I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 277 Vision: Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate

Chapter 277 Vision: Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate
In the surprised eyes of everyone, they saw that the dragon seal in the glass jar, under the strong light, turned into crystal clear like a citrine, and the Panlong in the Yinniu part, under the strong light, turned out to be crystal clear. It turned golden yellow, and the ten weeks around the dragon's body exuded a faint golden light, and half of its body turned into a golden dragon.

What's even more shocking is that the printing pad part was originally an ordinary long stone.

It's just that the stone at this moment has become transparent under the strong light. The most important thing is that a headless golden carp suddenly appeared in the transparent stone, as if the carp had been hiding in the first place. Generally inside the printing pad.

The carp has only half of its body and no head, because its upper body is only connected to the golden panlong, but there is a dragon gate in the middle.

The entire seal at this moment is a living image of a carp jumping over the dragon gate and successfully transforming into a dragon.

Under Su Chen's superb knife skills, both the panlong and the golden carp looked extremely realistic.In particular, the faint golden light radiating around Panlong made Panlong extremely noble, just like a colorful deer, instantly transforming into an immortal.

However, when everyone was amazed at the statue of the carp jumping over the dragon gate, at a certain moment, something was triggered.

Under everyone's shocked, even horrified gazes, the seal that had been sinking at the bottom of the vat slowly floated up.

Moreover, the speed of the floating air is getting faster and faster. At the same time, because Su Chen's strong light shines on the bottom of the tank vertically, the light at the bottom of the tank is the most sufficient, and it gets darker as it goes up. Therefore, as Long Xi floats up, the lower part is affected The light is getting darker and darker, the originally nearly transparent ink pad becomes more and more obvious, and the carp pattern in the ink pad becomes lighter and weaker until it finally disappears.

And this scene fell in everyone's eyes, that is, at the bottom of the tank, the tail of the carp seemed to tremble slightly, and then the half of the carp jumped up, pushing the dragon gate upward, and at the same time, the golden light around the dragon body became brighter and brighter. As it gets darker, the image of the dragon body becomes clearer and clearer. It seems that in the process of rising, it has gradually completed its transformation and completely transformed into a golden dragon. The carp tail that disappeared at the same time also shows that it has successfully transformed into a dragon.

Until the end, all the light dimmed, and the seal disappeared into the dark water. It seemed that the golden dragon that had successfully transformed into a dragon escaped to the deep sea!
The whole vision sounds complicated, but it actually only lasted less than ten seconds!
But in just ten seconds, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Fatty Yu, after watching the whole scene of the carp jumping over the dragon's gate, Fatty Yu finally knew what kind of treasure he had got.

Just now he complained about why his vision was so troublesome, but now, all the complaints of Fatty Yu have disappeared without a trace.

He already knew that even though Su Chen scolded fiercely, he still loved him the most after all.

Don't blame him for thinking about it, the three seals are indeed the most astonishing vision of his seal.

That's a carp jumping over the dragon's gate!
It was a scene that only existed in legends, but they never expected that they would see it with their own eyes one day.

Of course, the three seals sent by Su Chen all have their own characteristics, and it cannot be said that the dragon seal is the most precious. Su Pan's fairy deer seal and Xu Zhen's red chicken seal are equally extraordinary.

But one thing is certain, no matter how extraordinary the three-party seals are, they are just Su Chen's random creations, and they can be regarded as the most common pieces of the twelve-party seals he made.

Because although the three seals reflect his carving skills, none of them exceed reality. At least there are many such rare treasures in ancient times.That is to say, the phenomenon of Fatty Yu's Longxi floating in the water is a bit beyond reality, but that is only a little bit, and it is easy to explain.

The reason why the dragon seal floats when encountering light is because Su Chen filled a substance called light glue around the printing pad.This substance is a kind of fluid that can be used as a filling material. Once it is filled around a certain material and solidified by a special method, it can become the original object after solidification.

Of course, this is just a blindfold. In fact, this fluid is a transparent material that is extremely sensitive to light. When it is filled around other materials, once the light glue solidifies, it can absorb the light reflected by the surrounding objects, so In the process of solidifying the photogel, it is best to be in a completely closed space with milky white all around, and then during the process of photogel solidification, use strong light to irradiate Qingtian stone, so that the light reflected by Qingtian stone will be remembered by the photogel, and then reflected In its own transparent material, make it completely transformed into Qingtian Stone.

However, this memory function of the photoresist also has its drawbacks, that is, the more monochrome the color of the memorized light, the better the effect. If there is only one color, then if the photoresist is properly operated during the solidification process, the photoresist can be completely confused with the real one.

Finally, it is the characteristic of light glue, which becomes transparent when exposed to light, and restores itself to be as light as a bubble.

Therefore, the production process of Longxi is very clear.

Su Chen first carved the Longxi stamp pad into the shape of a headless carp, and then filled it with light glue to form a long cylinder of the stamp pad.

Afterwards, the Dragon Seal was placed in the water, and under the strong light, the photoresist became transparent, and the Qingtian stone in the shape of a headless carp appeared.

At the same time, under the irradiation of strong light, the photoresist gradually regains its light-weight characteristics and becomes lighter and lighter. Affected by the buoyancy of the photoresist bubbles, the seal begins to float in the water. As the time of strong light becomes longer and longer, The light glue is getting lighter and lighter, and the speed of the seal's floating is getting faster and faster.

Until the strong light disappears, the characteristics of optical glue disappear, and the vision disappears with it.

The whole process is easy to say, because of a kind of photoresist material with special optical properties.

And this is just a small test of Su Chen's knives. The seals he made for himself and a few girls are exaggerated. Su Chen added a lot of special materials unique to the system to these seals, making these seals The visions are exaggerated one by one.

Therefore, although the carp leaps over the dragon gate and the dragon seal is precious, it is no longer seen by Su Chen.

However, just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean that others don't like it.

Fatty Yu fished out Longxi from the water, grinning happily, like a fool.

Although Su Pan and Xu Zhen were also a little greedy, they also had it themselves, so they didn't have any extra thoughts.

On the other hand, all the girls around looked at the seal in Fatty Yu's and others' hands with envious and jealous eyes, as if they could eat the three of them.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn't favor one person over another, and after that, he successively took out some jewelry from his bag and gave one piece to each of the guests.

These jewelry are also carved by Su Chen, and the materials are all top quality. Although they are not as precious as the three-party seal, they are still extremely precious treasures.

At least every piece of jewelry will be sold out, and once it is auctioned, the reserve price will not be less than one million.

All the girls were overjoyed when they received the jewelry, and all the envious eyes were gone.There are even some surprises.

They never expected that Su Chen would think of them, and let them have such an amazing windfall.

This also made the girls who were guests have a good impression of the Su family, and secretly decided in their hearts to make good friends with the Su family.

"Okay! Have you got all the gifts? You've got them all! Let me tell you, it's just this one time, don't make another example!"

(End of this chapter)

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