I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 203 The Other Side of Tang Qiong

Chapter 203 The Other Side of Tang Qiong

In the garden square, Tang Qiongxu and the smuggler dealt with a group of people, then found an excuse, and dragged Gu Qingyu to a small dressing room.

As soon as he entered the room, Tang Qiong immediately changed his expression.The originally reserved expression instantly relaxed.Then he slumped down on the chair on his own, with his two long legs stretched apart indistinctly, and took out two bottles of mineral water from the refrigerator next to him, and after giving Gu Qingyu a bottle, he raised his neck, and the shareholder Shareholders drank most of the bottle.

"Huh! Cool! Damn, I'm so exhausted!"

Gu Qingyu sat on the side obediently, rolled her cute little eyes at Tang Qiong, and complained: "Sister Tang, you are swearing again!"

"Go! Your sister and I have suffered so much, you still care about me? What's wrong with swearing? My mother is really temperamental!"

Gu Qingyu pouted and said nothing, she was used to Tang Qiong's appearance in private.

Tang Qiong looked at Gu Qingyu, stood up suddenly, sat down beside Gu Qingyu, put her arms around Gu Qingyu's shoulders, and said jokingly, "Hey, Nizi, what's the situation with your brother-in-law? Why did it suddenly appear?"

"I don't know either. My sister just brought him into the house today. There was no news before."

"You just entered the house today? Then you call me brother-in-law?"

Gu Qingyu shrugged. "I can't help it. My brother-in-law is too good. My parents like him very much. Both he and my sister have decided to get a certificate."

"Hiss~! Isn't it? I'm about to get a certificate? Why is your sister so eager to get married all of a sudden?"

"How would I know, aren't you also her best friend? I'm not much more familiar with my sister than you are!"

"Uh, yes, your sister used to be really fucked up. She knew her master's broken company in her eyes. She lived like a puppet and didn't even have any hobbies. Hey, your sister told me before that she was going to resign. Did you resign?" ?”

"Resign, my sister got married with my brother-in-law only after she resigned!"

"What? Fuck! It didn't take long, maybe less than a month? Your sister fell so soon?"

"Sister Tang, you're swearing again!"

"Ahem, Sao Rui, I'll try my best to pay attention. No, what about your sister? This is a flash marriage! Your sister doesn't seem to be such an impulsive person. Could it be that your brother-in-law is really so good? How can I look at it besides being handsome? Nothing special."

"Sister Tang, don't tell me, my brother-in-law is really extraordinary!" Speaking of this, Gu Qingyu's eyes lit up.

Tang Qiong became interested. A pair of slender thighs were put together, and the curves of her whole body were extremely prominent, which made people's blood spurt. "Oh? Tell me!"

"Actually, I don't know much. I only know that my brother-in-law is a big local tyrant and very rich!" Tang Qiong and Gu Qingyu have been together for ten years, so she trusts Tang Qiong, so she said it without hesitation.Of course, Gu Qingyu didn't say everything. For example, he didn't say anything about Su Chen's personal family situation and specific identity. After all, this belonged to Su Chen's privacy. Gu Qingyu was very clear about what he could say.

"As you can see, he bought me this whole body. My brother-in-law really loves me. In addition, my brother-in-law is proficient in antique appreciation, and his level is higher than that of my father. What's more, he cooks delicious food Really, Sister Tang, I have eaten a lot of food with you these years, but I can assure you that none of the food I have eaten before can match my brother-in-law's craftsmanship, even the tie No. My brother-in-law's cooking skills are absolutely top-notch!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Qiong's eyes lit up.

No way, as a foodie, her resistance to food is really low.

"Is that an exaggeration? Your brother-in-law's cooking skills are really so superb?"

"Really, I won't lie to you, anyway, I was conquered. You know my appetite, I usually can eat four taels of rice at most, but today at noon, I ate a full six taels, it's because I ate too much The food is full!"

"Hiss! Gudong! Nizi, I have to say, you're greedy for me!"

"Hee hee, it's simple. When you go to my house sometimes, I'll ask my brother-in-law to make something for you to eat. My brother-in-law has a good personality and won't refuse."

Good personality?Tang Qiong blinked, but didn't say what was in her heart.The first time she saw Su Chen today, she saw a faint arrogance from Su Chen.Obviously, Su Chen's good temper must be aimed at his own people. If it is someone else, it is probably
"Forget it, I don't think I'll have time recently!" Mentioning this, Tang Qiong spread her legs apart again, with a helpless expression on her face.

"Sister Tang, are you in trouble?"

"That's right!" Tang Qiong shook her head helplessly. "You also know that in a family like ours, marriage usually has a lot of constraints, not absolute freedom. What's more, I am not young, so my parents are anxious. This birthday party is actually a blind date meeting they organized for me. "

"A blind date meeting?" Gu Qingyu pouted. "Is this useful? Among the young masters present, which sister Tang do you not know? If you have a sweetheart, you still need this blind date meeting?"

"Who says no! You still know me best, Xiaoyu. But there is no way, my father ordered me to marry before the age of 30. Fortunately, my father is very enlightened, he doesn't ask me to marry anyone, Don't even interfere with my marriage. He said, as long as you get married smoothly, even if you marry a poor boy, I have no objection!"

"Wow! Uncle is so kind? Then what else do you worry about?"

"As you said, I will be thirty soon, and time is running out!"

"Then I can't help you! This matter can only be decided by yourself!"

"Hey! It's so annoying! What the hell, why do women have to marry? It's okay to marry, but let me meet a similar man? Look at those men outside, they are either hypocritical or insidious, and it's hard work Some of the sunny ones are too dull, and some of them are just playful and useless! Hey, Xiao Yuyu, I am so hard!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

Tang Qiong sat upright in an instant, her long legs were put together again, her face returned to a cold smile, she cleared her throat, and said, "Here we come!"

In the garden outside, a man with slightly long hair wandered around with erratic eyes, and finally fixed his eyes on a table. There was actually a bottle of unopened red wine on it. He knew that red wine, and a bottle cost tens of thousands.

The man's eyes lit up, he straightened his neckline, straightened his back, and after sorting out his words, he walked towards the table delicately.

There were two armchairs on that table, and a young man was sitting next to him, he was very handsome, bah!Good skin grows on the bastard, it's so fucking unfair!

The man squeezed out a wrinkled smile, and even greeted him with a smile on his hands.

"Oh, brother, I actually met you here!"

 Ahem, some brothers said that the reward should be increased, it should be, it should be.

  So what, I will try my best to spare time and write more tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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