Chapter 175
In the early morning of the next day, Su Chen woke up from a deep sleep.

I slept very soundly this time, and woke up very late, the reason is that
Su Chen turned his head sideways and looked at Gu Qingya who was hugging him tightly, feeling indescribably calm and warm in his heart.

No matter how rich he was before, he always felt that he was a little drifting, but he didn't have that down-to-earth feeling. He felt that his life was like a dream, and he was always dreaming and dying in the dream.

It wasn't until this moment, feeling the beauty in his arms, that he finally felt down-to-earth.

From now on, Su Chen is a person with a family, and he can finally take root in this world, no longer a rootless apple. This kind of down-to-earth feeling is really fascinating.

As for him and Gu Qingya, there is nothing to say about this, everything is a matter of course.

Perhaps, the development between him and Gu Qingya was a bit fast.But sometimes feelings are just so unreasonable.

He fell in love with Gu Qingya at first sight, and Gu Qingya also fell in love with him at first sight. The two of them seemed to be bound by Yuelao in advance, so everything developed very quickly, but without the slightest sense of abruptness.

Su Chen carefully hugged Gu Qingya away from his body. Su Chen's body was nothing to say, especially in that aspect, it was even more powerful. The two of them struggled until after two o'clock yesterday. This was because Gu Qingya was For the first time, the combat power was too poor, or else it would really be
Even so, Gu Qingya is still too tired to wake up.

Su Chen's movements were very light, and he didn't wake up Gu Qingya. He got up, took a shower, and went downstairs by himself.

The small courtyard downstairs has been cleaned up.

After Su Chen sang the song yesterday, the live broadcast ended. There were still many plans to make, but then everyone was drunk, and Su Chen was in no mood at that time, so it ended early.

After the end, the people in the program group left, but Lao Guo and the others stayed.

Yesterday's live broadcast was relatively successful, at least on the Internet.Now last night's variety show live broadcast has exploded on the Internet, Weibo, Douyin and other major platforms are all about the content of last night's live broadcast.

The hottest topic among them is the song "An Ordinary Day" that Su Chen sang yesterday. This song is only a live version, and it has already airborne in the previous life of the Chinese song list. Discussions about this song are everywhere on Weibo and Douyin , the heat remains high.

Secondly, there are also topics such as three teas, soil eight bowls, green fruit brewing, local tyrants' courtyards, etc., which also continue to be hot.

It can be said that although there was not much serious content in yesterday's live broadcast, his influence was unparalleled.

Even if the current popularity is just the beginning, it is estimated that as more people pay attention, the popularity of this topic will rise to a higher level.

However, Su Chen didn't care much about these things. Yesterday's variety show live broadcast was just made on a whim. Afterwards, he was a little boring, so he was even less in the mood to pay attention.As for how it will develop in the future, with Guo Xiaoshi around, Su Chen doesn't want to worry about it.

When he came to the small courtyard, Su Chen sat down on a bench, and bought a large bottle of spiritual nourishment liquid from the mall, preparing to feed his pets.

As soon as the spiritual nourishment liquid appeared, the faint scent of spiritual energy instantly attracted the attention of all the little ones in the courtyard.

In an instant, all the little ones in the sky and on the ground ran over one after another.

Su Chen was instantly surrounded by all kinds of feathers. Fortunately, these little guys usually pay attention to hygiene, their bodies are clean and there is no peculiar smell, otherwise Su Chen would definitely be useless now.

Su Chen frowned slightly, and shouted softly: "What are you grabbing? Just line up for me honestly, anyone who doesn't line up will be hungry!"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, all the little guys, whether they were as big as a pony or as small as an ornamental pigeon, all stood in a row obediently, waiting to be fed.If this scene was seen by Yu Qiang, he would probably be insanely surprised. He has loved small animals all his life, and he probably wanted to see this scene the most.

But for Su Chen, he was used to this scene, and the effect of the spiritual nourishing liquid was extremely heaven-defying, as long as he drank it once, he could gain more or less spirituality.Of course, it is impossible to completely psychic if they only eat spiritual nourishment liquid. At most, they will have the intelligence of human children and can understand human speech, but this is actually quite good.

If these animals were really allowed to speak, Su Chen felt that he might not be able to adapt.

The real function of spiritual nourishment liquid is to improve the blood vessels, system and appearance of animals on the premise of ensuring their health.

The first batch of animals Su Chen bought, including two fairy puppet cats, two short-legged cats, two Akitas, and a starling, have all changed drastically.

The puppet cat is more beautiful than before. Except for the ears, the snow-white hair on the whole body has no variegated color. These fairy cats are born exactly the same, together, they are full of fairy spirit, which can melt the hearts of all cat lovers.

The same goes for the two short-legged cats, but after drinking the nutrient solution, the two short-legged cats seemed to be more naive.Well, it is not surprising that what kind of cats are raised by what kind of owners.

Akita has also become more handsome, and his small eyes have also become bigger. When he usually patrols the small courtyard, his eyes are bright and bright, and he already looks like a spirit dog.

As for pugs, forget it, pugs have too many wrinkles all over their bodies, they can be simple and simple, there is no room for evolution.

Other than that, the rest were given by Yu Qiang and Sun Yue, because the feeding time was short and there was not much change.But it must be more energetic than before. I believe it will not be long before this batch of pets will stand out.

Su Chen is most concerned about the two ponies, the golden eagle and Hai Dongqing.

If the two ponies can be promoted to god horses, the Golden Eagle and Haidongqing will also have spirituality, then from now on, they will ride horses with their beloved ones and gallop freely on the grassland, and there will be golden eagles and Haidongqing guarding them in the sky , Thinking about that scene, Su Chen's heart beat.


Suddenly, a delicate voice came from behind.

Su Chen could tell without turning his head that the speaker was Guo Xiaoshi.

A gust of fragrant wind hit, Guo Xiaoshi came to Su Chen's side.

"Boss, why are you up so early?"

Su Chen fed the last mouthful of spiritual nourishment to an ornamental pigeon.Then he reached out and pulled Guo Xiaoshi into his arms, holding the beauty in his arms, Su Chen said softly, "Didn't I always get up so early?"

"Old. Old. Boss!" Being attacked suddenly, Guo Xiaoshi's body stiffened instantly, her expression became numb, and she couldn't speak smoothly.

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "What's your reaction? Why? You don't want to?"

"No! No! Oh, yes, it was too sudden!" Guo Xiaoshi lowered her head, her face turning red like an apple.

Su Chen scratched his head. "Then I'll give you some more time?"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard it, she immediately caught Su Chen with her backhand, and said anxiously, "No! I can do it!"

Su Chen was speechless. "Why does it feel like you are about to go to the battlefield!"

"Oh, I have no experience!"

(End of this chapter)

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