I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 217 Brother-in-law is a victim!

Chapter 217 Brother-in-law is a victim!

"Ah~!" There was a sudden scream of surprise in the silent parking lot.

"The Demon Emperor! It's actually the Demon Emperor!"

As soon as Tang Qiong entered the parking lot, she was attracted by a motorcycle that was as red as a flame, and she couldn't help screaming!

It was a red motorcycle with a very high-tech shape, and a slender and enchanting body, like a Shura who came out of hell, domineering and enchanting!
"Ah! I actually saw the Demon Emperor! My God, didn't you say that there are only three cars in the world? Didn't you mean that there is no one in the entire Huaguo? How could there be one here!"

"God, I absolutely love her!"

"Ah! If this is mine, I'd rather reduce my life, huh huh!"

Tang Qiong was incoherent in excitement, but fortunately before she finished speaking, Gu Qingyu, who was closely beside her, covered her mouth and did not utter the oath.

Gu Qingyu was sweating profusely. Fortunately, she knew Tang Qiong well, and knew that she would talk nonsense when she got excited.But this one is very trustworthy, if this vow is made by her, it will probably make her entangled for a lifetime!

"Woo! Xiao Yuyu, why are you covering my mouth?"

Gu Qingyu was speechless. "Sister Tang, you're going to talk nonsense again, can you not say your oath casually? Something will happen!"

Tang Qiong looked indifferent. "Oh, what are you afraid of? Anyway, it's impossible to give me this motorcycle. What's the use if I swear or not?"

As she said that, Tang Qiong felt a burst of regret in her heart.

Gu Qingyu listened, and couldn't help saying quietly: "Sister Tang, how do you know that this motorcycle won't belong to you?"

"Is there any need to ask? Can you afford this kind of artifact with my family background, Miss Tang? Unless someone gives it to me, but it's okay? Xiao Xiao Yuyu, just now your brother-in-law said, what do you want to give me?"

Finally, Gu Qingyu couldn't hold back, she covered her mouth and giggled happily.

Tang Qiong was stunned for a moment, and her scalp was numb due to the shock of extreme surprise!
Tang Qiong swallowed, and forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Little Yuyu, this is no joke!"

Gu Qingyu forced himself to stop his smile, and couldn't help laughing and said: "It should be right! Otherwise, cousin, did you see other motorcycles in this basement? Besides, this is the car key!"

Tang Qiong was shaken all over, swallowed hard, then lowered her head, looked at the car key in Gu Qingyu's hand, her eyes trembled slightly, and for a moment she didn't dare to reach out for it, for fear that the result would disappoint her.

Gu Qingyu understood Tang Qiong very well. This motorcycle should be Tang Qiong's favorite motorcycle he has known for so many years.

Gu Qingyu still remembers that when Tang Qiong saw the publicity picture of this motorcycle for the first time on the Internet, she fell in love with it. At that time, in order to buy this motorcycle, Tang Qiong used almost all her interpersonal relationships. Call for help.

It's a pity that this car is really too difficult to buy, so that Tang Qiong used countless connections to no avail. In the end, she could only watch three limited cars and miss her.

That day, Tang Qiong didn't eat for a whole day because she was extremely depressed.

Gu Qingyu knew that Tang Qiong's love for motorcycles was obsessed to the bone, and now that Tang Qiong's dream was about to come true, she was really happy for Tang Qiong.

Of course, she was most grateful to Su Chen. Gu Qingyu never expected that Su Chen would remember it just after hearing her mention it, and bought it in just half a day!

Gu Qingyu knew very well how rare this car was, so he knew even more how difficult it was for Su Chen to get a car of the same model in just one afternoon, even almost impossible!
But Su Chen did it, and what moved Gu Qingyu the most was that Su Chen helped her fulfill such an incredible wish without showing off, as if helping her buy clothes, everything was so indifferent, this indifferent , can only be felt in the closest person, because only the closest person will give you silently and silently!

If it was said that Su Chen was only a brother-in-law in Gu Qingyu's heart before, then now, Gu Qingyu suddenly has a kind of affection for Su Chen that is closer than his own brother.

Thinking of Su Chen, Gu Qingyu couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

And Tang Qiong, after waiting for a while, finally mustered up the courage to pick up the key, and tremblingly, carefully inserted it into the keyhole of the Demon Emperor's motorcycle!


Like a phoenix nirvana, Tang Qiong turned the key lightly, and saw that the whole motorcycle seemed to wake up in an instant. The fiery red paint body instantly emitted a bright but not dazzling red light, illuminating the entire body. Dazzling like a phoenix!
"It turned out to be true!"

Tang Qiong murmured softly.

In an instant, her whole body was surrounded by a huge surprise, which made her even a little irrational.

Tang Qiong gently stroked the body of the motorcycle, her eyes seemed to look at another rare treasure.


At this moment, Su Chen, who said goodbye to Tang Fang, finally drove late.

After temporarily parking the car, Su Chen walked down, looked at Tang Qiong and the Demon Emperor and said casually: "Sister Tang, this should be the motorcycle you like, right?"

Hearing Su Chen's voice, Tang Qiong hurriedly turned her head and nodded, her expression still a little dull.

"Hehe, it's also a coincidence. I have a friend who also likes this model. I asked the manufacturer to tailor one for her through my relationship. It is the fourth car in the world, and then I cut it off! Sister Tang, don't worry, this The car has not been ridden by anyone since it was produced, and you are her first owner!"

Su Chen has already mastered the art of lying, and he just opens his mouth!

Tang Qiong was dumbfounded again after listening to it!

She thought it was a second-hand car that Su Chen bought from a buyer. After all, there are only three cars in the world, and she knows the buyer.

But even if it is a second-hand car, she is very satisfied.But she never expected that this car has not been touched by anyone, and she is actually the first owner!
To Tang Qiong, this feeling was even more surprising than the first time Diaosi got the goddess!
"Ah~!" Tang Qiong was finally dazzled by the continuous surprises again.

Then, under Su Chen's astonished eyes, Tang Qiong actually hugged Su Chen, and then gnawed a few bites on Su Chen's face and mouth.

"Ah! Su Chen, I love you so much!"

After gnawing, Tang Qiong let go of Su Chen, then immediately straddled the motorcycle and started the ignition. Amid the deafening engine sound of the Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor rushed out like a rocket.

Su Chen: "."

Gu Qingyu: "oo"

Su Chen touched his nose in embarrassment, looked at Gu Qingyu with a pretty dull face, and laughed.

"Then what, Xiaoyu, you saw that brother-in-law is the victim!"

Gu Qingyu ignored him, still staring at Su Chen with big eyes.

Su Chen suddenly felt his scalp go numb, wanting to cry but no tears!
"Xiaoyu! I am so innocent!"

(End of this chapter)

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