Chapter 200

In the parking lot, Gu Qingyu took small steps, his body was a little stiff, and his little hands were a little flustered.

"What's wrong?" Su Chen asked puzzled.

"Nothing!" Gu Qingyu said nervously, then took a deep breath, and finally said with a wrinkled smile, "Oh, I just feel so uncomfortable wearing these things, I don't even know how to walk. Turtle, look In my current body, there is nothing less than one hundred thousand, and I feel that if I fall, I can lose hundreds of thousands, which is enough for me to have a major operation!"

Su Chen's head was covered with black lines, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Bah bah bah, what kind of metaphor do you use? It's too unlucky!" Then Su Chen looked at Gu Qingyu, hesitated for a moment and said, "Xiaoyu, brother-in-law, I just want to save face for you, but in the end, it will definitely depend on you If you don't like it, then change back to the original clothes, or your brother-in-law will lead you to buy some ordinary clothes.

In short, how do you feel comfortable.You also know that I have no family, and I really treat you as my own sister.So you don't have any pressure.As far as I am concerned, as long as it is not a principled mistake, I will not blame you, so, relax, you make me feel uncomfortable. "

After hearing this, Gu Qingyu finally understood.

Even if there was a call from Gu Qingya before, she was still skeptical, not because she was suspicious, but because it was the first time she met Su Chen, and there was Gu Qingya in the middle, she was afraid that she would cause trouble for her sister.The little girl looks naughty, but she is actually very sensible.

But now after listening to Su Chen's words and looking at Su Chen's sincere eyes, she finally understood that Su Chen was really not trying to curry favor with her, nor was it because he wanted to do something to her, Su Chen really loved her as his own sister.

At this moment, Gu Qingyu suddenly felt surrounded by a huge sense of happiness, she seemed to have never been so happy.

However, amidst this happiness, why is there suddenly an inexplicable sadness?

Oh my god, it's really lucky that my sister has found such a good home.But what about my other half?

Huh?No, I'm still a child and can't think so much.

For a moment, Gu Qingyu's thoughts diverged, and for a moment he even thought about things that would happen more than ten years later.


"Ah? Brother-in-law!"

"Why are you in a daze? It's almost time!"

"Oh, then let's get in the car." Gu Qingyu stuck out her tongue, hurried to the front of the Maybach, opened the door and got into the co-pilot.

Su Chen shrugged, threw all the things he bought into the trunk, then opened the door and got into the car.

After getting in the car and fastening his seat belt, Su Chen looked at Gu Qingyu again and asked, "How is it? Have you thought about it? Do you want to live a normal life or a princess life in the future?"

Gu Qingyu's eyes were shining, and after staring at Su Chen for a moment, she asked weakly, "Then brother-in-law, I'm asking you a question, don't lie to me!"

"Say it! I will definitely say what I can say."

"Okay, I want to ask, are you really rich? How much of your savings have I spent on this outfit? Is there a tenth of it?"

"One tenth?" Su Chen was amused, the girl still cared about money.

Su Chen paused, stretched out his hand, took off his watch, and handed it to Gu Qingyu. "Girl, do you know how much my watch is?"

Gu Qingyu looked at the glittering and densely packed diamonds on the watch, and numbly shook his head. "This watch is worth 3000 million! And it will keep its value for a long time."

"Thirty million?" Gu Qingyu's little head froze instantly, probably in an emergency calculation, how much is 3000 million?
Her outfit today is full of high-end luxury goods, but it seems that all of them add up to my 600 million, which is only one-fifth or one-sixth of 3000 million.

And this is just the price of a watch on my brother-in-law?

Gu Qingyu felt that her brain and heart were rapidly expanding, expanding
Su Chen took back the watch again, and then continued: "And this car, the latest Maybach with super SUV, the whole car cost nearly 500 million! This car was actually just bought by my people yesterday, just for the sake of Jiangzhou instead, but in fact, I still have at least dozens of cars like this!"

Gu Qingyu's brain was buzzing instantly.

The little girl was short of breath.

Thirty-five million cars for transportation?Or temporary?And there are dozens of cars of the same grade?
Be nice!

Gu Qingyu wiped the corner of her mouth, this is not a local tyrant, he is simply a super rich man!
Gu Qingyu has lived for more than 20 years and had countless sweet dreams, but she never thought that one day she would be able to be so extravagant.

Now she finally understood what her brother-in-law meant by being rich.

Feeling three 5000 million is pocket money for brother-in-law?Then isn't her attire the brother-in-law's snack money?
Suddenly, Gu Qingyu let go.

I thought I was a luxury, and I cherished it very much.Now I suddenly realize that these things on my body are nothing in front of my brother-in-law.

The little girl really let go this time.Of course, what should be cherished is still cherished, and it is extremely cherished. After all, this is the biggest wealth that the little girl has mastered since she was so old.

Moreover, Gu Qingyu knew very well that if her brother-in-law had money, it belonged to her brother-in-law, and it had nothing to do with her.Brother-in-law can love her, but she also has to cherish it.

Only when you know how to cherish can you really get it.This is the truth her mother taught her since she was a child. Although the little girl is young, she is actually very mature.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, I understand when you say that. Then I'm really rude!"

"That's right, it should be like this. People who have advantages and don't take advantage of them are fools!"

"Tch, just show off! Brother-in-law, you released my wild nature today, and I will spend all your money by then, don't regret it!"

Su Chen was happy. "Hey, then I guess you have to work hard. You are almost there to spend me poorly!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I figured it out. Brother-in-law, you are a wealthy local man. If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive it is. No, I will tell my sister to let her take care of you."

"Hey, I said you girl, brother-in-law, I tried my best to please you, but you actually sued me. Where are you from?"

"Hee hee, oops, just kidding! I must be on your side, brother-in-law!"

"It's strange to believe you!" Su Chen shook his head, not caring about the little girl's "threat". "By the way, have you prepared a birthday present for your friend?"

"I'm ready, but." The little girl hesitated.

"But what?" Su Chen asked curiously.

Gu Qingyu suddenly sighed. "Sister Tang and I have known each other for many years. Although there is a big gap between the rich and the poor between me and her, she never cared about my background. Every time I go out to play, I choose the place. He took good care of me and helped me a lot.

This time for her birthday, I spent half a month making a handmade photo album, which contains photos of me and her over the past five years! "

(End of this chapter)

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