I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 297 1 Everything has just begun

Chapter 297 Everything Has Just Begun

On Gu Yuan's side, before the arrival of all parties, it's over here.

With the cooperation of the helicopter and the Su family nursing home inside, more than [-] gangsters were easily taken down.

Twenty or so people, eight seriously injured, six slightly injured, none died, none escaped the net, all were taken down!

It has to be said that after Su Chen's transformation, the Su family's guard team is really powerful.

Not long after the end here, Su Chen's car also arrived.

Gao Qing drove almost at full speed all the way, the car almost fell apart.That's why Su Chen arrived so quickly.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle! Are you here?"

Because of his relationship with Fatty Yu and Su Pan, Su Chen respected the second child of the Su family and the third child of the Yu family, and they all called them uncles.

Su Laoer and Yu Laosan didn't dare to trust Su Chen, and they all called Su Chen Mr. Su.

"Mr. Su, blame us for being late! I'm really sorry about today's incident! Don't worry, we will do our best to catch all the culprits, and we will never let any of them escape."

When the two arrived, they found that the battle was over. They thought it was too late and the gangster had already fled, so both of them looked very bad!
Hearing this, Su Chen turned his head, looked at Gao Cheng who had rushed over, and asked, "Xiao Gao, did anyone slip through the net?"

"Report to the boss, no. A total of 27 bandits were captured alive by us, and none slipped through the net!"

Su Chen nodded after hearing the words, without any doubt about it.

Because Ye Xin, Gao Qing, and Gao Cheng all have a special version of the hand-held detection radar, this radar can detect whether there is an enemy within a range of three kilometers, and once there is an enemy, the radar will display a red dot on its position , it is easy to distinguish friend from foe.

This is a high-tech with a metaphysical color in the system, so the price is not cheap. With Su Chen's financial resources, he is only willing to buy ten. He, a few girls, and several guard captains each have one.

Ye Xin was able to detect the enemy in advance today because of this hand-held detective radar.

But here, Su Laoer and Yu Laosan were already stunned.

"Mr. Su, what he means is that you have caught all the gangsters?"

Su Chen nodded. "I believe in my people, they say yes, it must be. Of course, I know you don't believe it, so, people are in it, give me an hour, and after an hour, I will hand over everyone intact you!"

Su Laoer and Yu Laosan looked at each other, then nodded.

Although this is not in line with the rules, but Su Chen has suffered such a big grievance, and it is already a great deal of face for them to only ask for this.

After that, Su Chen ignored the two of them and went into the small courtyard by himself.

Outside the courtyard, Su Laoer and Yu Laosan also began to give orders to evacuate the people, leaving only a small number of people on standby.

It's gotten big enough already, it can't go any further.

"Second brother, do you think Mr. Su really caught all the gangsters?"

Su Lao Er shook his head, then nodded again. "Although it's hard to believe, since Mr. Su said so, I can definitely believe it. After all, he has no reason to lie to us!"

"That's right, but it doesn't matter. Now we have a life in our hands, and everything will be clear in the first trial. I just hope that this matter won't get too involved!"

"Hmph, so what if it gets too involved? No matter who is involved this time, I will never let you go lightly. Grandma, because of these bastards, I was almost kicked out of the house. Even if I go back now, I will probably be scolded!"

"Hey, who said otherwise? Grandpa Su is a Confucian general, and he has been treated like that. You can imagine what my old man will be like!"

"I've heard about it!" Su Laoer clicked his tongue and said, "I heard from my Xiaopan that Mr. Yu actually mentioned his chopping knife again, and he is probably at the gate of a certain yamen right now!"

"Hiss?" Yu Laosan looked terrified!
Mr. Yu with a saber in hand.

Mom, this is a big deal!

Mr. Yu who doesn't mention the sword can scare a bunch of people to death, let alone Mr. Yu who carries the knife?
But at this moment, there was a shrill scream from Gu Yuan, and there was more than one scream, and the scream even became a piece. pain of.

Su Laoer and Yu Laosan suddenly became excited.

Mr. Su is really angry this time!
Yu Laosan looked worried. "Second brother, nothing will happen if this continues?"

"No, don't worry, Mr. Su has a unique skill of beating people without hurting others. Since he promised us, he will definitely not break his promise. In fact, this is also good, let him vent his anger on these bastards, let Mr. Su put This breath is out!"

Although he said that he would never end with whoever he was.But in fact, neither of them hoped that this would be a big fuss. Once this kind of thing got a big fuss, it would be of no benefit to anyone. Therefore, they also sincerely hope that Su Chen can calm down first.

As long as Su Chen calms down, half of the matter will be resolved.

In this way, the screams continued for nearly an hour.

An hour later, Gao Qing and a nurse walked out with 27 people under pressure.

Su Laoer hurriedly sent someone to hand over.

During the handover, Su Lao Er deliberately observed these gangsters.

The bandits were not seriously injured and had been bandaged.The only strange thing is that these people are all listless, with horror in their eyes, as if they have been tortured like hell.

Both Su Laoer and Yu Laosan had extraordinary eyesight, and immediately guessed the reason, and after looking at each other, they couldn't help shivering.

The two of them didn't stay long, and left in a hurry after taking the lead.

After the two left, Su Chen also left.

At the moment when the gangsters were arrested, Gu's parents, Gu's mother, Gu Qingya and the others had already been escorted back to the courtyard by Ye Xin and others. In fact, the place was already empty.Otherwise, Su Chen wouldn't let those gangsters shout out.

Su Chen really wanted to vent his anger by beating these people.

A series of things happened today, not to mention that Su Chen's temper is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, even a really nice guy would be irritated.

Of course, Su Chen just let go of the fire a little. After interrogation, Su Chen already knew who was behind the scenes. If he didn't clean up the behind-the-scenes masters, Su Chen would not really calm down.

Su Chen said long ago that he can still be discussed if he is moved, but if he makes a move on a few girls, he will never stop.

This is not only because Su Chen is really angry, but also to show his attitude.He must let people all over the world know how serious the consequences of touching his family are.

So this matter, in fact, has just begun.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Su Chen heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "Let's go back to the courtyard first!"

Although he has already received the sign-in reward and the next sign-in location has been refreshed, Su Chen can no longer take care of the task, and a bunch of people at home are waiting for him to comfort him. The task and the like can only be postponed!
(End of this chapter)

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