I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 147 The Inexplicable Welfare

Chapter 147 The Inexplicable Welfare

After appeasing the pilots, Su Chen looked at the flight attendants again.

"Emmmm, Xiaoshi signed a temporary contract with you?"

The five stewardesses looked at each other, and the oldest among them acted as a representative, and replied to Su Chen: "Mr. Su, we haven't signed a contract yet. Ms. Guo said that you only need three!"

Su Chen nodded. "Hmm! I said that before."

When the flight attendants heard this, they immediately became nervous.It was just that before, I didn't understand anything, but now that I understand it, no one wants to leave.

As for the reasons, there are too many.

However, still waiting for their reaction, Su Chen continued: "But that's what I said before. Now that you are all outstanding, let's stay. And you can also think about it, if we cooperate this time If you are happy, I am happy to sign a long-term contract with you, and you can rest assured in terms of treatment, it must be the best in your industry!"

When the five girls heard this, they immediately beamed with joy.Repeatedly express their views, each with a big atmosphere, and strive to stay.

"Okay, then get ready to board the plane!"

As soon as the few people heard this, they immediately dispersed and started their respective jobs.

Just as Su Chen was about to go back to join the crowd, the phone rang in his pocket.

Su Chen took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, it was actually Gu Qingya.

"Hello? Sister Qingya!"

"Hey, Xiaochen, where are you?"

"I, BJ Airport, ready to board the plane to Dali!"

"Did you really go to Dali?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?"

"What about the jewelry exhibition here?"

"Oh, let's talk about it, I don't necessarily have to go. And isn't there still six days left for this jewelry exhibition? It's too late."

There was a moment of silence on the other side.

Su Chen hesitated for a while, and said, "Sister Qingya, why don't you go to Dali too, let's go together?"

"Who are you guys?"

"Oh, they are all from our own family. You should know them all, Yu Qiang, Yue Yunpeng, Sun Yue and their families."

"Huh? You actually know them? You know them very well?"

"I've made a deal with Brother Yu!"

"That's it, that's good, what time do you take the plane?"

"Eh, I will arrive at Dali Airport around noon!"

"Then I'll wait for you in the ancient city?"

"Success, I'll call you when I arrive!"

"Okay! I'll pack my luggage now!" The voice over there seemed excited and expectant.

Su Chen was also happy. Originally, he thought that other people's families would lead their families, and it was a bit awkward for him to be alone. Now it's over, and this time he has a goal.

Humming a ditty, walking back happily, by this time everyone had already boarded the plane.Only Guo Xiaoshi, Gao Qing and Yu Qiang were waiting for him.

"Have you boarded the plane yet? Are you ready to salute?"

"Don't worry, boss, everything is fine!" Guo Xiaoshi replied.

Su Chen nodded, and boarded the plane with Yu Qiang.

It was also the first time for Su Chen to visit this private jet. Before that, he only had internal design drawings and some photos.It's just that the photos are definitely not as shocking as the real thing. This boarding, even Su Chen himself was surprised.

As soon as he entered, Su Chen felt a luxurious atmosphere rushing towards his face.

Private jets generally have many functional facilities that passenger jets do not have, and the various configurations of Su Chen's plane are definitely top-of-the-line.

The entire private jet, luxury suites, meeting rooms, entertainment halls, concert halls, bars, kitchenettes are almost complete, and even parking garages are available.

The interior of the plane can accommodate dozens of people without being crowded. There are eight luxury suites alone, enough for many people to sleep and rest.

All the decoration facilities of the whole aircraft are all the most advanced preparations, and all kinds of decorations are also very cultural, and any small object is worth a lot of money outside.The most striking thing is that the floor of many areas of the entire plane is a huge electronic screen, allowing guests to clearly see the ground scenery flying all the way under the plane. The large screen on the floor is like an "electronic magic screen". Blanket", when the guests sit on it, they can feel the breeze blowing in the forest or ocean atmosphere, ahem, if you want to see the ocean, you probably have to wait until you travel abroad.

After everyone boarded the plane, they first found their seats, fastened their seat belts and waited for takeoff.After the plane stabilized, everyone began to visit the interior of the plane. Almost everyone was shocked by the luxury of the plane.

Even the "well-informed" stewardesses were shocked from ear to ear by the luxury of the aircraft's interior facilities, covering their mouths in amazement.

After a long while, all the people finished their visit with more than enough interest, and then each found a place to rest.

Maybe it's because she's getting old, and Sister-in-Law feels a little uncomfortable when she gets on the plane, so she went to rest in the luxury suite, where Yue Yunpeng and Sun Yue's daughter-in-law took care of her. The luxury suite is not small, even if the three of them are together. will squeeze.There is everything on the plane, and the stewardesses are very experienced. After skillfully performing some physical therapy on Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law is much better.

Except for them, no one else entered the suite, so they must have a good experience of being a private jet after a long time.

A group of old men are in a small karaoke hall, and there is a small bar inside the karaoke hall, which just meets everyone's needs.A few people were drinking and singing, and the electronic screen under their feet showed the real scene on the ground. Standing on it, everyone felt like they were singing in the air, and they were really a little bit ecstatic.

Several bodyguards including Gao Qing were scattered around the plane to ensure the safety of everyone. As for the children, they all gathered in the leisure and entertainment hall, where there are various entertainment facilities. At this time, the three little kids were already playing crazy. Moreover, Guo Xiaoshi, who was originally going to be a parent to take care of the three children, was assimilated after a while, and she was completely having fun.

Although it is a journey, no one feels lonely, but super excited.

At this time, Su Chen was sitting by the bar, holding a bottle of beer with Yu Qiang, listening to Yue Yunpeng singing affectionately, but the expression on his face was a bit strange!
At this time, Su Chen's consciousness was no longer on the plane, but he looked at the system welfare that suddenly appeared with a dazed expression.

"Ding! It was detected that the host went on a trip for the first time, and finally bid farewell to the otaku. He took the first step bravely. He was very happy. Gu specially rewarded the host with a special gift bag. Will the host receive it?

Note: This gift package is a random gift package, full of uncertainty, and unpredictable situations may occur when opening it, please choose carefully! "


Originally, it was a very happy thing to have a gift bag. Although the system complained about it, Su Chen also recognized it. After all, he is the boss of the system, and Su Chen has to show face.

But if you give the reward, you just give it well. What about the special gift bag?Unpredictable situations may occur after it is turned on. Isn't this to make him happy?
What the hell will happen?Su Chen is so entangled!If it's just for him to make some changes, he can accept it. After all, he doesn't lack anything now, even if he lacks something, it doesn't matter.Afraid that the big boss of the system will do something big, let him take a time-travel?That would be a big deal.

emmm, the system boss should not be so unreliable.

Su Chen had some ominous premonition in his heart. He felt that with the beating nature of the boss of the system, this matter was definitely not easy.

After a while, Su Chen couldn't hold back, reached out and opened the gift bag.

Then, with Su Chen's worried expression on his face, the system package was opened.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the most deadly benefit of invisible pretense. Please ask the host to find out the details of the specific benefits!"

(End of this chapter)

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