I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 116 Humph 2 Generals

Chapter 116
After listening to Su Chen's words, Wen Liangdong even forgot to eat.

To complain from the bottom of his heart, Wen Liangdong claimed that he had seen the world, had contacted and heard of countless bigwigs, but this was the first time he had encountered someone who worked like Su Chen.

What the hell are these requests?
He actually asked his subordinates to spend as much money as possible!

Also spend as much as possible, as much as you can!
Are there really people in this world who have a lot of money and can't spend it?

Wen Liangdong really had ten thousand words in his heart that he wanted to complain about.

But he is a subordinate after all, and Su Chen is the boss.Su Chen said it so bluntly, no matter how much he had an opinion, he had to hold back.

But at first glance, it might be easy to spend money.But if you think about it carefully, Wen Liangdong feels that there are too many words in it!

It is easy to spend a small amount of money. You can spend a lot of money on a meal, some luxury goods, a house or a car, but it is not easy to spend a lot of money.

Especially when tens of billions of funds are involved, how to spend it is a university question.

After thinking about it for a while, Wen Liangdong felt that there were a lot of troublesome things, and the time was still relatively close, only four days. How to complete Su Chen's mission in the most perfect way within four days is really a super challenging task .

Thinking of this, Wen Liangdong, who was originally in a depressed mood, instantly became full of energy, and the speed of eating instantly accelerated.

After a while, Wen Liangdong ate up ten small buns, a big bowl of porridge, and a big pile of pickles.

After eating, he wiped his mouth, Wen Liangdong got up and made a final confirmation with Su Chen. "Boss, is there no upper limit, how much do you approve of my spending?"

"That's right!" Su Chen nodded affirmatively. "You spend as much as you can, even if you spend 1000 billion or [-] trillion, I will reimburse you!"

"Okay! Now that you've said that, leave the rest to me!"

Wen Liangdong said goodbye to Su Chen energetically, and then left quickly.

After Wen Liangdong left, Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief.It is comfortable to have someone under his command. If there is no Wen Liangdong, he will definitely not be able to do these things by himself. It is estimated that even if he dies, he will not spend much money. This kind of thing has to be done by professionals. He only needs to be responsible for paying money just fine.

Before leaving, Su Chen specially checked Wen Liangdong's loyalty, and it got 93 points, which is quite loyal, so Su Chen didn't have any worries in his heart.

As soon as Wen Liangdong left, Guo Xiaoshi and Tang Wanning came in hand in hand. Now the two have become girlfriends. They even slept in the same room last night. Su Chen felt a bit greedy and coughed.
As soon as the two women entered the room, they stood aside and stared at Su Chen.

Guo Xiaoshi is fine, since she worked as Su Chen's full-time secretary, she is much more relaxed now.But this girl is very motivated, and she has not been idle during this period of time. She frantically tutors all kinds of knowledge and strives to improve her professional quality.

Guo Xiaoshi can see clearly that the relief is only temporary, because Su Chen's various affairs are still in the planning stage, so there is no need to worry too much, but when everything is on the right track in the future, then things will be busy.

At a glance, Su Chen is not someone who is willing to work hard, so she may have to do these things in the future. If she doesn't study hard now, she will definitely not be able to keep up in the future. Once she can't keep up with Su Chen's footsteps, what will happen to her? You can imagine.

So even for the sake of her own future and happy life, Guo Xiaoshi dare not relax at all.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. What Guo Xiaoshi is doing now is to prepare to seize the opportunity. This also confirms the saying that no one can succeed casually!

Um. Except Su Chen!

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing the two women staring at him like the second general Hum Ha, Su Chen was still a little dazed for a while.

Guo Xiaoshi shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

Su Chen turned his head to look at Tang Wanning. The girl looked confused, and it took her a while to say anything. "Boss, when can I go to work?"

"Eh!" Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Early in the morning, that's all?"

Tang Wanning curled her lips. "I can't wait, I have nothing to do all day, and I feel flustered!"

"You, it's not good to let you rest? All right, if that's the case, I'll give you a task!"

Tang Wanning's eyes lit up when she heard it.

"Boss, say it."

"Well, I heard that Sister Liu is very good at identifying antiques?"

"Sister Liu?" Tang Wanning was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Su Chen suddenly mentioned Liu Yun, but she began to truthfully say: "Yes, Sister Liu is Mr. Wu's apprentice, and he has known Mr. Wu since childhood. Since she was young, she has been exposed to antiques with Mr. Wu, and personally participated in the archaeological excavation of many ancient tombs. She has a strong eye for identifying antiques. When an object is placed in front of her, she can basically tell whether it is old or not with a glance!"

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words. He had asked Mr. Wu about Liu Yun, and what Tang Wanning said was right. Liu Yun was indeed Mr. Wu's favorite disciple. Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought of taking Liu Yun to the Xinghe Auction. Liu Yun was also allowed to bring an extra burden, Mr. Wu really took special care of Liu Yun.

"Sister Liu is still a university lecturer, right?"


"Well, I'll give you a task. I want to set aside a separate fund to buy antiques, whether they are domestic or foreign, as long as they are real, I want them. I want to use them to enrich the museum. So , if you can persuade Liu Yun to resign and help you hold your eyes, I will entrust this task to you! By the way, I can disclose in advance that the first batch of funds I will provide you is 100 billion!"

"How many?"

Tang Wanning's eyes almost popped out, thinking that she had heard wrong!

"100 billion!"

Su Chen emphasized again!

Tang Wanning was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left!

Su Chen was startled. "Hey? Why are you going?"

"Boss, wait, I'll bring that bitch Liu Yun to you right now!"

After finishing speaking, Xing left in a hurry!
Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry, but this girl is a person who does things.

Bundle Liu Yun?Thinking of Liu Yun's alluring figure, which is protruding forward and backward, Su Chen couldn't help thinking crookedly.


Guo Xiaoshi suddenly spoke.

"What are you doing! You've been spending money like crazy recently, but your account seems to only have a few billion. Where are we going to get so much money?"

Su Chen shook his head. "You don't have to worry about it, I have my own way of money."

"Oh!" Guo Xiaoshi wasn't chasing after her. As a secretary, it was his duty to remind him, but if he reminded too much, he would cross the line.

After finishing the two subordinates, Su Chen just wanted to rest for a while, when he heard a noise coming from the front yard.

After a while, I saw Gao Qing walking quickly.

"Brother Su, Miss Gu is here!"

"Huh? So fast?" Su Chen's eyes lit up, he thought about it, and greeted him out!

(End of this chapter)

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