Chapter 209 teach life



"What the hell!"

There were bursts of exclamations at the scene.

Then the whole square fell into an eerie silence.

No one expected that Su Chen would be so ruthless that he dared to hit someone directly.

It's fine if it's a man, but Su Chen hit a woman, and a girl at that.

This caused some people to change the way they looked at Su Chen.

Not only the second-generation melon eaters, but even Tang Qiong and Wang Tong were stunned.

Tang Qiong covered her mouth, forgetting to even get angry, she just felt her mind was blank, and her eyes were dull looking at Su Chen.

Wang Tong's expression still didn't change much, but his brows were slightly furrowed as if visible, and his loose hands were slowly clenched. Obviously, Wang Tong's heart was by no means as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Gu Qingyu was also stunned, she didn't expect her brother-in-law to be so domineering, the little girl immediately felt a sense of security, and she was very relieved.

It's just that at the same time, I was also a little worried about my brother-in-law.

Hitting is wrong after all.

As for Xu Xiaodong, he was terrified just now, but now seeing Su Chen being so irritable, he was even more frightened out of his wits, his whole body was stiff and his brain was buzzing.

If he could do it all over again, Xu Xiaodong swore that he would always detour if he passed within a hundred meters of the Jade Emperor Hotel.

What the hell, everyone here is too perverted to be offended!
Is this the boss's world?It's scary!

The first person on the scene to react was Wang Ling.

After being beaten, she was also stunned for a long time, as if she couldn't believe that she was beaten.

However, after a while, Wang Ling exploded instantly, and the whole person was out of anger.

"Ahh! Bastard! Bastard! How dare you hit me, you bastard! I'll fight with you!"

Wang Ling gritted her teeth and stood up, and without thinking about it, she rushed over like Su Chen, her fingers curled up, and her long nails went straight to Su Chen's face.

Su Chen shook his head, and the next moment, he kicked Wang Ling to the ground without hesitation!At the same time, the voice said coldly: "You have to thank, this is a society where men and women are equal.

However, equality between men and women does not mean that women are superior to men and men are inferior. Men can be used to women's petty temper, but for some uneducated and femme-hearted women, if you don't beat them to death, you really don't understand what benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, good and evil are. Right and wrong!
Other men want to be gentlemen, but I am not!You can scold again, do you think I dare to continue to slap you? "

Stared at by Su Chen, Wang Ling suddenly felt cold all over.The originally angry heart turned cold in an instant, and he glanced at Su Chen in fear, and dared not speak again.

Obviously he was scared by Su Chen!

At this time, the eyes of the people around Su Chen changed again.

Some men look at Su Chen like they look at heroes.Some people shook their heads. They still thought it was wrong for Su Chen to beat women, but they couldn't find any reason to refute Su Chen's words, so they could only choose to ignore them.

However, no matter how excited everyone was, no one dared to speak.After all, the person who was beaten belonged to the Wang family, and anyone who said anything at this time might offend the Wang family. None of the people present wanted to provoke enemies for their own family, and they dared not.

But here, for the first time, Tang Qiong looked at Su Chen with a slightly different look in his eyes, and the originally worried eyes gradually relaxed.

She was also in no hurry to speak, to see how things would play out.Of course, she didn't sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. If Su Chen suffered a loss for a while, she would definitely stand up.

She has decided that even if she breaks with the Wang family today, she will not hesitate.At worst, she ran away from home.She herself is not afraid of the Wang family, she is just afraid of causing trouble for her own family.

Seeing Wang Ling being beaten again, Wang Tong finally couldn't bear it anymore.Standing up, he sternly shouted at Su Chen: "Enough! It's done!"

Wang Tong's tone was a little angry.But he didn't seem to be angry because Wang Ling was beaten, but because Su Chen hit Wang Ling in front of her, and didn't take him seriously at all.

For Wang Tong, face and power must never be provoked.

Su Chen didn't seem to hear Wang Tong's words at all, but came to Wang Ling, squatted down slowly, picked up Wang Ling's phone, handed it back to her, and said at the same time: "I know you are not convinced, you can continue Call the police, I also want to see if the Jiangzhou police are listening to you or the evidence!"

Wang Ling's face was full of fear, and she wanted to take back the phone, but she didn't dare to do it at all.As for calling the police, she didn't even dare to think about it.

She was really afraid of being beaten. No one had ever beaten her since she was a child.Su Chen's beating will make her remember for a lifetime!

But here, seeing Su Chen ignoring him, Wang Tong was even more furious. He, who has always been happy and angry, unexpectedly showed an angry expression on his face, which shows how angry Wang Tong is now.

Su Chen threw the phone on Wang Ling, and then slowly stood up.

Finally looking at Wang Tong, he said coldly, "Enough is enough! Who are you? If you want to talk, do it well, otherwise I don't mind teaching you how to speak!"


The second generation of melon eaters gasped.

My mother, where did this boss come from?It's fine if you hit Wang Ling, but now you want to beat Wang Tong hard, this is piercing the sky of Jiangzhou!
But I don't know, Su Chen really didn't take Wang Tong seriously.He doesn't even care about Yan Quan, let alone Wang Tong?

Wang Tong didn't know Su Chen's background, he was really excited by Su Chen now.The cultivation he had maintained for more than ten years was completely torn apart at this moment, and now he only wanted to torture Su Chen to death.

Fortunately, Wang Tong is still a little sensible, he knows that when dealing with a reckless man like Su Chen, he can't force it, he can only outsmart him.Although he exercises regularly, it is obvious that he cannot be Su Chen's opponent in a fight!He still has this self-knowledge.

Taking a long breath, Wang Tong forced himself to calm down, the corner of his mouth twitched, and Wang Tong said again: "Okay, everyone is an adult, you don't need to be arrogant. You lead people to cheat food and drink first, and hit people later." , I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, call the police!"

Su Chen shrugged, and said indifferently: "You do whatever you want, I don't care. But in order not to cause trouble to the police uncles, I think you should think it over before making a decision, otherwise I don't mind suing you for framing!"

"I framed you?" Wang Bronze seemed to have heard the big joke!With a sneer, Wang Tong pointed at Xu Xiaodong and said, "Is he one of yours? Don't say you don't know him!"

Su Chen nodded. "Well, I don't deny that I know him!"

"That's good, then he comes here to eat and drink, and it has something to do with you, right?" Wang Tong continued.

But this time Su Chen shook his head in denial. "You are wrong! Why do you think he is just eating and drinking? Just because of your mouth?"

Wang Tong shook his head in disappointment. He thought Su Chen was an opponent, but he didn't expect Su Chen's sophistry to be so mentally retarded. "It's nothing to discuss. Don't tell me you don't know what gift he gave you! Besides, everyone present doesn't know him, which is also enough to explain the problem!"

Su Chen smiled mysteriously, then walked to the gift table, and picked up the bottle of wine in front of everyone, but no one saw it, the bottle of wine disappeared for an instant when Su Chen picked it up!It's only for a moment, so no one can find out!

 Keke, stay up late tonight, I will write another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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