I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 244 Tang Qiong's Attack

Chapter 244 Tang Qiong's Attack

Wende Street, a famous pedestrian street in Jiangzhou, is also a famous tourist treasure in Jiangzhou.

Here, you can find all kinds of snacks, specialty shops, Internet celebrity game stalls, etc., and you can also meet all kinds of people, especially Internet celebrities and beauties, which are the unique characteristics of Wende Street.

At Jiekou, Su Chen and Xu Xiaodong got off the car.

Xu Xiaodong was very conscious, and followed Su Chen closely with a serious face, fully performing his duties as a follower.

Su Chen contacted Tang Qiong in the car, and found him not long after getting off the car.

There is no way, although Tang Qiong usually puts on foolishly, but her figure and appearance are absolutely gorgeous.

Especially the pair of long legs, the water snake waist and the round upper body, this figure is definitely a stunner in the eyes of men.

Coupled with Tang Qiong's already slightly charming and perfect appearance and Yujie's temperament, the stop there is definitely an eye-catching spot with a radius of [-] meters.

"Miss Tang!"

Su Chen stepped forward to say hello.

Tang Qiong was annoyed by being chased. When she heard Su Chen's voice, her eyes lit up and her whole body was refreshed.

"Su Chen! You are finally here!"

Tang Qiong ran to Su Chen's side and hugged Su Chen's arm happily.

Su Chen's expression froze, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't struggle.

"Waiting for half a day?"

"Isn't it? I'm still surrounded by a few annoying ghosts. If you don't come, I will go crazy!"

Tang Qiong acted like a spoiled child at Su Chen with an aggrieved face.

Su Chen glanced lightly at a few young people not far away. It seemed that they were well-dressed, but Su Chen had no interest in them.

"Huh? Xu Xiaodong? Are you Xu Xiaodong? Are you here too?"

At this time, Tang Qiong also saw Xu Xiaodong and hurriedly greeted him!
Xu Xiaodong didn't expect Tang Qiong to greet him, so he hurriedly replied with a smile: "Hi Miss Tang, I'm here with the boss!"

Xu Xiaodong did not show enthusiasm, because he is now Su Chen's follower, as a follower, it is best to be a transparent person in normal times, this is the most basic quality.

Tang Qiong glanced at Xu Xiaodong, guessed something, smiled at Xu Xiaodong, and didn't go into it further.

"Okay, Miss Tang, take me to find them?"

"Okay! Er Xiaochen, can you really deal with them?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I don't have anything in their hands, so what should I be afraid of?"

"Okay, then I'll be by your side, and if something happens, I'll stand up for you. Anyway, I'm not afraid of admitting cowardice, and I'm not afraid of ruining my reputation!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth moved slightly, and he pretended to be teasing: "Sister Tang, if your reputation is ruined, you won't be able to get married!"

"Then don't marry!" After finishing speaking, Tang Qiong muttered in a low voice. "You are already famous, who else can I marry?"


"Ah? Didn't say anything, let's go!"


Su Chen is calm on the surface, but in fact he is not calm in his heart. Tang Qiong doesn't know that Su Chen's body is different from ordinary people, and his facial features are much stronger than ordinary people. Although Tang Qiong's muttering just now was soft, Su Chen heard every word arrive.

But Su Chen didn't have any secret joy in his heart, but was a little apprehensive. It's been less than three months, and he's already the third one. If a few more years pass, how many women will he have around him?

What's more, this calf is still a person who has no self-control.

Su Chen doesn't want to become an animal in the second half of his life without emotion, but according to the current trend, he is already in danger.

There is no way, who made him so outstanding?
Su Chen was a little upset, this was really not his original intention, maybe he changed his mind to be calm.

My heart is boiling, but the surface is still indifferent.

Su Chen also found himself becoming more and more hypocritical!But in the eyes of the enemy, he is hypocrisy, but in the eyes of his own people, Su Chen is called maturity!
How interesting is this world?
"By the way, there are so many people here and it's so chaotic, why did you choose this place to gather?"

"Hee hee, where is it? A hotel? A resort? Or a golf course? They are the second generation, not the second generation's father! Don't you think this is the place where young people should come?"

Su Chen looked at a beautiful woman passing by, and had a deeper understanding of Tang Qiong's words in his heart.

"I understand!"

"What do you know?" Tang Qiong suddenly approached Su Chen and whispered in his ear.

Su Chen said helplessly: "Sister Tang, it's alright, I can't help being funny!"

Tang Qiong blushed when she heard the words, but she didn't give in, instead she went too far. "What do you mean by that? I don't understand!"

"Sister Tang!" Su Chen turned his head helplessly, but was facing Tang Qiong's delicate and pretty face, with a pair of red lips, all in front of his eyes, and Su Chen's breathing was stagnant!
Seeing Su Chen in a daze, Tang Qiong couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and then took the initiative to take half a step back, but still hugged Su Chen's arm, but her body was more relaxed.

"Little brother, don't be nervous! I know everything about you!"

"what do you know?"

"What do you think? Don't forget, Xiaoya and I are best friends. Without her acquiescence, I would be like this?"

As soon as he heard Gu Qingya's name, Su Chen's whole body trembled, and then he felt a chill in his body, and his whole body suddenly woke up!

"Huh! Sister Tang, are you serious?"

"You're asking too much, if I'm not serious, I will do this?"

When Su Chen heard this, he suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure on him!It's all about being responsible!
It's all stress!
Su Chen's heart was heavy, but Tang Qiong was in a great mood. God knows how long she had accumulated the courage to dare to say those words just now.

This is the first time she has been so proactive.

But after she finished speaking, she felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

This feeling is very happy!very sweet!Very cool!
Su Chen was just worried for a moment, then recovered his mood, and even took Tang Qiong's hand, which made Tang Qiong even more happy!

Su Chen also became interested, and stopped by the side of the road from time to time to eat some snacks or play small games.

Tang Qiong, on the other hand, turned into a good girl, following Su Chen's side, not making noise, and being very obedient.

If Gu Qingyu saw this scene, her surprised eyes would probably fall out.

Is this still the woman from the Tang family?

But what is surprising is that Tang Qiong's appearance is really not just pretending.For some reason, following Su Chen's side, she instinctively restrained her wildness, and even felt that she was childish as a female man!
I just don't know how long he can last in this state!

The two opened their hearts, and the mood of playing was different from the past.

It didn't take long for the atmosphere between the two of them to be destroyed.

According to Tang Qiong's instructions, they came to a game booth, which was also their destination.

When the people here saw Su Chen and Tang Qiong holding hands, their expressions changed first, and then a group of people smiled with different expressions.

There are also some people with dull faces, as if struck by lightning, looking at Su Chen as if looking at an enemy, gnashing their teeth.

Among the group of people, there are three people at the head, and one of them is a young man with yellow hair, who has the most unique temperament!

(End of this chapter)

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