I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 286 Amazing Rewards

Chapter 286 Amazing Rewards
After dinner, Gu Qingya is going to visit her father and mother in the DX area.

Gu's father and Gu's mother came two months ago, and it was only after the two elders arrived that Su Chen and Gu Qingya received the certificates. Naturally, it is impossible to hide such a major event. Of course, Gu's father and Gu's mother also knew that Su Chen "Fantasy" thing.

For this reason, the second elder didn't say anything in a rare way, which made Su Chen nervous for a while.

Afterwards, Su Chen found out that before this, Gu Qingya had already convinced the elders for Su Chen, otherwise the last meeting would not have been so peaceful, maybe the elders would have brought a knife to kill him.

It is also because of this that Su Chen loves and respects Gu Qingya from the bottom of his heart, which is also one of the reasons why Gu Qingya is able to sit firmly as the eldest sister of the Su family.

Gu Qingya was already pregnant, and she couldn't leave her side.So Guo Xiaoshi will follow.

Tang Qiong and Zhang Huan went to the birthday party of the little princess of the Qian family together.

The family had a peaceful breakfast, during which Su Chen completed the check-in.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in in Gu Suyuan. The host will be rewarded with an antique treasure box, a Zhuyan pill, and a set of boutique rifle design blueprints!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the treasure chest of antiques, and obtained one piece of fine official kiln porcelain from each of the five famous Song Dynasty kilns Jun, Ru, Guan, Ge, and Ding, Su Shi's famous painting "Wood and Stone Picture" and Zhao Meng's masterpiece "Luo Shen Fu"!"

"Ding, the next sign-in location has been refreshed. Please sign in at Longfengyuan, the host. The sign-in requirement is to stay in Longfengyuan for more than one hour!"


Su Chen's chopsticks were not steady and fell on the table.

"what happened?"

The girls looked at Su Chen strangely.

Su Chen said calmly: "It's nothing, suddenly my hand slipped, you continue!"

After the girls glanced at Su Chen, they thought it was just an accident and didn't think much about it.

Su Chen was ecstatic in his heart.

In fact, after such a long time, Su Chen has long been numb to things like money and fetishes. After all, anyone who looks at things that can be seen everywhere for a long time will become numb.

But Su Chen still maintains a great enthusiasm for antiques and literature.

In the past three months, Su Chen still visits Panjiayuan from time to time, but what age is this?It's too late to enter the industry, and the good things have already been scoured.

Before Su Chen went out, he gained a lot, but he was still taken care of by some kind of luck, what about now?At least Su Chen walked around Panjiayuan three times with his eyes wide open, but he didn't miss anything. He bought a lot of antiques, but they were all bought from antique shops at a high price.

Things are all good things, and Su Chen doesn't care about money or anything, but this lacks the fun of picking up leaks, which makes Su Chen a little disappointed.

But no matter what, Su Chen really loves and even feels pity for those precious antiques that are buried in the long river of history or passed away abroad.

That's why Su Chen spent a lot of money to let Liu Yun and Tang Wanning go abroad to collect antiques. It's been three months. Don't dare to spend a lot of money to buy good things.

In fact, Su Chen didn't expect them not to find rare treasures, he just needed them to buy some high-quality antiques worth more than 100 million. After all, if we want to open a museum in the future, it is impossible to only have rare treasures, and these high-quality antiques are also needed to support the venue.

It is said that the two women have gained a lot. They have bought more than 50 treasures in three months, including domestic and foreign ones.

But this speed is still too slow for Su Chen.

He is determined to build the greatest museum in the world. Such a museum has at least hundreds of thousands of collections, more than 50 collections, not even a fraction.

Su Chen was also worried about this during this time. Although the mall also sells antiques, the price is not something Su Chen can afford. When buying antiques in the system mall, not to mention the price of the antique itself, just the year. The system clearly marked the price, and the age of the antique was [-] million a year.

In other words, even if Su Chen wanted to buy something from the period of the Republic of China, it would cost 100 billion yuan just for the vintage, which was far beyond the value of the antique itself, and it was not worth it at all.So this path doesn't work at all.

Su Chen was thinking about whether he should go abroad, but he didn't expect that the system would give benefits again.

And judging by the intensity of the benefits, there are many rewards, but the main courtyard rewarded seven national treasures for signing in with such difficulty.

That's right, the seven antiques rewarded by the system are all national treasures.

Needless to say, the official kiln fine porcelain from the five famous kilns is too rare. As long as there is one piece, it is a national treasure. Moreover, even if there are many treasures like this, they will not depreciate greatly, because like Porcelain such as the five famous kilns has a very high appreciation value.

The remaining two calligraphy and paintings are also treasures that have been famous for a while. To put it bluntly, once such treasures are put up for auction, the starting price will be over [-] million.

In addition, the Zhuyan Pill also made Su Chen very happy.He was still worrying about the origin of Zhuyan Pill, but he didn't expect it to be included in this sign-in task. If one was rewarded for every sign-in, then Su Chen decided that he would not sleep for the next 24 hours. .

It's a pity that the sign-in requirement made him extremely painful.

But that's normal, otherwise it would be too much for him to keep signing in.

Accepting the gift happily, these things have been extracted by Su Chen to the underground treasure room, and are operated by the system, safe and reliable, and worry-free.

After that, Su Chen turned his gaze to Longfengyuan. He had heard of this place name before. After thinking about it, he asked, "Which of you has heard of Longfengyuan?"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, he found that all the girls looked at him strangely.

Su Chen looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Ahem, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Huan rolled his eyes, looked at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Honey, it's your fault. We invited you so much yesterday, but you kept pretending to be confused. Now that you bring it up, is there any premeditation?"

"Honey, you don't really like the little princess of the Qian family, do you?" Guo Xiaoshi asked in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, even Gu Qingya put down her chopsticks and looked at Su Chen leisurely.

Su Chen's scalp became numb immediately, and he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Wait a minute, what are you talking about? I just asked Longfengyuan, why did it involve the Qian family? Wait, don't tell me, this Longfengyuan Is it from the Qian family?"

Tang Qiong laughed. "Husband, do you really not know, or are you teasing our sisters?"

When Su Chen heard the words, he immediately understood.

Well, this time it hit the muzzle directly.

He said, why did the system suddenly mention such a strange place.

Su Chen's mind turned sharply, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "Of course I don't know, and you don't even think about it. If I have other thoughts, will I ask you in person?"

When the girls heard this, they suddenly felt powerful, but the girls didn't relax either. Zhang Huan giggled and continued to ask. "Tai, you don't want to avoid the important and ignore the important. My eldest sister is here, so hurry up and tell the truth. How did you know the name Longfengyuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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