I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 17 Are all guests here?

Chapter 17 Are all guests here?
"Handsome. Handsome guy?"

"I must be dreaming, to meet the legendary tall, rich and handsome!"

"Zi Liu. Zi Liu"

Glancing at the three girlfriends who were stunned by surprise, especially Han Yao, the youngest who kept drooling, her eyes were about to pop out, which made Guo Xiaoshi disgusted and arrogant.

Su Pan opened his mouth slightly, seeing Su Chen's suspicious face.

He grew up in BJ since he was a child, and there are almost no young masters in the capital that he doesn't know. Some of them must have seen photos even if they haven't met, but Su Chen has no impression of him at all.

To own such a courtyard house, the family has at least tens of billions of assets. With such wealth, it is impossible to be unknown in the capital.

As for whether Su Chen started from scratch and started his own business.Su Pan didn't even think about this idea. The reality is not a novel. Those who can be worth billions or even tens of billions in their early 20s must either inherit the family inheritance or be the reincarnation of the God of Wealth.

"It seems that another rich young man has come to the capital!"

Su Pan looked at Su Chen delicately. He was just curious, not envious. In terms of family wealth, their family is also one of the few super-rich families in the country, and they are not short of money.

Su Chen would be extremely focused when cooking, so he didn't come back to his senses until Guo Xiaoshi and the others came in front of him.

He raised his head, first looked at the three beauties, and then saw Su Pan.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

He is not a chef in a restaurant. As a master, even if he is skilled, he still has dignity.Inviting the three girls to dinner is for Guo Xiaoshi's sake. After all, he is his little secretary. He has a good sense of Guo Xiaoshi and regards her as a friend, so he doesn't mind helping her "support the scene".

But when one more man came uninvited, the taste changed.His Su Chen's craftsmanship is not something anyone can eat if he wants to.What's more, the men who come with this situation, in most cases, are either licking dogs, or rich sons who are sloppy and shameless.

Unfortunately, Su Chen didn't like these two kinds of people.

More importantly, Su Chen wanted to celebrate this meal for himself, and he didn't want to spoil his mood because of unrelated people.

So Su Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

That is to say, because of Guo Xiaoshi's face, Su Chen didn't kick her out directly.Anyway, although people come uninvited, they are guests when they come to the door, and it is not the way to treat people without reason.

Guo Xiaoshi is stubborn, she didn't notice Su Chen's expression, so she introduced to Su Chen excitedly: "Boss, this is my roommate and best friend, this is my eldest sister Chu Miao, this is my second sister Su Qingqing, this is my second sister." It's my third sister Han Yao!"

Su Chen looked at the three women and nodded to them.

"Hi, welcome!"

Guo Xiaoshi's dormitory can be regarded as a fairy dormitory, and the four girls are all online.

Among the four daughters, the second eldest, Su Qingqing, is the most beautiful, especially her pair of phoenix eyes, which are extremely charming.The fourth son, Guo Xiaoshi, is a cute and simple-minded person. Of course, in terms of appearance alone, she can't lose to Su Qingqing.

The boss is not as good, but the boss looks more mature than them, and is also more stable than them. Although he is not as good-looking as the second and fourth, but she is still a big beauty, she belongs to the good-looking type .

She is also the third child, with a relatively special appearance, big eyes and big mouth, and a cheerful disposition.Whether her type is considered a beauty depends on whether she can meet someone who will appreciate it.

Everyone has different tastes, at least Su Chen doesn't like the third child's appearance very much, but it's good to be friends, such a person has a chivalrous face, and he should be very principled in his actions.

After introducing the three daughters, Guo Xiaoshi introduced Su Pan.

"Boss, this is Su Pan, our old senior, our friend, and he sent my luggage."

Su Pan is not Guo Xiaoshi, he has a panoramic view of Su Chen's previous expression, but he only sees that Su Chen doesn't seem to welcome him very much, but he doesn't know the reason.

Su Pan is a person who likes to make friends very much, and likes to be kind to others, so although Su Chen seems to have some opinions on him, he doesn't mind. My friend, I happened to be arrested as a strong man, so I came here uninvited, and I ask Brother Su not to mind."

Su Chen looked at Su Pan seriously, and immediately looked slightly surprised.

He originally thought that Su Pan was a supporting villain in a web novel, but now that he observed it carefully, he realized that he seemed to have misjudged it.

Su Chen is not a lonely person, he just hates some villains with flawed personality, but he is still willing to make friends with some worthy people.

So he finally showed a subtle smile to Su Pan.

"You're welcome. You're my friend when you come. There aren't many people here. It's lively if there are more people. You can do whatever you want. You're welcome. Xiaoshi greets me!"

Hearing this, Su Pan breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, he actually felt an inexplicable pressure from Su Chen.

"Come on, leave it to me, boss!"

Guo Xiaoshi was very happy. After getting Su Chen's permission, she took the three sisters around to visit the garden, and then went back to the main courtyard to find her beloved Fatty and Ice Cream, as well as Sandai, Siniu and Xiaohanhan.

As for the two fairy cats, Fatty and Erya, Guo Xiaoshi had already forgotten their existence.

She didn't need to care about the two cats, she was lying on the flower bed not far from Su Chen, showing her affection comfortably, and looked at Su Chen from time to time, it was very comfortable.

Su Pan didn't follow. Although he was also very curious about the courtyard house, it wasn't suitable for him to be involved with a bunch of women. Besides, Su Chen was here, so he couldn't leave Su Chen here alone.

"Brother, what are we going to do?"

A little embarrassed, Su Pan began to find nothing to say.

Su Chen was preparing the ingredients, and casually said, "Grill with draft beer!"

"Huh?" Su Pan's light was on at that time. "Barbecue draft beer? Emma, ​​brother, I love this beer the most. Unfortunately, my family thinks it's unhygienic, so I rarely let me eat it. I've been craving it for a long time!"

Su Pan has a familiar personality, and within a few words, the atmosphere of the two of them chatting came out.

Su Chen said: "Some of the barbecues outside are very unhygienic. Not only are they messy and messy, but also the barbecue methods are irregular, and it is easy to produce a lot of carcinogens. Eat less!"

Su Pan asked curiously, "Then why are you still eating? Are you not afraid?"

Su Chen shook his head: "I'm talking about it's not safe outside, you can eat here with confidence, because I'm a master chef!"

Su Pan chuckled. "Brother, don't make trouble, you can tell from my face that I am not easy to fool, how can a master chef be so young?"

Su Chen looked up at Su Pan. "You seem very confident in your judgment?"

Su Pan was taken aback, narrowed his eyes, and said with a chuckle, "I can't say it's safe, but I'm 90.00% sure."

Su Chen looked at Su Pan seriously, and didn't answer, but said: "Okay, don't just stand there, the dishes, chopsticks, cups, beer and snacks are still in the main courtyard, you go to Guo Xiaoshi, You can move here!"

Su Pan was taken aback, and smacked his lips. "Am I not a guest? The guest still needs to work?"

Su Chen cast a glance at Su Pan. "The food I cook is only for friends, not guests!"

Su Pan resolutely confessed. "Alright, I'm going right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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