I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 10 Poetry Secretary

Chapter 10 Poetry Secretary
Shilihe is located in the bustling area of ​​the East Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation.In the past 20 years, Shilihe people relied on the collective economy, innovated and developed, jumped out of the dragon gate, and achieved a legend in the development history of the suburbs of Beijing.

Shilihe Tianjiao Market is located at the northeast corner of Shilihe Bridge, with the north gate facing the Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway bridge.There are many wild stalls under the bridge, selling cats and dogs and so on.

Although Su Chen came here for cats and dogs, he didn't buy them outside.He had been famous for this place for a long time, but it was his first time visiting, so he had to take a good look at it no matter what.

After looking for a place to park the car, Su Chen was wearing a white half-sleeved shorts casual outfit from a certain treasure, and it was very inconspicuous among the crowd.

In fact, Su Chen is a person who likes high-profile people very much.Therefore, he likes some unconventional things, such as Wenwan, folding fans, etc., but before he had no money, he couldn’t afford to play them. Now that he has money, the itchy meat in his heart is agitated again, so he bought a pet, and he also bought a pet. To detour to Shilihe.

As soon as he got out of the car, Su Chen received a call from his little secretary.It stands to reason that Sanlitun is much closer to here than Houhai, but the little secretary seems to have just arrived.

"Hello? Xiao Guo, are you here?"

Su Chen answered the phone and got straight to the point.

"Hey, Mr. Su, I've been here for a while, but there are too many people at the door, and I'm near the Wusheng Pavilion now!"

When Su Chen heard this, his heart moved, and he said with a smile: "I'm here too, I'm at the door, so, Xiao Guo, I'll go to Wusheng Pavilion now, and when I arrive later, if you can find me within 1 minute, I will give it to you." An entry reward for you!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he put down the phone.He could swear that he absolutely didn't intend to flirt with his sister, but simply wanted to test his little secretary.

Definitely not a spring heart sprout!


On the other side, when he heard the busy tone on the phone, the little secretary Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded!
what's the situation?Is my little master so naughty?

Guo Xiaoshi was instantly nervous. She had just graduated from university and was applying for a job for the first time, and the first company was a future technology company, but she didn't expect to be hit by a single blow.

She doesn't have any experience in the workplace, and she doesn't even know how she passed the test. She only knows that someone asked her to contact her future boss at the right time. Only when she can get his approval, can she be officially hired.

In other words, Su Chen's unintentional joke made Guo Xiaoshi take it as an entry test, and the pressure increased infinitely.

Guo Xiaoshi's appearance is not stunning, on the contrary, she has a steamed bun face, but she has a perfect figure, big and energetic eyes, and fair skin. Combined with her natural dumb steamed bun face, she can be cute In his bones, just looking at it will give birth to an infinite desire for protection.

Guo Xiaoshi wore a ball head, white half sleeves on the upper body, white denim shorts on the lower body, and rope sandals on the feet. Standing in the crowd, she frequently attracted attention.

Many young guys wanted to strike up a conversation, but many of the people who came here were elderly, and there were very few handsome young guys, so even if someone wanted to strike up a conversation, they were hesitant due to their lack of conditions.

Guo Xiaoshi turned a blind eye to these gazes. Although she is a newcomer in the workplace, she has long been used to this gaze. When she was in college, she was recognized as a school belle. Back then, her straight girl heart shattered many teenagers' first love dreams.

Guo Xiaoshi's current thoughts are all on his damned naughty boss who has not met yet.

Although Guo Xiaoshi looks dumb, that's just her superficial image. In fact, how could she have a low IQ after graduating from Imperial Business University?

She could tell from the voice on the phone that her young master should be no more than 30 years old.According to her understanding, the market value of the company she joined was at least 1000 million, and the company had just been established. It was said that her boss was the only boss of the company, that is to say, her boss had a net worth of at least 1000 million.

young!Net worth tens of millions!
Based on these two points, my young master is either a young talent who started his own business, or a rich second generation.

Both of these characteristics are obvious.The former generally wear low-key clothes, but generally have one or two valuable accessories on their bodies.

The latter is either low-key or ostentatious, but the outfit must start at ten thousand yuan.

Based on these two points, Guo Xiaoshi already has a rough goal.

Guo Xiaoshi pursed her mouth, her big eyes kept scanning the audience, and finally, after a few minutes, Guo Xiaoshi set her sights on an exceptionally handsome guy.

That is a super handsome guy with outstanding temperament. With Guo Xiaoshi's well-informed experience, he is also amazed by the handsome guy's appearance.

In fact, men are not the only ones who are lustful, women are equally attracted to handsome men.

At first, Guo Xiaoshi just admired this handsome guy's appearance, and didn't think about anything else. After all, with her fashion-forward gaze, she could tell at a glance that this handsome guy's whole body clothes were not worth 500 yuan.

Obviously not his own boss.Even a low-key entrepreneurial boss can't be so simple.

In fact, Guo Xiaoshi has long been prepared for her boss to be a bald man or a square-faced man.After all, these days, the rare gold stocks that pay equal attention to career and appearance only exist in legends.

Guo Xiaoshi doesn't believe that she can be so lucky. If her boss can be so handsome, she will wake up happily from her dreams.

However, when the handsome guy approached, Guo Xiaoshi keenly saw the diamond watch on the handsome guy's wrist.

Guo Xiaoshi recognized at a glance that it was a Hublot Big Bang diamond watch worth 3000 million!

Guo Xiaoshi was instantly dumbfounded!
Ordinary wear, valuable accessories
Guo Xiaoshi wiped the corner of her mouth, a little dazed by the sudden surprise!

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

who cares!It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go.

The next moment, Guo Xiaoshi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and she boldly went straight to the handsome guy.

"Hello. You. You."

Guo Xiaoshi fantasized about many outcomes just now, some were denied by the handsome guy coldly, some were kindly denied by the handsome guy, and they added WeChat to each other, and some handsome guy even admitted that he was the young master of her dreams.

But she never expected that after getting close to the handsome guy, she stumbled!
At this moment, Guo Xiaoshi wished she could find a plush toy and suffocate herself to death!
What a shame!

Like Guo Xiaoshi, when Su Chen came in, he saw Guo Xiaoshi at first sight.

The main reason is that Guo Xiaoshi is too outstanding in the crowd. Like him, a person with a heaven-defying appearance is the most dazzling existence on any occasion.

The first time he saw Guo Xiaoshi, Su Chen decided that this was his secretary.

There is no way, the eye edge is so magical, Su Chen doesn't have any other thoughts about Guo Xiaoshi, but simply sees Guo Xiaoshi as pleasing to the eye and very comfortable to look at.

However, what surprised him was that the little secretary he identified was so smart that he recognized him at a glance.

However, what surprised him even more was that his little secretary seemed a little silly and fufu!
(End of this chapter)

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