Chapter 238 is at stake
At the Beijing airport, Gao Qing ran all the way, and soon after getting off the plane, he met Yu Shuiyue.

The two of them were not polite, and after confirming their identities, they drove away directly.

On the road, the driver is Yu Shuiyue's confidant, who is responsible for protecting Yu Shuiyue's safety. He is a veteran of the army and drives fast and steadily.

Yu Shuiyue sat in the co-pilot, Gao Qing sat in the back row.

Yu Shuiyue looked at Gao Qing with a serious face through the rearview mirror, and asked, "Brother, what's your name?"

"Gao Qing!"

Gao Qing said lightly.

Yu Shuiyue is speechless, so you can't say more, I didn't know your name was Gao Qing?
"You know my brother?"

"Your brother?"

"Oh, it's Yu Shuiliang, also known as Fatty Yu!"

"Oh! Yes, not familiar!" Gao Qing replied flatly.

Yu Shuiyue was so angry, but she couldn't say anything to Gao Qing, so she could only continue to ask patiently.

"Are you ready for what my brother asked you to do this time?"

Gao Qing frowned slightly, then his expression returned to normal, and he said, "No comment!"


Yu Shuiyue turned around and stopped asking.

He figured it out, it was just a lump of wood, and it was basically impossible to get something out of his mouth.

But this also made Yu Shuiyue more curious about Gao Qing's identity.

Especially Gao Qing's purpose here.

Imperial Capital 168 Hospital, a hospital with an ordinary name and no reputation.But here, there are a group of the best doctors in China, and the medical environment here is also the best in China.

It can be said that if the patients who cannot be saved here, no other hospital in the country can do anything about it.

Moreover, this place is not open to the outside world. It specializes in treating those who have made great contributions to the country and the people. It can be said that none of the people who can come here to see a doctor is an ordinary person.

Of course, based on their contributions to the country and the people, they deserve such treatment.What's more, the patients here are all national treasures, and each of them is an indispensable talent or pillar of the country. If anything happens to any of them, it will be a major loss that the country cannot make up for.

Therefore, whether it is the medical environment, security, medical care, etc., it can be regarded as the best in China.

At this moment, a large number of people gathered outside the intensive care unit on the ninth floor of the hospital.

These people are either in suits and leather shoes, or in military uniforms, and there are many old men with tough temperament and awe-inspiring eyes.

It can be seen that the people here have extraordinary identities.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Those who can stand here are basically the direct descendants of the Yu family, as well as the disciples and close friends of Mr. Yu.

As far as Mr. Yu is concerned, he was born and died for the country in the early days of the founding of the country.He is a veteran hero who has made countless military exploits, and the ancestors of the Yu family have also been loyal and good for generations.

It can be said that in terms of family history, the Yu family may not be as good as the Yan family.But in terms of family status, the Yu family is no weaker than the Yan family.

Especially Mr. Yu, who is not only the pillar of the Yu family, but also the pillar of the entire Hua Country.

Therefore, except for a few people, almost everyone hoped that Mr. Yu could survive this test.

It can be said that Mr. Yu's illness has affected the hearts of the entire Huaguo senior management.

But in fact, many people knew in their hearts that Mr. Yu might really not survive this time.

Even the doctor gave up and pinned his hope on the old man's tenacious willpower. The meaning of this is already obvious.

So at this time, in the ward, Mr. Yu was explaining the funeral.In fact, what should be explained has already been explained, and now it is just more verbosity.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Fatty Yu left the ward anxiously.

It stands to reason that this is the last moment, and he shouldn't leave the old man's side.Although he was designated as the heir of the Yu family by default, he is not the only male in this generation of the Yu family. However, as a direct descendant, he has the most special status and status. Coupled with his outstanding ability, he is naturally qualified to be the heir.

But if his actions today are spread, it is inevitable that he will be given a reputation for being unfilial, and once this reputation spreads, no matter how rich Fatty Yu is, because this matter may fall.

For this reason, Fatty Yu's father had secretly scolded Fatty Yu severely once.

But Fatty Yu still came out.

Because he believed in his own vision and in Su Chen.He believed that Su Chen would not lie to him on such a major event.

Although this matter sounds absurd, Fatty Yu has an inexplicable trust in Su Chen.

Otherwise, some people are born to be blessed by God.Fatty Yu's inexplicable induction might not be his golden finger.

It was also a coincidence that Fatty Yu's cell phone rang as soon as he came out.

Gao Qing and Yu Shuiyue are back.

Fatty Yu was overjoyed and rushed out to greet him.

The three met in an empty ward downstairs.

Fatty Yu asked Yu Shuiyue to guard the door.Yu Shuiyue was reluctant at first.But seeing Fatty Yu's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, family love overcame curiosity and chose to be obedient.

Only Gao Qing and Fatty Yu were left in the room.

Gao Qing didn't scribble, took out a porcelain bottle from his bosom, handed it to Fatty Yu, and said, "Boss said exactly what he said!"

Fatty Yu said solemnly, "Please tell me."

"The boss said that the medicine in it can bring people back to life. As long as they are still alive, they can be saved. But the boss also said that he has never seen anyone else take this medicine, so he doesn't know the specific effect. He just has absolute confidence in this medicine. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you to decide.

My boss also suggested that it is best to wait for the old man to die before giving him medicine, so that even if the medicine does not work, there is no loss! "

Fatty Yu took out the porcelain bottle, recalled the scenes of his relationship with Su Chen, then took a deep breath, cupped his fists at Gao Qing, and said, "Brother, thank you, but I will remember the result regardless of the result. You are here Wait here for my good news!"

Gao Qing nodded and readily agreed.

"Good luck, it's my blessing!"

Fatty Yu grinned reluctantly. "Thanks, brother!"

After finishing speaking, Fatty Yu turned and left. After leaving the door, he did not forget to explain to Yu Shuiyue.

"Sister, this is my distinguished guest, please take care of it for me. I will explain to you what happened tonight later!"

Yu Shuiyue nodded, waved her hands and said, "Go ahead, leave this person to sister, don't worry!"

Fatty Yu grinned at Yu Shuiyue, feeling extremely warm in his heart.

Among the Yu family's peers, only Yu Shuiyue is the most worthy of his trust, after all, he is a compatriot from the same mother.

(End of this chapter)

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