I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 127 I'm Interested in Money

Chapter 127 I'm Interested in Money
After reading the basic situation of the mall, Su Chen was both excited and helpless.

What is exciting is that he finally has a place to spend his money. After earning so much money, he will not worry about not being able to spend it.

Helplessly, the system specifically stated that buying things in the mall cannot trigger the crit buff. If you buy things in the mall, if you spend money, it is spent and you can't earn it back.

So all of a sudden, before Su Chen finished enjoying the feeling of being rich, he suddenly felt poor again.Because he found that he couldn't buy many things in the mall, especially those things that transcended reality, each one was more expensive than the other.

The most basic qigong method in it needs tens of trillions, and the system also explains that with the air quality in the real world, even if you buy qigong method, you can't practice it, and you have to supplement it with pills and the like.

As for the prices of those cultivation-related elixirs, Su Chen just glanced at them and stopped paying attention.


Out of sight out of mind!

At that price, Su Chen suspects that the wealth of the whole world combined may not be able to raise a strong Jindan stage.

So this kind of thing can only be seen, basically useless!

But even if you don't mention these things, just talking about some luxury goods in the system, Su Chen is extremely greedy, but when he sees the price, his heart twitches.

There are a few items that Su Chen is particularly greedy for, and they are ready to be slaughtered.

For example: "Eighteen Imperial Trees" West Lake Longjing: 1 yuan per kilogram.

Centennial Pu'er: 1 yuan per kilogram
Millennium ginseng: 1000 million pieces

The best bison in Kunlun Mountains: 1000 yuan per catty

Century-old tiger bone wine: 10 yuan per catty

The best yellow rosewood: 1 yuan a piece

Almost every piece is a rare item with a price but no market on the market, and every piece makes Su Chen drool.

However, the prices of these commodities also made the corners of Su Chen's mouth twitch.

Although the unit price of each item does not seem too expensive, at least it is a drop in the bucket considering Su Chen's net worth.But I can't stand that these are all consumable luxury goods, and these are the most common luxury goods. If Su Chen buys them capriciously, it doesn't matter once or twice, but if he uses them every day, no amount of money will be enough for Su Chen to squander. .

For a moment, Su Chen suddenly felt that he became a poor man again!

Not enough money to spend!
Scratching his head, Su Chen took out the phone.

"Hello? Hey, old Wen, there are a few things. The contracts for the design drawings, raw material purchases, etc. of the company parks and museums we mentioned before have been postponed. I will not do these for the time being. I already have It’s planned, yes, just buy the land!”

"In addition, old Wen, work harder, just these two days, you have worked so hard, our future finances will depend on this tremor, work harder, if you can spend 5000 billion before tomorrow night, I will I will give you a gift package worth 50 billion, and so on, if you can spend 100 trillion! In addition to giving you [-] billion, I will also give you [-]% of the shares in Future Technology!"

"Hello? Hello? Old Wen? Don't get excited? Hello?"

Hearing the rapid breathing over there and Lao Wen's trembling orders, Su Chen silently turned off the phone.


Wouldn't this cause old Wen to get into trouble?

Shouldn't it?
After thinking about it, Su Chen found a time-sensitive energy drink from the mall.

After drinking a bottle of this drink, it can guarantee the health of the user for 24 hours, and it can be taken for a long time!That is to say, within 24 hours, no matter how hard the user is, how hard the liver is, it will not affect the health. Of course, this guarantee does not include external factors. Even if you drink a drink, you will still bleed if you cut it with a knife. Hemostasis will be slower.

This drink is only for inside, not outside!

But this is already very powerful, and the most important thing is that the price of this drink is not expensive, a bottle is only 1000 yuan!

Su Chen added this drink to the favorite list of the system mall, and then boldly bought a box, a box of twelve bottles, the system price is 9999!Super affordable!
When Wen Liangdong comes again, Su Chen intends to use this drink for him, and supply it for a long time in the future. Anyway, even if Old Wen drinks it every day, it will only cost 10,000+ a year, and 50 million in 1000 years.Using more than 1000 million to buy Wen Liangdong's 50 years of health, this deal is absolutely worth it!
As for the temporary cancellation of drawings and building materials, it is also because of the mall, because Su Chen found that these things can be bought in the mall, and they are all of the highest quality, and the price is cheaper than outside, so there is no need to waste money outside.

What's more, if you use systematic blueprints to build, the park you build will definitely be super high-tech, and it will definitely be ahead of the times!

Rubbing his eyes, Su Chen eased his excitement, and finally he focused on today's specials.

According to the system, Su Chen's net worth of more than [-] billion can actually open up the mall completely, but he can only be regarded as an ordinary user of the mall.

And Su Chen's net worth broke 500 billion before he became a junior member of the system, and he has a small number of privileges, such as being able to filter products at will, general adjustment of product prices, and so on.

A senior member with a net worth of over [-] billion has the right to purchase special offers. The prices of special offers are relatively random, but the maximum price does not exceed [-]% of the original product price, which can be said to be super affordable.

You can only buy one item per day, and it will be automatically refreshed every morning.

The products are randomly selected by the system, and it is possible to get anything, not limited to the items in the product list, even the most common toilet paper, so it depends on what you can buy.

Maybe today is the first purchase, and the system gives benefits.

After Su Chen took a look at the three specials, his eyeballs straightened!
A small emerald vein, priced at [-] million!

Antique He Choi, priced at [-] million!

Small storage space ring, priced at [-] million!

I am a child!
What kind of shit luck am I?How to brush out so many good things?

Su Chen was drooling looking at every treasure.

Needless to say, the small emerald vein is worth more than Jinshan now. It can be said that as long as there is this vein in hand, it is enough for a family to be rich for at least three generations.

Not to mention He's Bi, this is a super national treasure among the super national treasures. If this He's Bi is the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, then its value is simply incalculable, and [-] million is like giving away for nothing.

However, Su Chen was only envious of these two things for a moment, and immediately he chose the space ring without hesitation.

This is nothing to consider. No matter how precious the two things are, they can be bought with money.And what about the space ring?It is estimated that there will never be a second time in this life, Su Chen even searched in the surreal commodity column, the series of tens of digits, Su Chen gave up after only one glance.

So compared to the space ring, the other two are not worth mentioning at all.

Su Chen also needs this thing. Although the system has storage space, the storage space of the system is limited. It is something that the system rewards. Before you withdraw it, you can store it in the system, but once you extract it, then It can't be put back even now, let alone items from the outside world that didn't belong to the system at all, so they can't be put in.

Therefore, the space of the system can only be exited but not entered, which is too restrictive for Su Chen. How can there be a space ring that is cool to use?
(End of this chapter)

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