Chapter 215

"What what!?"

Su Chen's first sentence made Tang Fang's brain buzz instantly.

Acquire the Wang Group?

Are you sure this isn't a joke?The Wang Group is a super group worth 3000 billion RMB. To acquire such a group, at least hundreds of billions of funds are needed.

With so much money, the Tang Corporation dare not even think about it. Even the top ten super companies in Huaguo, it is estimated that it will be difficult, or impossible, to come up with such a large amount of liquidity in a short period of time.

Unless it's those super venture capital firms or taking out loans from banks, it's impossible.

Could it be that Su Chen's family group is a super venture capital?

That's a bit sloppy!

It can be said that Tang Fang couldn't figure out what Su Chen was going to do, and his head was buzzing for a while.

Tang Qiong was also a little dumbfounded. She had heard Gu Qingyu say that Su Chen was rich.But she has no concept of how rich she is, but now it seems that she knows a little bit.

Not only her, but also Gu Qingyu's eyes widened instantly, sticking out her tongue.

Feeling that my brother-in-law said that he is not short of money, and has reached the point where he can buy other people's company groups casually?
Brother-in-law cheated!

Gu Qingyu sticks out her sweet tongue, her heart bursting with foul language.

Su Chen didn't know what the three of them were thinking. In fact, he didn't even realize how scary his words were.

Because Wen Liangdong on the opposite side was frightened by Su Chen.

Wen Liangdong is eating and socializing with people.After receiving the call, he stood up abruptly.After a while, he apologized to the guest, then left the private room and went to the quiet place next door to talk.

This hotel is also Su Chen's property, which is the hotel in the first-tier cities rewarded by the system. In order for Wen Liangdong to have a base camp for socializing, Su Chen temporarily handed over this restaurant to Wen Liangdong for management.

So Wen Liangdong can talk about anything in the hotel without worrying about being overheard.

"Boss, who is the Wang Group you are talking about?"

Wen Liangdong came to the window, stood upstairs and looked down, overlooking the street scene, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"Shenghui! Shenghui Wang Group!"

Wen Liangdong was shocked. He might not know about other groups, but he was very familiar with Shenghui, because he had just finished negotiating business with Shenghui Group, and even the guest he was entertaining was a director of Shenghui Group and also a member of Shenghui Group. one of the shareholders.

Shenghui Group is a large group, involving multiple industries such as trade, energy, real estate, network media, and medical care products, especially trade and medical care, which are the pillar industries of Shenghui Group.

Wen Liangdong and Shenghui Group were talking about the foreign trade business of temperature-adjustable clothing.And it's almost over.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Wen Liangdong doesn't know what Su Chen is going to do.

After all, the two had a tacit understanding before, and Su Chen would not interfere with Wen Liangdong's running the company.Now it suddenly intervenes.

For Wen Liangdong, it doesn't matter whether he cooperates with Shenghui Group or not. After all, he has many choices. Now that temperature-adjustable clothing is in a monopoly position, he has no worries about sales.What he cared about was Su Chen's attitude.

Wen Liangdong wanted to ask Su Chen what he wanted to do, but he couldn't ask directly, he could only beat around the bush and probe:
"Boss, Shenghui Group is discussing cooperation with our company, what do you mean?"

"Huh? You really have cooperation with Shenghui Group?"

"Yes, Shenghui Group has foreign trade business."

Su Chen smacked his lips.

Isn't this a coincidence?

When Wang Tong took out the temperature-adjustable clothes before, Su Chen had this kind of suspicion, but he didn't expect his suspicion to come true.

Su Chen smiled, and immediately heard that something was wrong with Wen Liangdong's tone, he seemed a little nervous, after thinking about it, Su Chen guessed what Wen Liangdong was thinking, and couldn't help laughing: "Cough cough, old Wen, don't think too much, This happened by coincidence. It happened like this. My girlfriend’s best friend’s group has some conflicts of interest with the Wang family. In addition, I also have some opinions on the Wang family, so I wanted to mess with him, so I thought of you. I don’t know much about business warfare, so I just want to ask you if the acquisition of the Wang Group is a success!”

Wen Liangdong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and secretly thought of himself as a villain.But don't blame him, who would have thought it would be such a coincidence?
Then the next moment, Wen Liangdong became energetic.

Acquire Shenghui Group?This seems to be a trick!
"Boss, which group is the wife's best friend's family? Can you tell me?"

"Oh, it's the Tang Corporation." Su Chen was taken aback, looked at Tang Fang in embarrassment and asked, "Then what, Old Tang, what's the name of your company?"

Tang Fang was taken aback for a moment, and Tang Qiong and Gu Qingyu also listened with a chuckle. Tang Fang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly replied: "Tang Ming! Tang Ming Group!"

"Oh, it's called Tang Ming Group, um, I'll tell you what's going on!"

Afterwards, Su Chen told Wen Liangdong about the matter.Of course, Su Chen specifically asked for Tang Fang's consent, which involved the Tang family's private affairs after all.

Tang Fang agreed very happily. In fact, Su Chen would be fine even if he didn't ask for his opinion. For the mall, these things are not secrets at all.However, Su Chen's actions made Tang Fang feel very warm and comfortable, and his affection for Su Chen increased infinitely again.

After a while, Su Chen's mouth was dry and he gave an overview of the matter.

"That's what happened, so I want to ask you, is the acquisition of Shenghui Group good for our company? If it is good, then let's eat it!"

After Wen Liangdong heard it, he was excited, and hurriedly said: "It's good! It's so good! Boss, although our future company has a lot of background, it's mostly real estate, which doesn't help much in terms of business.

Our group is currently only involved in the research and development of technological products, and has no background in production, publicity, sales, etc., which makes the development of our company a bit deformed. I really think about how to develop, but if we can acquire Shenghui Group, It can instantly make the future company step from the primary stage to the intermediate stage, and although this step is a bit urgent, it is still steady. As long as I give me time, I am confident that Shenghui Group can be perfectly integrated into our company. Future Group! "

While listening, Su Chen kept humming and answering.

In fact, he didn't hear a few words, only heard that the acquisition of Shenghui Group would be good for the future company.That's it.

After Su Chen listened, he said directly: "That's fine, this way." Su Chen wanted to order directly, but when he thought of this kind of thing, he couldn't explain it clearly on the phone, so he changed his voice: "Well, old Wen, what do you see? When you have time, come to Jiangzhou, let's talk face to face!"

"No problem, boss, I'll take the earliest flight tomorrow!"

"Well! Then I'll wait for you!"

"Oh, by the way, boss, I have another matter here! It's also a coincidence that I'm having dinner with a shareholder of Shenghui Group to discuss cooperation. Do you want me to test his tone now?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Old Wen, you know more about business wars than I do, so don't ask me, what to do, you decide for yourself!"

With a smile on the corner of Wen Liangdong's mouth, he readily agreed: "Alright then, I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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