Chapter 291
"Hey! Boss!"

Fatty Yu's weak voice came from the phone, Fatty Yu was robbed of the Panlong Seal yesterday, and Fatty Yu is still sad, lying at home without even eating breakfast.

Just as Su Chen was about to speak, he saw Manager Sun of Xianlin Pavilion coming in by himself.

Su Chen frowned, and cursed directly: "Who let you in? Get out!"

Manager Sun was frightened, and hurriedly nodded and ran out.

On the other side, Fatty Yu was also taken aback by Su Chen's scolding, and hurriedly jumped up from the bed, but unexpectedly, his thighs were wrapped in a quilt, staggered, and fell directly to the ground.

However, Fatty Yu didn't care about knocking on his painful knee. It was the first time he heard Su Chen swearing so angrily. It can be seen that Su Chen was already angry, how dare Fatty Yu neglect?He hurriedly found the phone and said urgently, "Hello? Boss?"

"I didn't mention you!" Su Chen didn't want to get angry with Fatty Yu, he actually knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Fatty Yu.But this matter cannot be resolved without Fatty Yu. "Where do you want to be?"

"I'm at home!" Fatty Yu hurriedly replied. "Boss, is something wrong?"

"Hmm! Xianlin Pavilion, have you heard of this place?"

Fatty Yu heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "No, where is this? In the capital?"

"How about this, I'll send you the location, you call Shang Zha Pan and Brother Zhen, it's fine if Brother E Zhen goes to work, you two just come, don't disturb other people, hurry up!"

Su Chen still has the task of signing in, he can't waste too much time here!

"Yes! Boss, I'm leaving now!"

Fatty Yu put down the phone and stood up abruptly, only to realize that his knee was numb and painful. Fortunately, it didn't feel very serious. Fatty Yu held on for a while, and then he recovered a little.

After getting up and dressing, hastily washed his face and rinsed his mouth, he opened the door and left the room.

Yesterday, the three of them all lived in Ziming Mountain. As soon as they went out, they saw three old men gathering in the main hall to play with the seals.
Fatty Yu first ran to the next room and knocked on the door hastily. "Zha Pan, get up quickly, something happened to the boss!"

After a while, there was the sound of a thunderbolt in the room.

Then, Su Pan hurriedly opened the door. "Fatty, what are you talking about? Who happened?"

Even the three old men in the main hall were shocked.

"Xiao Liang, what did you say?" Old Master Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Grandpa, the boss called me just now and asked me to go to a place called Xianlin Pavilion. On the phone, the boss scolded people over there. This is the first time I've heard him swearing. Maybe something happened!"

The expressions of the three old men suddenly changed.

"Where's the address? I'll send someone there right away!" With that said, Mr. Su was about to make a call.

Fatty Yu was startled. "Don't, Grandpa Su, the boss won't let me disturb other people, just let the two of us go!"

"Then you guys go quickly." Mr. Su put down the phone, and then he did not forget to tell him. "Xiaoliang, Xiaopan, don't be afraid when you get there, you must ensure the safety of Mr. Su, and call us in time if you need anything!"

Fatty Yu nodded and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, with my boss's skills, more than a dozen people can't get in, and there are bodyguards around him at any time, so nothing can happen!"

While talking here, Su Pan over there also packed up, the two said goodbye to the three old men without saying anything more, and drove down the mountain.

But here, Mr. Xu made a few phone calls silently, asking them to release the two small cars in time, so as not to be delayed by interrogation!

At the same time, he called the transportation department and asked them to contact Fatty Yu and try to take a shortcut to reach the location quickly.

I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy, and he hits the nail on the head when doing things.

After the phone call, the three old men looked a little unhappy.

"How dare someone touch Su boy now?"

"I don't think it should be what we thought, but it should be certain that something happened."

"I just hope things don't make too much noise. Our country is speeding up its development with the help of Su boy. At this critical juncture, there must be no trouble!"

"Don't worry, Su Xiaozi has a plan in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have told Xiaoliang not to disturb us."

"Hmph, no matter what, if someone really dares to provoke Su Xiaozi afterwards, we must not stand idly by!"

"That's for sure! Lao Su, Lao Xu, it seems that we three old bones should go out for a walk!"

"It's good to go for a walk, it just happens that I'm a little tired of self-cultivation and self-cultivation recently!"

"Bah! Two old bastards, are you avenging Su boy? You clearly want to take the opportunity to sneak out and relax!"

"Then are you going?"

"must go!"

"Hmph! Hypocritical!"


On the highway, Fatty Yu drove almost all the way to his destination. With the help of the traffic police information, Fatty Yu drove smoothly without encountering traffic jams.

The two of them also called Xu Zhen who was at work halfway. When Xu Zhen heard about this, he immediately asked for leave to go out, but was stopped by Fatty Yu. Since Su Chen refused to let Xu Zhen ask for leave, then Xu Zhen could not ask for leave. .

Fatty Yu absolutely followed Su Chen's words 100%!

At Xianlin Pavilion, Su Chen and Zhang Huan had regained their mood, and began ordering and singing, drinking and eating vegetables while singing.

Su Chen has god-level singing skills, and Zhang Huan's heart almost melted when he sang that song.

The most irritating thing was that Zhang Huan actually recorded the video while listening to it, and then posted the video to the group in the backyard of Su's family to show off, and made the other three members of the family curse in the group angrily, yelling to come over.Zhang Huan provoked the anger of the crowd, and hurriedly posted what happened just now to the group. When the girls heard this, the group became furious and wanted to yell to come over.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Qingya spoke to calm down the girls.Since Su Chen is here with this matter, let the husband solve it by himself. They stay at home obediently and don't make any trouble!

After finally resolving the crisis, Zhang Huan finally relaxed and stuck out his little tongue.

And Su Chen, who was concentrating on singing, didn't know that his backyard was almost set on fire by his fourth wife.

Outside the door, Manager Sun was already paralyzed on the floor in the corridor.

He had already called the family, and the owner heard about this, and angrily scolded him on the phone, and now he is sending people to drive here.

Manager Sun is now fully aware that things have really gone wrong.

After such a thing happened, his future is definitely over, and now he hopes that the master will not send him in for the sake of his years of hard work.

As long as he doesn't go in, he still has a chance.

I didn't know how long it took to be in a daze, and finally, there were dense footsteps in the corridor again.

Manager Sun was shocked, thinking that his family members were coming, but when he looked up, he found that there were two young people, one fat and one thin!
(End of this chapter)

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