need to take risks for the so-called another finger.

"Don't rush to refuse, if you agree, you will enter another world where the wrench is located.

As long as you live a wonderful life in that world, you will be given another finger by that world.

Then you return to this world, and you just sleep and have a dream!It has no effect on the world at all! "The old beggar continued to explain.

"You think I'm stupid!? This dream is too long, it's a person's life, do you think I'll believe your nonsense?!" Sha Zhu sneered, and then said.

"What I said is true! There is no need for me to lie to you!" The old beggar seemed helpless to Shazhu's question, but still explained.

"You talk so much to me, which means that I can refuse your unreasonable request! Then please leave my dream, I don't want to see you again!" Sha Zhu sneered, and then said unceremoniously.

"Oh! Let me tell you some bad news. You can't refuse this matter, you can only carry it out!" The old beggar suddenly smiled as if he had succeeded in a prank.

"Since I can't refuse, why don't you talk to me here!" Silly Zhu suddenly said angrily when he saw the wretched look on the old beggar's face.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting!" Seeing Shazhu's angry look, the old beggar burst out laughing.

In this way, the angry silly Zhu woke up from his sleep amidst the laughter of the old beggar
Silly Zhu who just woke up felt a splitting headache. Thinking of the situation in the dream just now, Sha Zhu was still afraid of everything the old beggar said.

Fortunately, it was just a nightmare.

They all say that they think day by day and dream at night. Maybe I saw that inexplicable old beggar during the day, and then at night, the dream about the old beggar appeared in my dream.

"Ah Hong, I'm so thirsty! My head hurts too! Pour me a glass of water!" Sha Zhu said to Ah Hong beside him while hammering his head.

"Oh! Give you water!"

Silly Zhu took the water and drank it directly, only then did he realize that it was an unfamiliar voice.

Only then did Silly Zhu carefully look at the woman handing him water in front of him, and found that it was a strange middle-aged woman, and he yelled at her uncontrollably, "Mom!?"

 It is planned that this book will be written in three worlds and three lives.China pays attention to scholars, farmers, businessmen, and the silly Zhu in the courtyard world has become a fairly successful businessman!In the most beautiful Saihanba world of youth, Feng Cheng can be regarded as a forest farm worker!The third world may write official novels, and it is still planned!
(End of this chapter)

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