I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 104 The Furious Su Chen

Chapter 104 The Furious Su Chen
Spanking and chatting, in the blink of an eye at 02:30, the half-time auction began.

Coincidentally, people have three urgencies, Su Chen asked Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing to go first.

After feeling comfortable, Su Chen walked slowly to the second floor. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not. Anyway, it's just a matter of bidding. There is no need to weigh the trade-offs. As long as the price is raised, it is fine. Let alone Guo Xiaoshi, this job is considered high-end. Qing can go up by himself.

But after the half-shot was finished, it was full shot, and the full shot was on the third floor, so Su Chen didn't wait on the first floor.

However, as soon as he went upstairs, he heard a dispute upstairs.

Su Chen frowned, and walked a few steps quickly, and found that two groups of people were arguing, and Guo Xiaoshi was actually on the one side of the dispute. Su Chen's eyes froze for a moment, and his feet accelerated.

After going upstairs, Su Chen found that the people who were arguing with Guo Xiaoshi were five young people, three men and two women, all of whom were dressed in fashionable clothes, wearing gold and silver, and the watches in their hands were estimated to be worth at least dozens of dollars. Ten thousand.

Don't ask, it's the second generation at first glance.This is also normal, except for jewelers and jadeite appraisers who can come here, the rest are the second generation.

The five second generations are headed by a young man in white clothes. The man in white clothes looks young and looks good, but his mouth is a bit slanted, especially when he smiles, the corners of his mouth are slanted upwards, which makes people see It feels a little uncomfortable.

The five of them seemed to have drunk a lot of alcohol, reeked of alcohol, behaved frivolously, had wild eyes, and unscrupulous smiles.

"I'll say it again, we have already signed up for this rough stone, so we have the right to participate in the auction. Why do you just take the stone away?"

Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face was cold, her whole body trembled, she didn't know whether it was from anger or fright.

Next to her stood Gao Qing and Gu Qingya, Gao Qing was protecting Guo Xiaoshi behind him, his eyes were full of evil spirits, his whole body was tense, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

Gu Qingya's complexion was also extremely ugly, looking at the man in white at the head, she forced a smile and said: "Shao Yan, this is Shao Shao's place after all, it's against the rules for you to do this!"

"Young Master Zhao? Hehe, how can there be so many rules in a broken trade fair? Gu Qingya, I'll tell you, originally, I'm going to order this rough stone today! It's not easy for anyone to say. But, I This person is soft-hearted, hey~! You can’t be hungry. If you call me Brother Yan, I can make the decision and give you the original price of this stone.”

Gu Qing's face turned livid.

"Yan Quan, you are going too far!"

"Excessive?" Yan Quan sneered. "Am I going too far or are you going too far? Gu Qingya, I spent a lot of time chasing you before, but you have always been lukewarm to me. What do you think of me, Yan Quan? Let me tell you, from now on From now on, young master, I won't be used to you anymore, and I want you to take the initiative to climb into my bed obediently!"

Gu Qingya suddenly trembled with anger, pointed at Yan Quan and said in a cold voice: "Yan, who do you think you are? What era do you think it is now? Do you think you can cover the sky with one hand? Let me tell you, I, Gu Qingya, even Even if you die, I won’t look at you high, and I feel sick even talking to you!”

"Stinky bitch, you are looking for death!" Yan Quan became anxious for a moment, and raised his hand to beat Gu Qingya, but was held tightly by the people around him.

"Brother Yan, don't be impulsive, now is not the time."

Yan Quan was short of breath, his eyes fixed on Gu Qingya.At the end he smiled coldly. "Gu Qingya, remember what you said today, and I will let you know what regret is."

After speaking, Yan Quan turned his eyes to Guo Xiaoshi, his eyes gradually became presumptuous. "Little girl, I was in a good mood today and didn't want to care about you like you, but now I'm angry, you need to make it up to me, come to my room tonight, otherwise, you will bear the consequences. Believe me, that is a price you can't afford."

Saying that, Yan Quan took out a room card from his pocket, and was about to get close to Guo Xiaoshi, looking at the target, he wanted to put it in Guo Xiaoshi's front.

Guo Xiaoshi tightened suddenly, and was about to back away, but happened to fall into someone's arms, at the same time, Yan Quan's extended hand was also firmly grasped by both hands.

"Boss?" Guo Xiaoshi was shocked at first, but when she turned her head, she saw that it was Su Chen who was hugging her.

"Are you okay?" Su Chen asked softly.

"It's okay, Brother Gao is here!"

Su Chen nodded, then looked at Gu Qingya again. "Sister, are you okay?"

Gu Qingya nodded at Su Chen, she didn't speak, she was obviously still angry!

Su Chen took a breath, feeling a rush of effort in his heart, and an irresistible impulse suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

Su Chen turned his head, his eyes changed, and he looked at Yan Quan sternly.

Yan Quan was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the big hand, and shook his head, his drunken eyes seemed a little prettier, but after seeing Su Chen's face clearly, his eyes instantly turned cold.

"who are you?"

Su Chen smiled at Yan Quan, then his face changed suddenly, he pushed Guo Xiaoshi aside, then suddenly swung out his empty right hand with all his strength, and at the same time shouted loudly.

"I am your uncle!"


Su Chen hit Yan Quan in the eye with his fist, and Yan Quan, who was defenseless, received a solid punch directly.

At the same time, a system alarm sounded in Su Chen's mind.

"Ding ding ding! It was detected that the host was doing dangerous actions. Since the host had a reason, he played beautifully, triggered the emergency warning function of the system, and rewarded the host with a special skill: critical strike without injury!"

"Ding! Harmless critical strike: Passive skill, which can be turned off actively. During the activation of the skill, any attack initiated by the host on the enemy will not cause any substantial damage to the enemy, but it will double the pain of the victim. Attachment: Skill During the launch, all effective monitoring or video recordings around will be temporarily blocked!"

However, Su Chen was so angry that he wanted to vent his anger, and he didn't care about the system for a while.

In fact, Su Chen also knew that he was impulsive before he took the shot. It would be a bad idea to hit someone at any time, but Su Chen couldn't help the anger in his heart.

It's so frustrating.oh!When I was poor, I was bullied at will. Now that I am rich and have a system, if I don’t fight back after being bullied, what’s the use of this broken system?

Take action when it's time to do it, some people, don't let them hurt, they really don't know what repentance is!


After one punch, Su Chen kicked out without hesitation!
However, because Su Chen didn't know the skills rewarded by the system yet, he used ingenuity to fight back. He is a master of martial arts, and he has many ways to ensure that the opponent will not be seriously injured under the premise of hitting someone.


Unprepared, Yan Quan was punched and kicked, and flew half a meter away, knelt on the ground with a plop, clutching his stomach pain with a hideous expression on his face.

Everyone around was stunned, and the scene was instantly silent!

(End of this chapter)

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