Chapter 230
"Continue!" Su Chen gave Gu Qingyu an encouraging look.

Gu Qingyu pursed her lips and smiled, and then analyzed: "Brother-in-law means that this Zhang Tai should be a controlling shareholder controlled by Wang Jun, and Wang Jun should trust Zhang Tai very much, so before the Tang Group acquired the Wang Group The Wang Group didn't make any movement when it bought shares. It was because Wang Jun had confidence in himself and believed that he could hold absolute control.

As a result, there may be a problem with Wang Jin and Wang Tong's shares. "

"Hiss?" Tang Fang was dumbfounded. "Little Gu, what do you mean, [-]% of Wang Jin and Wang Tong's shares may still be in Wang Jun's hands?"

Gu Qingyu nodded. "It's very possible. After all, with Wang Jun's scheming nature, it is impossible for the Wang Group to be divided!"

"This..." The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

If things were really as Gu Qingyu said, the situation might be even worse.

If they can't get the controlling stake of Wang's Group, even if they own 40.00% of the shares of Wang's Group, it will be useless, and they may even be used by Wang Jun, and tens of billions of funds will be cheaper for Wang's Group.

For a moment, everyone's complexion was a little ugly.

"I have a question." Gu Qingya said suddenly: "According to your analysis, since Wang Jun is so cautious, why didn't he increase his own shares to more than 50.00% before? Why did he borrow others' hands? Even if No matter how much Wang Jun believes in Zhang Tai, Zhang Tai is also an outsider, and Wang Jun doesn't even trust his own son, so he will teach the lifeblood of the Wang Group to a foreigner?"


Several people fell into deep thought again.

But Wen Liangdong quickly gave an answer. "There is a possibility. I checked the development history of the Wang Group, and found that they have been expanding, and the balance of funds on the books has never been much. That is to say, Wang Jun has been vigorously developing the Wang Group over the years, and has never had any money in hand. The excess funds are used to acquire the shares held by the remaining shareholders. On the contrary, he will continue to introduce new shareholders through capital increase and share expansion to increase the capital of the Wang Group and use it for development."

Gu Qingyu also suddenly came to his senses: "I'm thinking about it too! It's not that Wang Jun doesn't want to take back the shares, but he's playing a game of chess, waiting for a sum of money, a sum of money that was about to arrive but was destroyed by us!"

Everyone was stunned, and then exclaimed at the same time: "Wang Jin!"

After finishing speaking, except for Su Chen, everyone gasped.

It has to be said that Wang Jun is really cunning and scheming, almost using his pawns to the fullest, using other shareholders to develop the Wang Group internally, using Wang Tong to plan the Tang Group that complements the business of the Wang Group externally, and then Use Wang Jinlai to make a dark knife, while secretly eradicating the competitors of the Wang Group for him, while quietly accumulating money.

If Wang Jun's plan is successful, and if there is no Su Chen, then within half a year, the shares of the Wang Group may be completely taken over by Wang Jun, and it is also possible to acquire Tang Enterprises, allowing the assets of the Wang Group to be restored. It doubled and became a veritable super large enterprise in Huaguo.

And Wang Jin will not have an accident, he may flee abroad, and he is still chic.Wang Tong will also be trained by Wang Jun to be a qualified successor.

It has to be said that Wang Jun's chess move is both ruthless and steady.It's a pity that he met such an unruly opponent as Su Chen, who caught him by surprise with money and money.

But even so, Wang Jun still hasn't lost, and even relying on the equity in his hand, he still has the capital to make a comeback. This is the most terrifying thing about Wang Jun.

As each problem is continuously analyzed.Wang Jun's calculations were gradually figured out by several people.But at the end of the calculation, not only were the few people not happy, but they felt a little cold all over.

It has to be said that having such a terrifying opponent as Wang Jun is really scary for him.

Especially Tang Fang and Tang Qiong, the brothers and sisters were full of joy and fear in their eyes. Fortunately, Su Chen appeared, otherwise the Tang family would definitely be in trouble.

Before, Tang Fang thought that the Tang family was safe, but after this discussion, Tang Fang was sure that the Tang family must have a deadly secret hand left by Wang Jun, but Tang Fang didn't know what this secret hand was.

But Tang Fang is sure that this dark hand definitely exists!
After a while, Tang Fang breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly stood up and bowed to Su Chen to thank him. "Brother Su, it was you who saved our Tang family. On behalf of the Tang family, I thank you for your life-saving grace. I know it's a bit hypocritical, so I declare as the sole heir of the Tang family. From now on, the Tang family will be driven by Brother Su !"

Seeing this, Tang Qiong immediately put down her long legs, then stood up obediently, and looked at Su Chen with big eyes full of admiration.

When Wen Liangdong heard this, the surprise on his face flashed away.Although the Tang Corporation is not as large as the Wang Corporation, it should not be underestimated, especially since its business scope does not overlap with the Tang Corporation, and they can even complement each other.

The main businesses of the Wang Group are real estate, commerce and insurance.And the business of Tang Group is medicine, health care and food and beverage!

If this cooperation can be successful, allowing Future Technology to annex the Wang Group, and then cooperate closely with Tang Corporation and even hold or cross-shareholding, then Future Technology can leap from a single technology company in the Group 1.0 model to an aircraft carrier in the Group 3.0 model in an instant group group.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to explain the current levels and methods of enterprise group development.

The so-called Group 1.0 model is a single company model.The main business of this type of company is single, and it belongs to vertical development. It is like a sharp sword. The way of development is to constantly polish the body of the sword to make it more sharp.

However, such a group model is too simple. Although it is explosive, it is easy to be targeted and the ability to resist risks is weak.For example, the current future technology is at this level.

Therefore, after the general company develops its main business to maturity, it will expand horizontally, moving forward like the Group 2.0 model.

The so-called Group 2.0 model is to transform a company into a group through self-development or mergers and acquisitions, with a variety of main businesses under its umbrella. In this way, it is equivalent to a sword developing into several swords, and the ability to resist risks is improved. strengthen.

However, such a group also has disadvantages, that is, the core business is not prominent, the business complementarity between companies is weak, the communication is not strong, the group's cohesion is scattered, and there is no core combat effectiveness.The current Wang and Tang corporations are both at this stage.

And once Future Technology completes the strategic merger with Tang Corporation and Wang Corporation, the merged group may transition to the Group 3.0 model!

The so-called group 3 mode is the super aircraft carrier battle group mode!

Super aircraft carrier battle groups, like Tencent, Ali and other enterprises, all follow this group development model.

(End of this chapter)

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