I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 247 Don't Play Children's Tricks

Chapter 247 Don't Play Children's Tricks

Huang Yuankong was so frightened by Su Chen that he couldn't speak fluently.

"You, what are you going to do? Let me tell you, I have been weak and sick since I was a child, so don't be impulsive!"

The people around were so amused by Huang Yuankong's cowardice that they couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing secretly.

But having fun, a group of second generations also secretly clicked their tongues.

Who is Huang Yuankong?That is the top second generation in Hangzhou, and it is also the all-powerful generation in Jiangzhou.

Don't look at them as the second generation, but there is no comparison with Huang Yuankong, that is the object of their fawning.

And Huang Yuankong is usually arrogant, seeing no one is convinced, but he didn't expect to be so frightened by Su Chen now.

This also shows how terrifying Su Chen is.

No wonder, facing a monster who can beat you violently anytime and anywhere, and you have no way to take revenge, everyone has to tremble.

Even the two people around Huang Yuankong had solemn eyes and their eyelids twitched.

The two, a slightly thin young man named Zhao Tan, are the only sons of Zhao Qiguo, a real estate tycoon in Huaguo.

Zhao Qiguo's Longda Group is the largest real estate group in Huaguo, and Zhao Qiguo himself is one of the top 1000 richest people in Huaguo, with a net worth of more than [-] billion.

So counting, Zhao Tan can be regarded as one of the top rich second generations in Huaguo.

The other person is Li Dong. The family business is a multinational enterprise, and its energy is also not small. It is about the same status as the Zhao family, but Li Dong is not the eldest son of the Li family. Even, he can only be regarded as the illegitimate son of his father Li Zheng!
Zhao Tan and Li Dong actually came here today just to watch the fun, of course, they didn't mean to join in the fun.

But neither has taken a firm stand.

Zhao Tan was not familiar with Su Chen and Huang Yuankong.Although Li Dong is one of the so-called Seven Gentlemen of Jiangzhou.

But for this combination, Li Dong didn't care at all.Not only him, but other people in the group didn't care either, it was just a joke to them.

In fact, the circle of the second generation is also full of various interests and calculations, and there are few real friends.

Li Dong could see it very clearly, don't look at Huang Yuankong's posture of swearing to the death to save his brother Wang Tong and want to fight Su Chen to the end, but in fact, only he knows what Huang Yuankong thinks.

But there is one thing Li Dong believes, that is, don't look at Huang Yuankong's usual stupid look, but if anyone can see him clearly because of this, then he is really not far from being fooled.

A group of second generations are also watching a play, but they each have their own thoughts.This is also one of the reasons why Su Chen is unwilling to deal with them, it is too tiring, annoying and hypocritical.

In comparison, he is still willing to get along with people like Su Pan, Fatty Yu or Tang Fang.

Although these people also have their own interests and considerations when they interact with him, at least these people know how to repay their kindness, know how to advance and retreat, do their careers with a sense of proportion, and will not do anything that makes him uncomfortable. This is enough!

Su Chen glanced around the crowd, too lazy to argue with these people, and said directly: "Okay, my time is limited, I don't bother to chat with you, what's the matter with me, tell me!"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Huang Yuankong!

Huang Yuankong pursed his lips, as if he was very scared, and after a while, Huang Yuankong said: "Okay, Su Chen, since you said so, then I won't play around, I want to vent my anger on my brother Wang Tong, I want to Take a bet with you!"

"A game?" Su Chen frowned, and said lightly: "Yes, how to bet?"

Huang Yuankong sneered, and said: "I proposed the game, so you will naturally propose the method of the game!"

"Let me mention the gambling method? Are you sure?"

"Of course, you can mention it as you like. Of course, I also declare in advance that I am only participating in the betting, and I am not responsible for the next game. Similarly, you can also find someone to participate, no matter what you bet on, I don't care about racing, sports, or even dice Pai Gow !"

Hearing this, Su Chen shook his head.

"Racing cars and sports are things for children to play with. They have no meaning other than stimulation!"

Huang Yuankong frowned and asked, "Then what do you want to bet on?"

"Let's not talk about what to bet, let's talk about the betting money first. Let me see what you can bet with me! I'm not interested in bad bets!"

Huang Yuankong sneered confidently upon hearing this.

"Don't worry, my bet is definitely what you need. Don't you always want the shares in Zhang Tai's hands? How about I just take this as a bet?"

Huang Yuankong was very confident, as if he expected Su Chen to be tempted.

However, he didn't know, not to mention that Su Chen already had a plan for Zhang Tai.Even if he didn't, Su Chen wouldn't make a big fuss with Huang Yuankong and others just because of Zhang Tai's share, he didn't have such leisure and elegance.

So Su Chen directly refused!

"You think too much, I don't need to worry about Zhang Tai's shares, unless you can bet with me on all the shares of the Wang Group held by Wang Jun, otherwise there is no need to talk about it!"

When Huang Yuankong heard it, he was instantly stunned.

"You actually refused? Impossible, don't you want to buy the Wang Group?"

The actions of Su Chen and the Tang family have now been thoroughly analyzed by everyone.

Many people in the business circle now know that Su Chen, the Tang family and the Wang family are going to war. This is a business war involving hundreds of billions of funds. There are many people watching the battle. After all, such a business war is unprecedented in the history of China. more common.

So Huang Yuankong thought that Su Chen attached great importance to this battle, so he didn't hesitate to bet on the shares of the Zhang family!
Su Chen shook his head, too lazy to argue with Huang Yuankong, but directly said: "To be honest, I'm really not interested in playing with you, your rank is too low. How about this, if you really want to bet with me, then let's play Big ones, go back and ask your parents, if they agree, then come out and bet with me on the shares of your family company.
But there is one thing, regardless of the size of the company, the shares you take out for betting must be able to reach a controlling share, otherwise I refuse to make bets! "

"Hold the grass!"

"Now things are getting bigger!"

"Worthy of being a boss, the shot is magnificent!"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, the surrounding second generations exploded again.

Even Zhao Tan and Li Dong were stunned.

The bottom bet is 1000 billion, and there is no cap on it. How crazy is this Su Chen?How dare you play like this?
Huang Yuankong's face was solemn, obviously, Su Chen's words were seriously beyond the standard for him.

However, he frowned and didn't rush to refuse, instead he said:

"Tell me how to gamble first!"

Su Chen frowned frivolously, he didn't expect Huang Yuankong not to be intimidated, but he had a bit of courage.

"I haven't figured out how to bet. Go back and ask your parents first. If your parents agree, it's not too late for us to talk about it then!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

Su Chen picked up the phone, saw that it was Fatty Yu, looked at Huang Yuankong, and was amused.

Su Chen picked up the phone, walked aside and said a few words to Fatty Yu, and then walked back.

After that, he looked at Huang Yuankong with great interest, and asked, "You said just now that you want to bet with me on Zhang Tai's Wang shares?"

(End of this chapter)

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