I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 211 Gu Qingyu's IQ

Chapter 211 Gu Qingyu's IQ
"What do you know?"

Tang Qiong asked stupidly.

Su Chen also looked at Gu Qingyu with an admiring expression.

Gu Qingyu analyzed with sparkling eyes: "Hehe, Sister Tang, that Wang Ling's purpose was not Brother Xu at all, but to call the police later. Think about it, if you didn't stop Wang Ling from calling the police because of Wang Tong's pressure, With Wang Tong's ability, he will definitely be able to bring me into the police station. Once I enter the police station, their goal will be achieved.

Because once I enter the police station, it means that the police station will leave a record of my cooperation with the liar.Even without this, if my sister heard that I was in the police station, no matter what the cause of the incident, my sister would blame you for not taking good care of me and letting me in the police station, even if you explained it , Then this incident will also make my sister and I become more and more unfamiliar!After all, he is still a minor child! "

After Tang Qiong listened, she was shocked and her eyes were dull.

"Damn it! That bitch can be so vicious in her mind?"

"Sister Tang, you're swearing again!" Gu Qingyu said quietly.

Tang Qiong immediately covered her mouth, and glanced at Su Chen cautiously. Seeing that Su Chen's expression did not change, she was relieved and smiled silly. "Sau Rui, Sao Rui, excited at the moment!"

After Tang Qiong finished speaking, she hurriedly changed the subject. "That's not right, that girl Wang Ling is also underage, how can she have such deep thoughts?"

"Amount..." Gu Qingyu bit her finger and fell into deep thought, cheating the client, Gu Qingyu shook her head. "I'm going to ask my brother-in-law about this!"

Su Chen smiled, took a puff of smoke and said, "There is nothing difficult to understand. This incident was fundamentally an accident. With Wang Ling's IQ, she really couldn't consider it so comprehensively. At that time, she probably just wanted to humiliate her in public. Looking at Xiaoyu, I can see that Wang Ling seems to have a good impression of you Tang Qiong, and this kind of affection is very overbearing, so overbearing that you are not allowed to treat other girls well, and because of this, Xiaoyu has become Wang Ling's target , so from beginning to end, Wang Ling's goal has always been Xiaoyu."

Gu Qingyu slapped her hands and said excitedly: "Ah! I know, so when I asked my brother-in-law if he wanted to help brother Xu, you said that you should wait and see. You knew then that Wang Ling was going to frame me?"

"Smart, I really saw it. Because when Wang Ling confronted Xu Xiaodong, her eyes always vaguely looked like us, so I had a guess at that time."

Beside, Xu Xiaodong fell silent.He is in a very complicated mood right now, he is shocked by the deepness of Su Chen and other second generations, but also moved by Gu Qingyu's kindness.

At first, he really resented Su Chen for cheating him, but after thinking about it, the cause of the incident was that he wanted to cheat Su Chen, and Su Chen was just repaying him with the same way, Su Chen himself did nothing wrong.What's more, in the end it was Su Chen who took the initiative to help him out.

Of course, according to Gu Qingyude's analysis, he might be implicated.But Gu Qingyu also said that she wanted to save him when she didn't know the cause and effect of the matter at the beginning.Based on this alone, he has no reason to blame anyone.

So Xu Xiaodong had long since lost his resentment towards Su Chen, and instead felt a little grateful.If it weren't for Su Chen, he would never have experienced what he is today.

And this is also the reason why he stayed. He felt that what happened today was an opportunity for him.
Xu Xiaodong listened silently, and Su Chen continued: "Wang Ling has nothing to discuss, the important thing is Wang Tong, Xiaoyu's analysis just now should be what Wang Tong wanted to do, the moment he learned the cause and effect of the matter, probably Just thought of a series of calculations, this person's scheme is indeed not bad.

It can be said that he stood up today, enough to accomplish several purposes.

First, what Xiaoyu said is to sow up the relationship between Qingya and you, and it is likely to succeed, because once Xiaoyu is hurt, even if Qingya doesn't care about it, Tang Qiong, you will feel guilty because of it, and you will not accept Qingya when you are in trouble in the future help.This is equivalent to cutting off your food and grass.

Second, through this matter, he strongly announces his attitude towards you, that is, he leaves room for the marriage between you, and allows a group of people who are on the sidelines to make choices, and shocks a group of potential enemies.This is cutting off your reinforcements.

Third, if you can't keep Xiaoyu today, your reputation will be ruined.It will cause people who are trying to help you to quit because no one will cooperate with teammates who can't protect their teammates.This is breaking your reputation!
In the end, there is nothing new, it is through this that he puts further pressure on you, defeats your psychological defense step by step, and forces you to make a choice between family and love as soon as possible!

Of course, although these analyzes are a bit too idealistic, you have to know that for some people, as long as they have a reason, they can use the power of public opinion to reverse right and wrong and expand the results of the battle. "

"Mom, no wonder brother-in-law you stood up at that time, so you could see that Sister Tang was in a dilemma at that time."

Tang Qiong's face was pale, and he was afraid for a while. Only then did he realize how dangerous she was at that time.

And just like what Su Chen said, if Su Chen didn't stand up in time today, then she would really be doomed.

Tang Qiong took a deep breath, and then said with unusually firm eyes: "Although it's an afterthought, I can be sure that if you didn't stand up at that time, I would definitely not compromise."

Gu Qingyu hugged Tang Qiong's arm with some distress. "Yeah, Sister Tang, I believe in you!"

Gu Qingyu said this without any hesitation, in fact, Tang Qiong would do what she said.Otherwise, Gu Qingyu wouldn't have been a bosom friend with Tang Qiong for so many years.

However, Su Chen shook his head. "It doesn't matter! Even if you insisted at the time, Wang Tong would find a way to make you compromise. Because today he stood up, not only pushed you into a desperate situation, but also put himself on the Liangshan Mountain. You can't compromise, and he will do the same." You can't compromise, otherwise all the hard work he has done to you before will be in vain! He will never let you have a chance to relieve pressure.

Looking at Wang Tong's face, you can tell that he is not an impulsive person. He must like to make decisions before acting. If my guess is correct, he should have planned this occasion, but the fuse of his calculations temporarily became Wang Tong. Ling made a fuss.

In other words, even if Wang Ling hadn't made trouble, he would still use other means to force you! "

"You're right, Wang Tong did plan ahead, and I was negligent!"

Suddenly, a voice came.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and found that it was Tang Fang and a middle-aged couple who came. It seemed that they should be Tang Qiong's parents.

"Dad? Mom? Brother? Why are you here?"

Tang Qiong asked in surprise.

Tang Fang shook his head, and said with some guilt: "Little sister, it's my brother's incompetence that made you suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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