I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 135 Harmless Cigarettes

Chapter 135 Harmless Cigarettes
After listening to Su Chen's words, several people put down their chopsticks one after another.

Looking at each other, Yu Qian slapped his thigh and said loudly: "This is a good thing! Chen'er, you are very particular about this matter! Don't mention it, we really have a lot of things we want to buy in normal times. Don’t worry, otherwise you will buy defective products.”

The others also nodded.

But Yu Qian's tone changed immediately: "But Chen'er has something to say that you deserve! Everyone here is from your own family, who doesn't understand you? Who doesn't trust you? How could you have other thoughts? You It’s because you clearly don’t trust us, just based on this sentence, you have to drink a glass of fine!”

Su Chen grinned, knowing that Yu Qiang was speaking for himself, so he readily picked up the wine glass, and said, "Yes! I accept the punishment, and I will drink this wine!"

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Seeing this, the atmosphere instantly eased, and they spoke one after another.

"Chen'er, pay attention!"

"Chen'er is a cheerful person!"

"Oh, this time we can take advantage."

Wu Jing's temper is also straightforward, and he took the opportunity to say: "It's just right, Chen'er, I have a big brother who is kind to me. I have always wanted to buy something for him, but I haven't been able to find something suitable."

Su Chen nodded and said, "What does he like?"

Wu scratched his head in shock. "He really likes a lot of things, but there are only two things he likes most, one is smoking and the other is drinking tea!"

Su Chen was taken aback, looked at Yu Qiang, and then at Yi Zhou, didn't one of these two like to smoke and the other like to drink tea?
Su Chen was happy. "Isn't this a coincidence? I just ordered a batch of good cigarettes and tea.

There is no brand of cigarettes, they are all homemade, but they are definitely good cigarettes, and they do not harm the body, and even regular smoking is good for health.

The tea is a famous tea. I just wanted to make it for my second brother. Just after dinner, you can try it. If you like it, tell me. I'll order it for you! "

Wu was overjoyed. "That's great!"

As soon as Yu Qian raised his hand, he said in surprise: "Chen'er, you said your cigarettes don't hurt you?"

"Sure!" Su Chen nodded. "The things we buy must be green and healthy. My smoke is formulated with a special plant. It tastes very similar to nicotine, but it does no harm to the human body. It can even absorb nicotine and other toxins accumulated in the human body. It will form a pile of garbage, which can be directly passed out of the body. If you smoke regularly like you, brother Ge Er, you will be able to remove all the toxins accumulated in your body due to smoking in less than three years!"

When Yu Qian heard this, he was immediately excited, and couldn't help but swear. "Fuck, I've lived for so long, this is the first time I've heard of this kind of smoke?"

It's no wonder Yu Qiang was excited, he is an old smoker, and his love for cigarettes has been carved into his bones. Not surprisingly, he can't live without it in this life!

Yu Qiang also knows that smoking is harmful to health. He even has lung problems now, and he often coughs, but there is no way. Not everyone can quit smoking.

But now, Su Chen actually said that there is a kind of smoke that not only tastes good, but is also harmless to the body, and can even absorb various toxins accumulated in the body, which is simply unheard of.

If this kind of smoke really exists, it will definitely be a great boon for smokers all over the world!

How could Yu Qian not be excited?To be honest, if Su Chen didn't say this, Yu Qian wouldn't even believe a single punctuation mark.But the words came from Su Chen's mouth, so Yu Qian had to think carefully.

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, startled by Su Chen's words.Wu Jing didn't realize it at first, but when he saw Yu Qian standing up excitedly, he realized it, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and gasp.

"Chen'er, do you have this kind of cigarette in your hand now?"

Yu Qiang asked excitedly, his voice trembling.

Su Chen nodded. "I'll get it for you!"

Su Chen said, got up and walked to the bedroom.In fact, this is all a deception. He didn't prepare in advance. He just searched in the mall temporarily. Originally, he just searched casually, because he didn't believe that there would be such harmless smoke, but he did find it. Moreover, I found more than a dozen styles, such as light fragrance, strong fragrance, mellow fragrance, middle fragrance, etc. There are almost all kinds of cigarettes, and the prices are the same.

Su Chen was once again amazed at the system's ability to defy the sky.

Where is this system mall?It's a cornucopia!
After entering the house and wandering around, I bought a pack of all types of harmless cigarettes from the system mall, then found a bag in the house to put it in, and walked out with the bag.

As soon as he entered the living room, the living room was quiet, no one spoke, just looked at Su Chen so directly, making Su Chen feel inexplicably nervous.

Quickly walked a few steps, came to the table, handed the bag to Yu Qiang, and then introduced: "Brother Liu, there are twelve flavors of cigarettes in here, all of which are harmless smoke that is beneficial to the body, you just try them all , see which one you like!"

"Twelve types?" Yu Qian smacked his lips, good guy, he has smoked cigarettes all his life, but he didn't know there are so many kinds of cigarettes.

Yu Qian couldn't wait to take out all the cigarettes, and everyone surrounded him curiously.

I saw that all the cigarette packages are the same, they are all common packages, but the patterns on them are all the perspective pictures of the virgin forest.

Apart from the background picture, these cigarettes do not have any redundant text descriptions, no manufacturers, no tar content, and only one type description for typical three-no products.

For example, original fragrance type, herbal fragrance type, cotton fragrance type and so on.

Several people stared blankly.

Is this kind of three-no product really reliable?

Everyone looked at Yan in a daze, then at Su Chen, and finally turned their heads to look at Yu Qiang.

Yu Qian did not hesitate, chose for a while, then took out a national wine-flavored cigarette, and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, after smoking for so long, it's the first time I've heard of this kind of cigarette. One, it suits me!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Qiang opened the package and took out a pack of cigarettes. It was still a three-no product without any explanation.

Without hesitation, Yu Qian skillfully tore off the outer plastic seal, took out a cigarette, and then took out the lighter from his pocket.

It lit up with a "snap".

"Hey! Whoosh!"

Yu Qiang took a deep breath.

Others watched helplessly. "Master, how's it going?" Yue Yunpeng asked curiously with his eyes wide open, holding the lamb chops in his hand.

Yu Qiang tasted the smoke, then closed his eyes in recollection. After feeling it, he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Good smoke, absolutely good smoke, it tastes like smoke and wine. Very enjoyable, very similar to the taste of nicotine."

Yu Qiang looked at the cigarette in his hand and asked in surprise: "Chen'er, this feels too similar, is there really no nicotine in it?"

Su Chen blinked. "Bro, do you feel it yourself?"

Yu Qiang thought for a while, raised his hand, and took another sip.

(End of this chapter)

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