I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 207 Xu Xiaodong Gives a Gift

Chapter 207 Xu Xiaodong Gives a Gift
At this time, the melon-eaters on the side were also dumbfounded by this reversed plot.

"I'll go, smart temperature-adjustable clothes? Are they real or fake?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard any rumors! But as Young Master Wang, I shouldn't be cheating!"

"I just find it a bit unbelievable. Is our country's technology so advanced now? I've only seen temperature-adjustable clothes in Xianxia novels, but now the technology can be realized? Then in the future, will it be possible to zoom in and out at will? Can you get the hoop out?"

"Who can say for sure?"

"Damn it, why are you looking at me when you talk about the golden cudgel? mmp!"

"Ah~! Young Master Wang is so gentle! I really like it so much. I don't know why Tang Qiong is so reserved, but I really don't know how to cherish it!"

"You are stupid! She doesn't know how to cherish it better, otherwise, where would we sisters get the chance?"

Not far away, Su Chen looked at the clothes in Tang Qiong's hands with a weird expression.

Old Wen can!There is no sign of advertising, and the effect is extremely obvious. The most important thing is that there is no cost.

With Young Master Wang's virtue, it must have cost a lot of money to buy this dress.

Wen Liangdong's move of four or two is absolutely awesome!Su Chen has been able to predict that within three days, the news of temperature-adjustable clothing will spread throughout the upper class in major cities in the south of the Yangtze River, and will be extremely sought after.

After all, this is a birthday gift from Young Master Wang to Tang Qiong, the number one beauty in Jiangzhou, and that's how the hype came about.

There is no doubt that temperature-adjustable high-end clothing has already opened up sales in the upper class in the south of the Yangtze River. As for the north, I believe it is only a matter of time.

I just don’t know if Wang Dashao has any additional conditions. After all, no one is a fool. Wang Tong must also know the effect of his actions on the promotion of temperature-adjustable clothing. It is normal for him to take this opportunity to raise conditions, but Su Chen I believe that with Wen Liangdong's method, the future technology side will definitely not suffer.

Su Chen didn't call Wen Liangdong. He said that he would not get involved in the company's business, so he must do what he says.Otherwise, you are asking for trouble for yourself.

"Smart temperature-adjustable clothes? Are they real or fake? Why do I feel that this thing is less reliable than my health-care pill?" Suddenly, Xu Xiaodong's complaints came from Su Chen's ears.

Health care pills?What a familiar name!

"That's right, sister, is sister Tang being cheated!"

Gu Qingyu wrinkled his smile, and said a little worried.

Su Chen shook his head. "There is no such thing as the existence of such intelligent temperature-adjustable fibers!"

"Ah? Really?" Gu Qingyu stuck out her tongue. "Emma, ​​why have I never heard of it? Am I too outdated?"

"Don't think about it, this kind of clothes hasn't been released yet, it's probably just about to start publicity, you don't know it's normal!"

"How did you know, brother-in-law?"

When Su Chen heard this, he smiled without saying a word.

Gu Qingyu rolled her eyes, covered her mouth suddenly, and stopped asking, and hurriedly changed the subject. "Brother-in-law, I think Sister Tang seems to be very embarrassed. She seems very helpless towards that Wang Tong. Can we help her?"

Su Chen frowned slightly. "Your sister Tang asked you for help?"

"No, it's my guess."

Su Chen shook his head. "We don't want to get involved in this kind of thing, otherwise we may cause trouble inside and out. If your sister Tang asks you for help, it's not too late to discuss it then!"

Gu Qingyu nodded ignorantly, although she still wanted to help Tang Qiong.But in comparison, he still listens to his brother-in-law more.

The three chatted, and finally it was the other people's turn to give gifts. After a while, it was Xu Xiaodong's turn.

Xu Xiaodong hesitated for a moment, and after cheering himself up, he forced himself to carry the bottle of red wine and walked over to the gift giving place, then put the gift down without changing his face.

In an instant, the surroundings of Xu Xiaodong became quiet, and the people nearby looked at Xu Xiaodong in astonishment.

Almost all the people present knew what kind of wine Xu Xiaodong was holding, and even more knew that it was the unlimited supply of red wine at today's banquet.

So for a while, many people had greetings on their foreheads.

Take something from the host's house as a gift to the host's house?What is this way?Where does this come from?
Not far away, Su Chen and Gu Qingyu almost couldn't laugh out loud when they saw this scene.

Really, seeing Xu Xiaodong putting down the gift and leaving, his self-possessed and a little flustered expression is really too poignant.

Su Chen and Gu Qingyu bent their waists and covered their mouths, for fear of laughing out loud, they held back in pain.

Fortunately, Xu Xiaodong didn't see this scene, otherwise this guy might run away on the spot.

Originally, this was just a small episode, and it was over after laughing.After all, gift giving is just a corner of the banquet, just like the place where gift money is collected at the banquet, it is all in an unobtrusive place.

So even though Xu Xiaodong's behavior was a bit weird, no one would be too busy to meddle in other people's affairs.It wasn't a big deal at first, but it would spoil the atmosphere of the banquet if it got too big. No one would do such a thankless thing.

That's why Su Chen teased Xu Xiaodong like this. He expected that there would be no major incidents. Even if it was to teach Xu Xiaodong a lesson, let him be a little awed when he cheated on food and drink in the future, and don't be so unscrupulous.

But unfortunately, there have never been many strange things in this world.

Just as Xu Xiaodong was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by a sharp voice.

"Wait a minute! You! It's you, stop for me!"

Xu Xiaodong froze, stopped for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched, turned his head, and found that the person speaking was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a bit bitter face.

"Girl! You called me?"

"Nonsense, what do you say?" The girl gave Xu Xiaodong a blank look, then stared at her big and slender eyes and said, "I ask you, what's your name? Who is your father? What's the relationship with me, Sister Tang?"

Xu Xiaodong broke out in a cold sweat.

It stands to reason that he has also encountered such occasions. After all, cheating on eating and drinking all day long, there are always times when the horse stumbles.

But in the past, as long as he was caught, as long as he sent some blessings and said some good things, no one would make life difficult for him on the big day, and at most he would teach him a few words.

But this time is different, this time he accidentally broke into the circle of the second generation, there is no ordinary person here, if he is exposed in public here, then he will definitely be useless.

It's too easy for anyone here to play with her.

Fortunately, Xu Xiaodong has "experienced in the battlefield", and his mentality and experience are top-notch.

In just a split second, Xu Xiaodong calmed down and turned his back on the customer. Instead, he asked the girl in a cold voice, "Who am I and does it matter to you? Who are you, Ms. Tang Qiong? It's your turn to call the shots here?"

Xu Xiaodong also tried his best, but there was no good result anyway, as long as he can pass the test today without revealing his identity, at worst, he will go away and fly away after leaving here, leaving this city. .

Xu Xiaodong thought well, but it's a pity that the girl opposite is not only targeting him!
 Emma, ​​working overtime again, the evil boss, go crazy!Jiageng has not been offered, there is no way, let's see the situation tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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