I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 180 Congenital Heart Disease

Chapter 180 Congenital Heart Disease
"what happened?"

Yu Qiang and the others noticed something strange and rushed forward to ask.

Su Chen took Gu Qingya's pulse. After a while, he shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just altitude sickness. I'll just give him a massage here. Bro, you go first!"

"You don't need our help?" Old Guo asked.

"No need!" Su Chen said.

"That's fine, call us if you need something!" Everyone raised their legs and walked forward without asking any further questions.

"Husband?" Gu Qingya was a little nervous, as she was familiar with Su Chen, she could tell that there was definitely something wrong with her body.

"Boss?" Guo Xiaoshi was also very nervous, holding oxygen in his hand, ready to help Gu Qingya inhale oxygen at any time.

Su Chen waved his hand. "Don't worry, let me think about it."

Su Chen frowned and thought for a moment, but he was actually communicating with the system.

There is indeed a problem with Gu Qingya's body, and it is a big problem.

Congenital heart disease!

But what makes Su Chen puzzled is that Gu Qingya has never known about this congenital disease, and Gu Qingya is almost 30 years old, so there are so many symptoms of this disease, it is estimated that if it is not for this mountain climbing, if it is not for Su Chen With heavenly eyes, Gu Qingya's disease will always be lurking.

This is not a good thing.Like this kind of disease, once the incubation period comes, it will either erupt, and once it erupts, it is likely to quickly reach the point of fatality.

Just like Gu Qingya's current state, if she doesn't get treated in time, it won't be long before her heart attack will break out completely.

At first, Su Chen was a little flustered.Fortunately, there is a system, Su Chen believes in the ability of the system leader.

Sure enough, the system mall also sells medicines, and there are many kinds of them.

After systematic screening, Su Chen finally locked in two drugs.

One is called Buxin Pill, which can make up for Gu Qingya's congenital defect of missing heart, and it is worth [-] million a box.

This Buxin Pill works very well and will not leave sequelae.However, the treatment period of this kind of medicine is long, and one must pay attention to self-cultivation during the period, so as not to stimulate the heart in any way, otherwise it will affect the final effect.

The second is called Plastic Heart Pill, this kind of medicine is overbearing, it only needs one pill to reshape the heart of the patient, not only can make up for any deficiency, but also strengthen the heart, making it more vigorous vitality.It can be said that a pill is equivalent to a life.

Most importantly, its treatment cycle is ultra-short, and the treatment can be completed almost immediately after taking it.

Of course, its price is also very touching.

One pill is [-] billion!
Su Chen's heart was bleeding, and he gave the system boss the title of Zhou Papi without hesitation.

One medicine is [-] billion, which is too dark.

After going on like this, he feels that he can't even last 20 years.

His heart was bleeding, but Su Chen didn't hesitate much, and directly exchanged for Plastic Heart Pill.

I didn't say it, my daughter-in-law must use the best one.

Holding Gu Qingya who was having difficulty breathing again with his left hand, Su Chen pretended to take out his pocket with his right hand, and after a while, he took out a golden pill from his pocket.

There is a mysterious pattern on the pill, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

In fact, when mentioning elixirs, Su Chen thought of the elixirs made by ancient Taoist priests with heavy metals such as lead, mercury, gold, and silver, which could eat the dead.Anyway, it is said that none of the emperors who took these pills had a good end.

So for the pill, Su Chen instinctively resisted.

But at random, Su Chen discovered that the Heart-Shaping Pill in his hand not only did not have any traces of heavy metals, but exuded a strong and strange medicinal fragrance, which made people want to swallow it when they saw it.

Obviously, this should be a real elixir.

Out of trust in the boss of the system, Su Chen didn't hesitate much, and said to the two women: "Fortunately, I brought this treasure, take some water, and help Sister Qingya take this pill."

Gu Qingya frowned. "Husband, what is this? Is there something wrong with my body?"

Su Chen nodded. "It's a bit of a problem, but it will be fine after taking this medicine, trust me!"

After hearing this, Gu Qingya nodded, she must have [-]% trust in Su Chen.

Seeing this, Guo Xiaoshi hurriedly took out the thermos from her backpack, which contained warm water, and carefully fed Gu Qingya to swallow the pills.

As soon as Gu Qingya took the pill, she first felt a sharp pain in her heart, and then felt her heart was surrounded by a strange energy, which made her no longer feel any pain, let alone any discomfort, but instead felt His whole body gradually gained strength, and his short breathing gradually calmed down.

"Ah! Well, the little pill is really useful!"

Su Chen hurriedly opened his sky eyes and glanced at Gu Qingya.

"Race: Human
Name: Gu Qingya
Special skill points: 90
Relationship with the host: Husband and wife (to be determined)
Intimacy: 99
Physical condition: Suffering from congenital heart disease, which has been repaired.Current status - healthy, free from any disease. "

Sky Eye is one of the skills Su Chen relies on most now, so Su Chen spent billions of dollars to expand dozens of skills for Sky Eye. Detecting the patient's physical condition is one of the skills that Sky Eye currently possesses.

The current Tianyan is extremely advanced, not only has a text introduction, but also a detailed scanning explanation.

After Su Chen looked at it, he found that Gu Qingya's congenital heart disease had been completely cured.

"It is worthy of being produced by the system, it is a cow!"

Su Chen silently praised the boss of the system in his heart, but he didn't remember who was complaining about the system just now.

"Come on, get up slowly, feel it, how about it?"

Su Chen supported Gu Qingya to stand up.

Gu Qingya was a little cautious at first, but after a while, she felt that she was completely healed, not only her breathing became smoother, but also the previous altitude sickness was gone.

"Yeah, I'm so good, husband, what you gave me, it's amazing."

Su Chen smiled. "Okay, that's fine. As for the rest, I'll explain it to you when I get back down the mountain."

Gu Qingya nodded, then moved her body slowly, feeling happy from the bottom of her heart, she felt that her physical condition was so good for the first time.

Here, Su Chen thought for a while, grabbed Guo Xiaoshi's wrist, caught the pulse, and opened the sky eye at the same time.

"Huh? Boss, am I not sick?" Guo Xiaoshi was confused.

"I didn't say you were sick, I just confirmed your physical condition."

Guo Xiaoshi was relieved when she heard the words, and agreed sweetly. "oh!"

Through the eyes of the sky, Su Chen saw that Guo Xiaoshi's body was surprisingly healthy.It stands to reason that today's young people lack exercise, and there will be some problems with their bodies, which is the legendary sub-health state.

But Guo Xiaoshi's body didn't have any problems, and the comment given by the system was super healthy.

But soon, Su Chen figured it out, usually Guo Xiaoshi ate and drank with him, and Guo Xiaoshi almost ate whatever he ate.And many of the things he ate were good for the body. After a long time, Guo Xiaoshi's minor physical problems were naturally healed.

(End of this chapter)

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