Chapter 304 Golden Eyes!
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in in Guyuan. The host will be rewarded with an antique treasure box, a Zhuyan pill, a three-headed mastiff cub, and the golden pupil of the supernatural system version!"

"Ding, the next check-in location has been refreshed. Please sign in at Liulichang, the host. The check-in requires that in Liulichang, pick up and miss five pieces of Wenwan whose value is at least a hundred times greater!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a national treasure, Genghis Khan Khan's Golden Knife of the Yuan Dynasty, the Emperor Yuxi of the Yuan Dynasty, five Khan Gold Knives of the past dynasties, nine Yuan blue-and-white character story pots, fifty pieces of Yuan official kiln high-quality porcelain, four Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu, Wu Zhen, Huang Gongwang, and Wang Meng's original works, two each!"

On the car heading for Liulichang, Su Chen finally had time to check the sign-in gift package he got in Gu Yuan, but he was not disappointed after seeing it, it was another pile of national treasures!
Khan Golden Sword!Yuan Emperor Yuxi!Yuan blue and white character story cans!
Any one of these cultural relics can shake the archaeological world of the entire Hua Kingdom.

There is no doubt that they are all extremely precious super national treasures.

Even the fine porcelain and authentic works of the Yuan family behind, any one of them can be regarded as the treasure of a private museum.

With the gradual opening of the treasure chest of cultural relics, Su Chen has discovered the pattern!
Except for the first sign-in in the main courtyard of the courtyard, the rest of the treasure chests of cultural relics signed in are all from dynasties, which is exactly in line with Su Chen's idea of ​​building his future museum by dynasties.

If nothing else happens, the next treasure chest of cultural relics will reward cultural relics from the Song Dynasty.

It will also be the richest dynasty in history.

There is no doubt that the next treasure chest of cultural relics is the top priority!

The fact is also true, the next check-in location is the only one with a check-in task, the others just limit the time.

In this way, if Su Chen wants to successfully complete his idea, he will really have to sign in frantically today, at least to open the treasure chest to the Qin Dynasty. It's really awesome.

In addition, Su Chen also found a problem, that is, most of these cultural relics rewarded by the system have already been published, and are now in major museums around the world. Why do they somehow become the rewards of the system?
There are too many problems here.

If nothing else, information about the loss or trade of cultural relics will appear around the world tomorrow.

Of course, Su Chen wasn't worried about trouble. Since it was rewarded by the system, the aftermath must have been done.

Su Chen was just curious.

After thinking for a while, Su Chen turned his attention to the initial sign-in reward.

I have collected five Zhuyan Pills, and I can give them to my daughters when I get home tomorrow.

He also wants to eat one.

Of course, if there are more in the back, Su Chen will definitely keep them actively. Su Chen can never have too many treasures like this.

What Su Chen cares most about is the last two rewards.

Pets: three-headed mastiff cubs and supernatural golden pupils!

Su Chen was worrying about the monsters in the East Garden before, but he didn't expect the system to send the King Beast.

Three-headed mastiff, just hearing the name is extremely domineering, which reminds Su Chen of the famous hell three-headed dog.

Once this kind of legendary beast is pulled out, it will definitely look down on the world. It is estimated that even tigers and lions will have to stand aside.

The other is the golden pupil.

Seeing these three characters, Su Chen was excited.

Su Chen is definitely no stranger to what the golden pupil is. Su Chen has read that novel many times, but it is a pity that it is such a divine book that its reputation was ruined by the remake of the TV series.

Of course, with the existence of wisdom eyes, Su Chen does not particularly need the ability of the golden pupil to see through.

But there is a kind of ability in the golden pupil that Su Chen does not have, and that is the aura in the golden pupil's eyes.

That kind of aura is like a panacea. The golden pupil aura of Dacheng realm has too many uses. If you want to compare it, it is equivalent to the combination of vitality pill, spiritual nourishment liquid, golden sore medicine, etc. , and the most important thing is that the aura of the golden pupil can be recovered on its own, inexhaustible and inexhaustible!
This is simply a divine skill!
I just don't know what the system version marked by the system means.

Su Chen hurriedly opened the description of the three-headed mastiff and the golden pupil.

The introduction of the three-headed mastiff here is very simple, I only gave Su Chen a virtual locator, allowing Su Chen to use it to locate the three-headed mastiff!

It seems that Su Chen needs to spend money to buy it.

It doesn't matter, Su Chen is not short of the money.

It was Huang Jintong's explanation that made Su Chen a little depressed.

The function of the golden pupil is the same as Su Chen thought, and it is directly the Dacheng version of the golden pupil, and the aura exploration range is a full hundred miles!The only difference is that every time Su Chen exhausts his aura, he needs to spend money to restore it. The amount of money is not much each time, 1 yuan a time.

The amount of spiritual energy in the golden pupil is very sufficient. After each full charge, under normal circumstances, it is enough to guarantee Su Chen’s daily squandering. Therefore, the cost of recovering the spiritual energy is 500 million a year, which is enough. This amount is Su Chen’s pocket money , and I don't want the original Golden Eye to recover slowly.The golden pupil of the system version, as long as the money is in place, the aura will be filled up immediately!

The only thing that depresses Su Chen is that spending money to supplement the spiritual energy makes Su Chen feel that the golden pupil seems to be leased to him by the system, and the ownership does not belong to him.

Fortunately, there is also an explanation behind the golden pupil, as long as Su Chen can make the golden pupil advance again, then as long as Su Chen pays 100 billion at one time, the golden pupil will be completely owned by him!

This can be regarded as giving Su Chen a direction to work hard.

Now there are only Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou in the car, Lao Guo doesn't like to be busy, so he goes home after dinner.But Lao Guo said that he would call Guo Qilin and Yue Yunpeng to help them carry their bags.

Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou were closing their eyes to digest food. They drank wine at noon, and they were a little tired at the moment, taking a nap.

Seeing this, Su Chen directly extracted the golden pupil.

In the next moment, Su Chen felt a sudden gust of cold breath rushing into his eyes.The fierce airflow directly caused Su Chen to lose his eyesight in an instant. Su Chen closed his eyes tightly instinctively, but the airflow in his eyes continued continuously, as if there was no end.

It took more than half an hour before the airflow in the eyes finally stopped churning.

Su Chen carefully opened his eyes again, and for a moment, Su Chen felt that the world in front of him became colorful in an instant.

Su Chen involuntarily released his aura, and for a while Su Chen had a panoramic view of everything in the car. Su Chen "saw" Gao Qing who was driving seriously, and saw the constant flow of traffic outside the car and the ups and downs of high-rise buildings.

Su Chen even saw the tenacious and unyielding grass and unnamed microorganisms under the ground through layers of obstacles.

Su Chen also saw auras of various colors surging from several objects in his car. Su Chen knew that it was the phenomenon that the aura of the golden pupil was stimulated by encountering Wenwan and antiques.

Obviously, there are quite a few real antiques in his car.

Su Chen was like a child who got a toy, he kept trying various functions of the golden pupil, he even tried to inject a trace of aura into the body of Gao Qing who was driving ahead.

Su Chen "seeed", Gao Qing's whole body shook suddenly, as if he had been completely reborn, and his whole body was refreshed, and even the kid let out a moan of enjoyment in comfort, which made Su Chen tremble all over!

(End of this chapter)

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