I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 267 Private Island

Chapter 267 Private Island
"By the way, Fatty, did Huang Yuankong from Jiangzhou write a letter? Are they still betting on that bet?"

Su Chen asked casually.

"No! They haven't heard from them all this time!"

Fatty Yu said.

Su Chen shook his head. "Okay, I'm too lazy to do this. With controllable nuclear fusion, if they gamble, they will lose. This kind of sure-win gamble is boring.

In this way, if Huang Yuankong contacts you, then you can figure it out.If you are interested, you can take the bet, if you are not interested, they are lucky! "

Fatty Yu giggled. "Success, boss, don't worry, leave it to me."

Three months passed in a flash.Blink of an eye to November.

About 10 kilometers away from the coast of Jiangzhou, there is a group of islands.There are six small islands in this island group, and they are all wild uninhabited islands.

The reason why it has not been developed here is mainly because there is a lack of resources here, there is nothing special about it, and it is of little value to develop it.

However, the area of ​​these five islands is not small, adding up to more than 300 square kilometers.

More than two months ago, Su Chen spent one billion yuan to purchase the long-term use and development rights of these five islands.

Su Chen has always wanted to create a private territory of his own.Such a place is difficult to achieve on land. After all, no matter how remote the land is, it cannot be completely private. Only the existence of a private island can allow Su Chen to "do whatever he wants."

Of course, the island is not completely private.In fact, Su Chen also plans to commercialize some of these islands, he only needs two islands.

And in order to ensure safety, Su Chen cooperated with the government, funded by him, and was responsible for turning one of the islands into a state-of-the-art military secret base.In exchange, this military base will guarantee the safety of other unoccupied islands!
Of course, this is definitely not what is said on the surface, and the sovereignty of this military base must be official. On the surface, the other unoccupied islands are just close to the water and enjoy the special "care" of the army!
But no matter what, this is a "cooperation" that benefits both Su Chen and the government.

And the deeper meaning is that with this military base, Su Chen's private island will be more reassuring. At the same time, it can also be used as a commercial gimmick to pave the way for future commercialization.

After more than two months of preliminary transformation, the six islands have initially changed their appearance.

Of course, it was said that it was more than two months, but in fact, the serious construction was only more than one month.

In the first month, Su Chen spent a lot of money, a total of [-] billion, to let the system secretly upgrade and transform the five islands. It not only strengthened the foundations of the five islands, but also transformed various structures on the islands. The harsh environment, most importantly, eradicated all creatures and animals harmful to humans on the island.

In addition, all kinds of rare building materials are hoarded on the island.

Of course, even these things don’t amount to [-] billion. In the [-] billion, the most costly thing is a relatively illusory super formation.

The skill of this formation is very simple, that is, it can defend against large-scale natural disasters suffered by the island group.

For example, once a typhoon is encountered, the formation will use an invisible force to divert the direction of the typhoon's flow and protect the islands from harm.

In addition, it can defend against missile attacks, but it can only defend three times.

Finally, the formation can prevent all large marine life from entering the island group.

It can be said that compared with the formations in fantasy novels, the formations given by the system are rubbish, without the force of fantasy formations, such as gathering spirits, magic formations and other basic functions, he does not have them all.

This system is still very expensive.

Of course, although Su Chen is full of disgust for this formation, he has to admit that with this invisible formation, it will completely eliminate most of the hidden dangers of the island group, making the safety of the island group skyrocket!

Six islands, one of which is a little further away, are being converted into military bases.

The general division of the other five islands can be regarded as the five corners of a five-pointed star, and the five islands form an irregular circle.

Among them, the largest island and the smallest island belong to Su Chen's private island.

For the remaining three islands, Su Chen plans to build entertainment islands, leisure islands, and accommodation islands for living and gatherings.

For these three islands, Su Chen hired [-] workers of various types to start construction on the islands and the shore at the same time, and made great efforts to build the three islands.

Mishima's construction drawings were purchased by Su Chenhua from the system at a high price, including some high-tech materials also from the system.

Su Chen intends to build these three islands into a super island that combines ancient charm and high technology.

As for his two private islands, Su Chen gave full power to the system transformation. For this reason, he specially rented [-] mechanical workers from the system temporarily.

Yes, rent!
The price is much cheaper than buying. Two thousand mechanical workers cost 200 million per day, and it's less than [-] million in three months. Su Chen can afford it.

The main reason is that there are too many secrets in these two islands, so Su Chen doesn't worry about letting real people build them.

The biggest secret among them is the various magical things that Su Chen signed in from the system.

In the past three months, apart from some special high-tech products and blueprints, most of the things Su Chen signed in were seeds of various spiritual fruits and materials, as well as spiritual soil and spiritual springs.

Of course, the so-called spiritual soil and spiritual spring are just such a term. In fact, they are special soil and water sources with high nutritional value.

Among them, the soil is used to plant those spiritual fruits and spiritual materials, mainly because the nutrition of ordinary soil cannot be absorbed by the spiritual materials.

The same is true for Lingquan. Of course, drinking Lingquan also has many benefits for the human body.But the benefits will not be too obvious, at most it is equivalent to taking some health care products for a long time, without exaggerating the effect of washing the meridian and cutting the marrow.

As for the spiritual fruits and spiritual materials, they are basically the raw materials of the energy drinks, functional drinks and special elixir obtained by Su Chen.

In short, although these things are miraculous, they are still within the scope of what science can explain, but the current science can only explain, not replicate.

Su Chen planted these spiritual fruits and spiritual objects on the largest island, and then Su Chen plans to raise a batch of poultry and livestock on the island. Presumably, the poultry and livestock that grew up with spiritual springs and spiritual objects will also taste the same. More delicious, right?

These will also become the characteristics of Commercial Island in the future.

As for the smallest island, it is Su Chen's private manor. Su Chen has not yet figured out how to build it. Some basic construction is still going on here, such as building bridges and paving roads!
(End of this chapter)

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