Chapter 164
Men and women match, work is not tired.An opposite-sex effect researched by an American scientist based on spaceflight phenomena.

A boring study, but the results of the study are really accurate!

Usually when Su Chen works alone, he is also efficient, but he is lazy.But now with Gu Qingya by his side, Su Chen's work attitude changed immediately. Not only was he able to devote himself wholeheartedly, but he was also full of inspiration. In just over half an hour, Su Chen came up with a preliminary plan.

Then it took another ten minutes to come up with a plan for tonight.

This efficiency, speaking out, can scare a lot of people. I have never heard of a variety show planning plan that can be released so quickly, not even writing a chapter of a novel so quickly.But Su Chen did it, and it was also thanks to his skills.

Of course, the more important thing is krypton gold!
Su Chen bought several skills in the system mall, well, the system mall really has everything, only what you can't think of, and there is nothing he doesn't sell.

Any skill, according to proficiency points, the price is different.

Primary skills only need 1 yuan!

And the intermediate level needs [-]!
Advanced level is 100 million, master level is 1000 million, and grandmaster level is [-] million!

Su Chen is not short of money, so he must buy master-level skills.

And he bought more than a dozen skills at a time, such as planning, screenwriting, directing, photography, clothing, editing, art, etc., as long as he bought all the skills related to recording variety shows. With so many skills, Su Chen's efficiency is naturally excellent. improve.

Of course, Gu Qingya must have contributed.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Chen finished all the written work, and after a few words with Gu Qingya, he seized the time to go downstairs to work.

Strange to say, Su Chen dislikes work the least, but for some reason, when it comes to filming variety shows, although it is troublesome and tiring, Su Chen enjoys it and enjoys it.

At this time, the work downstairs is already in full swing.

Dozens of craftsmen were busy in the yard, and more than half of the east building had been demolished, and all the belongings inside had been moved out.

Su Chen first found Zhang Huan and gave her the list he made.After Zhang Huan received the list, he immediately went to prepare for the purchase.

After that, Su Chen began to direct the idle craftsmen to build rural earthen stoves. There must be gas stoves in the kitchen, but compared to gas, the food made by earthen stoves will be more delicious, because the fire of earthen stoves is gentler and more heated. Evenly, the food made has its own smoke and fire.

There are two clay stoves, one in the kitchen and one in the corner of the yard.It is not troublesome to build a stove. The craftsmen are all from rural areas. They are very familiar with building earthen stoves. Everyone knows it. In fact, the important thing is not to build a stove, and the design of the chimney and fire prevention. After all, the attics in the small courtyard are all wooden structures. Clay stoves catch fire too easily.So this requires careful design and careful construction by the masters.

Many people worked quickly, and within half an hour, the walls on the first floor of the east building were basically demolished. They are all wooden structures. As long as the load bearing is no problem, it is actually easy to demolish the walls.

As soon as the walls were removed, the entire first floor of the East Building immediately looked much brighter.

That's when Kung Fu came back.He also brought the director of the "Uncle's Small House" column group. After hearing Su Chen's identity and Su Chen's creative ideas, the column group director decided to cooperate without much hesitation.

This director is also a chicken thief. His cooperation condition is not asking for money, but to discuss cooperation with Su Chen's program, and it is an in-depth cooperation.

It's not that the director is optimistic about Su Chen's show, it's mainly because they didn't have much hope for "Uncle's Small House". That's enough, so if this variety show is bundled with Su Chen's variety show with some potential, "Uncle's Small House" will not suffer.

As for their contribution, it is almost equal to nothing.Anyway, it's just a live broadcast, all the preparations have been done, just change the content of the live broadcast.As for this live broadcast, their column team originally wanted to try the water of live variety shows, and they didn't care much about the effect. In other words, success is gratifying, and failure is not a pity!

That's why their director team readily agreed to use resources they didn't care about in exchange for the resources of another potentially popular variety show and the favor of a rich man. They made a lot of money from this deal.

Unfortunately, it was Su Chen who negotiated with them.Su Chen doesn't care about money when making variety shows, he cares about the show itself, so it is impossible for him to make his show more burdensome because of a little money, so Su Chen directly denies this plan, only giving money, not talking about bundling, Whether to cooperate in the future will be discussed later.

The director's team still wanted to fight for it, but Guo Degang, who learned about Su Chen's temper from Yu Qiang, directly came forward to help negotiate peace. In the end, the director's team gave in a bit regretfully and agreed.

In fact, this is because the director team is not smart. You must know that with the relationship between Lao Guo, Sha Yi and Su Chen, even if they are not bound, they will definitely have a cooperative relationship in the future, so there is no need to put things on the table.Lao Guo also persuaded, but unfortunately the director team felt that if they didn't sign the contract, they wouldn't be guaranteed. That's why it came out like this. It can only be said that there are thousands of faces and thousands of hearts, not everyone is smart.

Once the contract is signed, things are easy to handle.

The shooting aspect is fully entrusted to the "Uncle's Small House" column team, including online promotion.Su Chen is also in charge of the director. After all, he is testing the waters for his own program. It is impossible for Su Chen to hand over the rights in this regard.

After that, Su Chen, Lao Guo and others agreed that they would come to the door on time at 06:30 in the evening and start the live broadcast.Then the few people discussed some routines in the show, the purpose is to draw out Su Chen's show ideas during the live broadcast, and then promote themselves by the way.

This is very simple, everyone is old fried dough sticks, and it is settled in a few words.

In the end, Su Chen also told Guo Degang about Guo Qilin being a resident guest, and Lao Guo agreed without saying a word, but asked to stagger the shooting time with "Uncle's Small House", after all, Guo Qilin is also their resident guest.

After the matter was over, the two groups of people separated.Lao Guo and the others still went back to make preparations for the filming of "Uncle's Little House" and recorded materials for the first episode of the program by the way.

And Su Chen also came back and began to direct various arrangements.With all kinds of skills, Su Chen's command was extremely professional. After a while, the whole small courtyard changed drastically, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

After that, Zhang Huan finally completed a large number of purchases, and all the labor forces in the ancient house were dispatched, including ten housekeepers, eight security guards, Zhou Ming, Zheng Rui's family members, and even three children. There are those who clean up the sanitation, those who pick and wash vegetables, and those who decorate the scenery. Anyway, no one is idle.

But although busy, it can be seen that everyone is very happy. After all, this matter has to be recorded for a variety show, and they have never done it before, and they maintain a full sense of freshness, so the work is very energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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