Chapter 251
Because once a deadly attack is made, it is likely to trigger a full-scale war. In this way, the best result is to injure a thousand enemies and [-] self-injury, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, there are very few people who come up and work hard.The general approach is to lay out, lay out, and then lay out, and then at the end, give a fatal blow.

This is what normal people do. People like Su Chen are different. How can they use their unique tricks as soon as they come up?If he didn't hit the target, wouldn't he be cheating himself?

That's why Su Chen said that there is a premise for him to do this, and that is to guarantee that he will win.

Fatty Yu swallowed, and said, "So...boss, are you sure you can win?"

"I set the rules, what do you think?"

"That's not necessarily true. If the bet you make is too biased towards you, boss, they will definitely not bet!"

"I don't know this yet? The rules I set must make them feel that they have a great hope of winning! Besides, they are the ones who actively insist on provoking me, or do you think I have the leisure to deal with them?"

"Ah yes"

"Okay, let's talk about business. There should be no problem with the Wang family's affairs?" Su Chen looked at Wen Liangdong and asked.

"No problem!" Wen Liangdong hurriedly said, "Zhang Tai has already contacted me, and we can trade shares in the afternoon."

"I've already said hello to the bank. Wang Jin's evidence is solid. It is estimated that within a month, we will be able to get Wang Jin's shares in the bank!" Fatty Yu followed suit.

"That's good, then I don't have to worry about it here. Don't take it lightly, Wang Jun is not a good guy, don't let him fight back when he dies!"

"Don't worry, we will all pay attention!" Wen Liangdong and Tang Fang said.

"Well, brother-in-law Su, er, our Tang family wants to cooperate with your future group, what do you think?"

Su Chen heard the words, frowned, and then said: "Brother, they are all from my own family, and I will not hide it from you. On the side of the Future Group, Old Wen plans to make a big move, and the premise is that all companies under the Future Group must To achieve full control, so if the Tang family wants to cooperate with the future, it can only merge with the future, and then I will give you the shares and cash compensation of the new Tang's sub-group in the future or the shares of the entire future group.

If it's the former, your Tang family can only get 40.00% of Wu's shares. Of course, I can buy more if I have money.If it's the latter, you'll get even less, at most 5.00%, and some of it has to be under Xiao Qiong's name!

Brother, it's not that I don't care about human feelings, it's that business is like this, so you need to go back and discuss it with our dad.

In addition, if you don't want the shares of the head office, then I can call the shots and return 30.00% of Xiao Qiong's shares to you. You don't have to worry about Xiao Qiong, I will give her the shares of the head office, and you can't lose him! "

Hearing this, Tang Fang hurriedly said: "No, Xiao Qiong's shares should not be moved. She is also from our Tang family. As an older brother, I can't annex Xiao Qiong's shares no matter what!"

"Brother, you think too much"

"No! I understand what you mean, but this matter is not negotiable! As for whether to cooperate, I really need to go back and discuss it with my dad!"

"Well, don't worry, in fact, this is just a matter of name. After all, we are all a family. As long as it doesn't involve the future group, other things are easy to talk about. Just like our brothers, if you have the courage, you can come out and do it alone. , we are in a partnership, you invest money and take the majority shareholder, I provide ideas and technology and take the minority shareholder, I dare not say too much, within five years, it will be enough for you to incubate another Tang Group!"

"Hiss~!" Tang Fang's eyes lit up instantly, this idea is good, this idea is too suitable for him!

But this is also a big deal, I still have to go home and discuss it with my father.But at least, Tang Fang felt Su Chen's sincerity from Su Chen's words.

It can be said that Su Chen really regards him as a big brother. People who don't know Su Chen may think that Su Chen is empty-handed, but only those who know Su Chen know that Su Chen is giving money.

These days, there is no shortage of start-up capital for doing business. What is lacking is creativity and technology. This is the real gold ingot.

Fatty Yu didn't look at it, his eyes were straightened, and his saliva almost didn't flow out.

"Boss, do you see me here?"

Su Chen frowned! "What are you doing?"

"Yeah, what are you doing?" Tang Fang followed in fear of being intercepted.

"I can do it! Boss, you agreed to take me to fly. I also want to cooperate with you to start a company. I will be responsible for paying the money. Boss, you can be the major shareholder!"

Hearing this, Su Chen shook his head. "Come on, your family has a big business, and the Yu family's big group is not enough for you to torment?"

"Oh, how can there be too little money to make money?"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Okay, don't worry about this matter, it's all small money, it's boring, when I return to Beijing, I will take it to make a big deal!"

When Fatty Yu heard it, his eyes became brighter.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho! Boss, it's done!"

Tang Fang heaved a sigh of relief and was almost cut off.

But after listening to Su Chen's words, Tang Fang always felt something was wrong.

What is small money?boring?
Why does this sound so annoying?
In the evening, another call came from the Huang family. This time, it was Huang Yuankong's father, Huang Ping, who called!
Maybe it was to vent his anger on his son, or maybe it was because of other reasons, Huang Ping actually ended up in person.

But Su Chen didn't think much about it, no matter who it was, he wasn't afraid.

Huang Ping didn't make a decision when he called, but asked Su Chen how he wanted to bet, so we can discuss it over there!
After Su Chen thought for a moment, he gave the answer directly.

"Mr. Huang, if we want to play, we can play something grand and high-end. In this way, we will bet on the development of scientific research and technology. Within three months or half a year, whichever side develops technology that contributes more to the country will be the most important one. Even if the side wins, the side that loses will not only lose all the betting money, but also donate the technology they developed to the country for free in the name of anonymity! How about it?"

"Compared with scientific research?"

I was stunned for a long time over there, and it seemed that I never thought that the gambling method Su Chen said would be this!
Su Chen didn't chat with Huang Ping too much, and hung up the phone after he made it clear!

In fact, he planned to vigorously develop high technology in the next six months and change the world rapidly.Gambling against the Huang family is basically like betting on grass and hitting rabbits, right?
They took the bait, and Su Chen made a small fortune.If he doesn't take the bait, then Su Chen won't lose anything!
On the other hand, the Tang family is also negotiating. Well, it is still a family of four. Although this is a matter of life and death for the Tang family, the mother and daughter of the Tang family still have the right to speak. I have to say that the Tang family is really open-minded!
"You really think about it?"

On the sofa, Tang's father was reading the newspaper while talking casually.

"Think it over! I've decided to trust my brother-in-law!" Tang Fang said solemnly.

"Brother! Your decision is too wise!" Tang Qiong praised excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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