I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 162 Try Live Streaming

Chapter 162 Try Live Streaming
"Can you?" Yu Qian's tone was a little complicated, but more excited. "What else can I do? It's just too good!"

Yu Qiang's words were somewhat inconsistent, but everyone understood and nodded in agreement.

"This brain hole sounds a bit complicated, but if you can plan it carefully, it will be highly operable!"

"Yes, this program sounds very interesting."

"Life, food, local tyrants are all words I like, and I am already looking forward to it."

"I suddenly wanted to be on the show."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

Su Chen scratched his head, the unanimous approval of everyone caught him off guard, he didn't remember that he had master-level planning skills?Or is it affected by other skills?writer?actor?

Su Chen was at a loss.

But who cares, no matter how he did it, as long as he has a good idea.

"Then let's do it?" Su Chen asked.


"Must do it!"

Everyone else agreed.

"Okay, emmmm, bro, how about this, you can contact Lao Guo and see if they are interested. I remember that their show has just started recording, right? If they are interested, we will work together."

Yu Qing frowned slightly. "I'm afraid it's difficult to handle. The program over there has already been prepared, and temporary changes will be very troublesome. Moreover, there will be many obstacles in the cooperation between the two parties. Would you like it?"

"Well, let's forget it."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead, thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head again and said, "By the way, I heard that their programs have a live broadcast mode?"

"There is such a thing." Yu Qian nodded and said: "But they are just trying, and it seems to be the first time to do it. Nowadays, live variety shows are very difficult to do, and the possibility of hitting the street is very high, so many people dare not easily Try it, Lao Guo and the others are just doing it in the first issue, it's all for publicity."

"Did they say when it was done?"

"I really don't know this!"

Su Chen thought for a while and said: "Then, Brother Ji, please help me to contact there and ask if it is possible to broadcast live here. I have an appointment with Lao Guo for tonight's party, so let's take advantage of it tonight During the party, try to broadcast live in our program mode, and at the same time test the waters of our program creativity, it will be used as publicity. Then we can pay, or they can offer whatever conditions they have."

"That's fine. I'll talk to Lao Guo in a while, but you just have an idea. Is there time for the live broadcast tonight?"

Su Chen smiled slightly. "Don't worry about that. I'll write a complete program plan in a while, and then I'll conceive the process of tonight. As for how you perform, you don't have to worry at all. It's just what you usually do and what you do during the live broadcast. Didn't you say it? What we want is this kind of natural state of life, no script, no acting skills, just pay more attention to the lively atmosphere, don’t be silent, it’s not difficult for you, is it?”

Yu Qian clapped his hands. "Okay, that's it! I'm going to find Lao Guo now!"

With that said, Yu Qian got up and left.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

Boy, are you in such a hurry?Is a variety show so simple?Just a few words and it's settled?
"Uncle Er, what are we going to do?" Yue Yunpeng asked in bewilderment.

Su Chen is now fully in the state, and his brain is running fast. "You really have something to do. Well, let me first confirm the guests who will appear on the scene tonight."

Everyone immediately sat upright.

Filming a show, who doesn't like it?
"Emmmm, it's best to have four to five permanent guests on this show. Brother Ke'er and I are scheduled. Xiaoyue, do you have time?"

"Yes, yes, yes! There must be!"

Yue Yunpeng hastily agreed.

Just kidding, such a compelling program, even if he doesn't have time, he has to find time to participate.

"That's fine, count yourself in. Sun Yue, what about you?"

Sun Yue was very calm. "Yue Yunpeng is fine, so I'm sure I'm fine, but I haven't participated in variety shows and have no experience."

Su Chen waved his hand. "That's no problem. Anyway, our show doesn't need any experience, as long as you don't make some basic mistakes. Then you can be the fifth guest. It is a semi-permanent guest and you can leave at any time."

"This is good, this is good, I can!"

Sun Yue clapped his hands happily.He likes this show, but compared to it, he still prefers to travel. If he is allowed to stay here for the show, he probably won't be able to bear it.So the position of the fifth guest is just right for him.

"There is another position, and a young man is needed. After all, there is a strong laborer in a family. Well, ask Qi Lin at night. If he has time, he will be one."

After speaking, Su Chen looked at the others again. "Xiaoshi, Huanhuan, look, which one of you wants to be on camera? Be a housekeeper, a mansion! You can't do without a housekeeper! But there won't be many shots."

The two women looked at each other, and then Guo Xiaoshi took the initiative to say: "Let Huanhuan come, boss, I am your real butler after all, it is best not to appear in front of the camera!"

When Su Chen heard this, he nodded in agreement.In fact, he doesn't want Guo Xiaoshi to leave the country either. After all, he is not a real actor, and the variety show is just for fun, so it's better to keep it as secret as possible for the people around him. Zhang Huan is the most suitable for the role of housekeeper.

"Okay, let's have fun!"

Zhang Huan happily nodded and agreed, she still likes this matter very much.

"That's it. Then sister-in-law, it's up to you how you do it. If you want to appear on camera, you can come out for a meeting. If you don't want to, just stay in the room or go out to play. You can do whatever you want."

Yu Qian's daughter-in-law, Zhou Ming, made the decision for the three of them, saying that there was no problem.Speaking of which, they are all family members of celebrities, and they have long been prepared for these, and there is no need for Su Chen to behave.

"Okay, then it's all right?"

"Then what about me?" Gu Qingya said suddenly.

Su Chen was taken aback. "Huh? Sister Qingya, you want to appear on camera too?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a white look. "It's not a matter of not appearing on the screen. Didn't you realize that you asked around, but left me behind?"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "No, it's not because you are not from the entertainment industry, so I didn't ask."

"Speak as if you're in the showbiz."

"Eh, but this is not your identity?"

"Why not?" Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen inexplicably, and said with a half-smile: "Don't you, a local tyrant, need a local rich wife?"

"Gah~!" Su Chen's brain buzzed instantly, and goose bumps covered his whole body.

My God, this happened so suddenly.

The others looked at the two in surprise, slowly gossiping in their eyes.

"Sister Qingya, are you serious?"

With a smile on the corner of Gu Qingya's mouth, she shook her head and said, "Okay, I'm kidding you, I don't want to be on camera, I get nervous when I see the camera, go ahead, don't worry about me!"

Su Chen looked at Gu Qingya suspiciously.

Are you sure you're joking with that look in your eyes?

For some reason, looking at Gu Qingya's enchanting body and charming face, Su Chen's mouth suddenly became dry.

(End of this chapter)

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