Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 99 Guang'anmen Hospital

Chapter 99 Guang'anmen Hospital

In fact, Feng Cheng didn't know much about Chinese medicine.

It's just that when I read the online novel "Chinese Medicine Xu Yang" in my previous life, I saw such a plot. In [-] years, the Ministry of Health transferred famous doctors from all over the country to set up the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was the predecessor of the later Academy of Chinese Medicine Research.

That's how I learned that among the many medical leaders who came to Beijing in [-], one of them was Pu Fuzhou, a genius doctor from Xichuan, who finally became famous in the capital and became a national imperial doctor.

As soon as I traveled to this different time and space world, I was faced with a hell-level opening mode.

I really don't want to just watch the protagonist's mother pass away like this, so I have to do something!
After getting out of Xiehe, he got on the tram, and Feng Cheng went straight to his destination, Guang'anmen Hospital.

For Feng Cheng, no matter how beautiful the current capital is, he has no mood to stop and appreciate it.

Looking at the Guang'anmen Hospital in front of him, it was very strange to Feng Cheng, so there was no hypocrisy or emotion.

When he came to the reception hall and saw a passing nurse, Feng Cheng quickly stopped him and asked, "Beautiful"

He almost called out the beauty directly, wondering if he would be treated as a hooligan and kicked out of the hospital.

To be on the safe side, Feng Cheng swallowed the "beauty" in his mouth.

The nurse looked at the big boy standing in front of her strangely, and when she was waiting for him to have any questions, the big boy looked at her in a daze.

She is more beautiful and can be regarded as a flower in Guang'anmen Hospital, but she shouldn't be so stunned by the big boy in front of her!
But let alone, the big boy in front of him has a bookish air, and he can tell at the very least that he is an intellectual who graduated from high school. If the other party invites him to dinner later, should he agree to it? ?

Why!It looks good, but it's so troublesome!Miss Nurse thought for no reason.

"Hehe, I'm sorry! Miss nurse, does your Guang'anmen Hospital have a doctor Pu Fuzhou from Xichuan?" Feng Cheng asked the nurse in front of him with a smile.

Hearing that the big boy in front of him just asked the doctor, the nurse was a little disappointed for no reason.

After thinking for a while, he said, "A lot of new doctors have come to our hospital, it seems that there are two doctors from Xichuan Province.

One is surnamed Wang, who seems to be in pediatrics.

The other possibility is that the surname is Pu, it seems to be in the department of gynecology! ? "

Thinking that the doctor Pu the other party was looking for was a gynecologist, the nurse lady looked at the big boy in front of her strangely, and asked suspiciously, "You are a big man, why do you want to find a gynecologist?"

"Doctor Pu Fuzhou, in the gynecology department? That's right!" Hearing what the nurse said, Feng Cheng was not disappointed, but rather happy.

It seems that when Dr. Pu Fuzhou was transferred to the capital, it was because there were too many famous doctors who came to the capital together, and the staff who did not know the situation wrongly arranged Dr. Pu Fuzhou to the gynecology department of Guang'anmen Hospital.

But soon Feng Cheng realized that the nurse in front of him looked at him suddenly with strange eyes, and then thought that the other party might have misunderstood, so he quickly explained, "I contacted Dr. Pu Fuzhou for my mother, just came to help It's just a sign up."

Hearing Feng Cheng's explanation, the nurse was relieved, and then said with a smile, "I was shocked, I thought I had encountered a pervert!"

Hearing what the nurse said, Feng Cheng felt quite speechless.

What kind of look is this, to be able to see a big man like himself as a shemale? !

However, if this is in Buddha Thailand, the situation will be different, and it is really possible for transvestites to see gynecologists.

"You just need to go forward and turn right, and you will see the gynecology clinic! However, Dr. Pu Fuzhou's outpatient clinic does not need to fail a department. You can bring your mother directly!" the nurse said. The young lady said with a smile.

Hearing what the nurse said, Feng Cheng was very puzzled. Aren't famous doctors the most popular among patients? !Registration should be very difficult!
"What's the situation? Can you tell me?" Feng Cheng asked the nurse in front of him as politely as possible.

"Haha, it's because they have just been transferred from other places and are not well-known in the capital, so everyone prefers the old doctors from Guang'anmen.

So these new doctors are usually very leisurely! "The nurse lady liked Feng Cheng's politeness very much, so she didn't think Feng Cheng's questions were too annoying, but explained with a smile.

Hearing the nurse's explanation, Feng Cheng finally cleared up his doubts. It turned out that it was because he was not well-known when he first came to the capital.

But in this case, it will be more convenient for Feng Cheng to bring his mother to see a doctor. For the time being, no one will compete with Feng Cheng's mother for a famous doctor.

After a while, these famous doctors who came to Beijing will shine in the capital, and they will become imperial doctors. At that time, it will be very difficult to register.

Looking at the big boy in front of her, the nurse lady suddenly felt that he was very sunny and handsome, and he was actually a handsome guy.

"Actually, you can go home and bring your mother over directly! It's very convenient to find Dr. Pu Fuzhou!" The nurse suddenly smiled and said to Feng Cheng.

Hearing what the nurse said, Feng Cheng hesitated, and asked uncertainly, "Is this really all right!?"

Seeing that Feng Cheng was still hesitant, the nurse said with a smile, "Let's do it! If you're really worried, I'll go to the gynecology department and ask Dr. Pu Fuzhou to say hello. When you come back with your aunt, You can go straight to the doctor!"

Hearing the words of the warm-hearted nurse in front of him, Feng Cheng realized that she was so familiar. It seemed that she was a master of socialism!
I haven't even met, so I started calling my aunt.

"Will this trouble you too much!" Feng Cheng was really moved by the nurse's suggestion, but he still said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay! During this time period, the hospital is not very busy!" The nurse said with a smile indifferently.

"Then thank you so much! By the way, I still don't know your name?" Feng Cheng was very grateful for the other party's kindness, and soon realized that he still didn't know the other party's name, so he asked hastily.

Hearing that the big boy in front of me finally knew how to ask his name, the nurse's eyes almost narrowed into a line of happiness and said, "My name is Zhong Hui! How about you?"

"My name is Feng Cheng, and I'm from Northern Forestry University! If you have time, you can visit our school, and I'll show you around our school!" Feng Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing that Feng Cheng was still a college student at Northern Forestry University, Zhong Hui liked it even more, and quickly said happily, "Well! When your mother's illness is cured, I will definitely go to your school to see you!"

Hearing Zhong Hui's words, Feng Cheng was also very happy, and then said with a smile, "Then I entrust you with a good word!"

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(End of this chapter)

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