I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 193 The Master's Story

Chapter 193 The Master's Story

What Su Chen said was not made up, it was what Mr. Wu told him.

When he was in Panjiayuan before, he kept picking up leaks.Later, during the meal, Mr. Wu told him about the master. After all, the master is also a legend in the circle.

In fact, it was more than that. Later, Mr. Wu lent many of his personal notes to Su Chen, which contained many strange people and strange things about the literary and entertainment circle. Su Chen read all the notes, so now he can really be called As a master of antique appreciation, he has the confidence in both technology and experience.

But after hearing Su Chen's words, Gu Qingya frowned and said: "A person who specializes in counterfeiting, no matter how superb his craftsmanship is, can't be called a master?"

"That's right! People like this are called masters, so can a leader in the thief industry start a school?"

Gu's father gritted his teeth, obviously, this Guanyin statue irritated him so much that he couldn't understand clearly.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't dare to provoke Gu's father anymore, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, don't worry, I just said that Guanyin looks like a fake, but I didn't say that he is worthless!"

When Father Gu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly. "That's right, Xiaochen, since you knew it was a fake before, and you still asked me to buy it, there must be a reason, right? Tell me, what's going on?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Hehe, Uncle, this Guanyin statue must be a fake, but there should be something good in its belly, which is why Jia Zhen is called a master."

"In the stomach?" Father Gu was instantly excited. "Xiaochen, don't be a fool, just tell me what's going on."

"Good! In fact, this is also a legend in the circle. It is said that the real identity of this master Jia Zhen is an external professor of a certain museum. He likes to study porcelain all his life and is also committed to imitating porcelain. You know, uncle, like They are exhibits in museums, and many of them are imitations. After all, if something happens to the real ones, the loss will be huge.

And this master Jia Zhen was in charge of making imitations of antique porcelain in several museums at the beginning, and his craftsmanship has become more and more superb as time goes by.Of course, the imitations he made in the museum have very clear special marks, and these imitations will not enter the market.

Originally, this kind of thing was just like this. Although this master Jia Zhen made many imitations, they were all museums and had nothing to do with the market.

However, the world is impermanent. In addition to being an external professor of the museum, this master himself is also a great collector, and his family has collected many antique treasures.It's a pity that his sons and daughters are not filial, for fun, they stole a lot of good things from him and sold them.The master Jia Zhen was furious at the time, but he was reluctant to dedicate his life's accumulation to the museum.Finally, in desperation, he thought of a way. He produced a large number of antique fakes and hid his half-life treasures in these fakes.

But this method was to hide it from his children in a short time.But in the end, this master Jia Zhen finally realized before his death that he could not take these treasures away after all. If he kept them for himself, they would definitely be sold by his descendants.Although Master Jia was a bit selfish, he was still very patriotic, so before he died, he told a museum curator friend about the matter, and donated all his fake porcelain and all the antiques in it! "

After Su Chen finished speaking, he was a little bit embarrassed.With the ability to imitate fakes without making fakes, his family is poor but he does not sell antiques, and resolutely handed over all his private collections for the inheritance of antiques. He has to admit that this master Jia Zhen is a master worthy of respect.At least the current Su Chen can't do this.

Every one of the treasures in the courtyard of his imperial capital is his heart, and he would love to miss one, let alone hand it in.

But Su Chen and Jia Zhen are different.Jia Zhen does not have his financial resources.So compared to Master Jia Zhen, Su Chen has a second choice, which is to build a museum by himself.Although once a museum is established, it is equivalent to handing over one's own treasures to the country, but at least he is still the curator of the museum!

After listening to Su Chen's words, Father Gu was also silent.After a while, he said with emotion: "According to this, this master is indeed worthy of admiration, but I have a small heart."

But after a while, Father Gu stared at the Guanyin statue in his hand, and asked puzzledly: "But Xiaochen, didn't you say that Master Jia Zhen has handed in all the fake porcelain? Then what's going on?"

Su Chen smiled and replied: "It is said that the master made a total of more than 300 pieces of fake porcelain at the beginning, but in the end he only handed in 289 pieces, and the remaining dozens of pieces were all missing. As for how they disappeared, that is It’s a historical puzzle. But it’s understandable when you think about it, more than 300 fakes have been stored in Jia’s house for more than ten years, and it’s normal for them to be lost for decades!”

When Father Gu heard this, he was really excited this time.

"That is to say, our Guanyin statue is likely to be one of the original fakes?"

Su Chen nodded.

Gu Qingya followed in astonishment and said: "That means, there are probably antiques hidden here?"

Su Chen nodded again. "If there is no accident, it should be so."

"I have a problem!" Gu Qingyu said suddenly.

Su Chen smiled. "What's the problem? Tell me!"

Gu Qingyu rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I believe the story you told, and I also believe that there may be something in it, but how can you guarantee that the value of the thing in it must exceed 300 million?"

"Hey? You girl, why are you only staring at money? Even if the things inside are worthless, as long as they are antiques, our money will not be wasted!"

Gu's father was probably afraid that Su Chen would feel sorry if something unexpected happened later, so he hurriedly scolded.

Su Chen waved his hand. "Uncle, Xiaoyu, there are two reasons why I dare to spend money. The first is pure curiosity. I also heard this story from my elders, but it is said that master Jia Zhen's counterfeit porcelain is super rare in shopping malls. In history, only Shown up twice, sadly the buyer didn't disclose what they got from the porcelain so I was curious."

That's right!To play antiques, you must have this kind of mentality. Just based on this curiosity, it is worth 300 million. "Father Gu added.

Su Chen smiled, and continued: "Second, and the most important point, according to legend, the master Jia Zhen was trying to protect his fake porcelain from being lost, and the antiques inside would not appear because they were not taken seriously. Loss. Therefore, the original value of the counterfeit porcelain he imitated is basically similar to the value of the antiques hidden inside.

That is to say, the value of the things in this Guanyin statue is at least not inferior to the perfect appearance of Song Dynasty shadow celadon! "

"Perfect appearance?" Father Gu was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Isn't that worth at least several million?"

Su Chen nodded.

But in fact, the main reason why Su Chen dared to pay was because he had already seen the answer.

Through the eyes of the sky, he already knew that the value of the things in the Avalokitesvara statue was definitely not inferior to the perfect appearance of the shadow celadon.

(End of this chapter)

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