I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 308 Copy of Yongle

Chapter 308 Copy of Yongle
Su Chen asked Guo Qilin and Yue Yunpeng to put the books in their arms on the table.

"Why? Do you think there are treasures in these books?"

Yi Zhou frowned and asked.

He wasn't really angry just now, but he just felt a little contemptuous of Su Chen's attitude.But in the final analysis, what Su Chen does is his own business, and Yi Zhou is just competing with himself. Now that Su Chen explained, Yi Zhou also slowed down!
Sometimes when people lose their temper, maybe they only need an inexplicable reason, not much reason.

Su Chen shook his head. "I don't know, it's just a feeling, and I flipped through one of the books just now, and the writing in it feels very familiar to me!"

Su Chen definitely couldn't say that he was sure there was a treasure here, and he didn't even know what was in it. He just "saw" roughly that the treasure was a few books, so Su Chen made an excuse casually.

Handwriting!Now the handwriting of many celebrities can be found on the Internet, and it is normal to see whose handwriting is familiar.

"These books?"

Yi Zhou flipped through it casually, then shook his head and said: "Architectural Design 1959", "Ultra-high Frequency Technology 1958", "The Invention of Gunpowder and Western Legend 1954 Edition". Although these are old books, they are not famous books. , and they are all printed editions, not the first issue, and basically have no collection value, these books add up to 400 yuan!"

Indeed, the books in front of Yi Zhou were just as Yi Zhou said, they were worthless at all.

But after Su Chen finished reading the book in his hand, his eyes lit up!
"Second brother, don't worry, just look at this!"

Su Chen smiled and handed over the book in his hand.

Yi Zhou took it, and first looked at the title of the book.

"The Outline of Chinese History? The 1954 edition? This one is a bit interesting."

Yi Zhou opened the first page of the book, his eyes finally changed slightly.

"It's actually a manuscript!"

This is an old hand-copied book in the 60s. If the author who copied it is a celebrity, then this book will definitely be worth some money.

But such a book, no matter how valuable it is, will have a limit, and it will end in the tens of thousands, and it will cost more than a million.

So Yi Zhou's expression still didn't change much.

But Yi Zhou also knew Su Chen, and knew that there must be something else in this book, otherwise Su Chen would not pay so much attention to an ordinary old book.

"The format of this book is a bit special."

Yi Zhou let out a light snort, the format of this book is different from ordinary old books, it looks slightly larger, and looks like the format of ancient books.

And the book is a little bit thick.

Yi Zhou didn't see anything famous on the outside, finally turned the page of the book, and other people's eyes were also attracted to him.

Yi Zhou opened the first few pages of the book, but found nothing special.

It wasn't until he turned the ninth page of the book that his expression suddenly changed.

"[Song Ouyang Public Collection]

Returning to Ziyao "Remembering people" where is the flute, dreaming back to love in the middle of the night, separated by bamboo wind eaves, rain and cold windows.There is no news about how old he is.In this issue of White Sleepless, I specially reminisce about each other.

【Collected by Zhang Hengqu】

"Hou Ren": When the forests and trees in Nanshan flourished."

Yi Zhou's expression changed. "Why did this suddenly become an ancient prose? And this prose. Why does it feel familiar!"

In the next moment, Yi Zhou seemed to have thought of something, his complexion suddenly changed, and then he took a big stride to the rest area, carefully placed the book in his hand on the coffee table, and then began to watch carefully.

Everyone else was attracted by Yi Zhou's actions.They are all curious about what kind of treasure is the book that can make Su Chen and Yi Zhou Qiqi change their colors.

Only Su Chen didn't move, because at that moment just now, he already knew what was inside.

There are fifteen books in front of Su Chen, and all of these books contain heaven and earth.

Seeing that everyone had gone to the leisure area, Su Chen decided to do it himself.

Su Chen casually picked up a book, which was an architectural book. Su Chen flipped through a few pages and found the gap between the original leaf and the ancient text page of the architectural book. Adhesive, Su Chen moved his mind, pretended to take out his pocket, and then bought a small bottle of medicine to dissolve various glues from the system.

This kind of ultra-modern small commodity mall is not very expensive. Of course, the price of finished products is not high, but their formulas are definitely worth a lot. The cheapest cost tens of millions, and some formulas cost hundreds of millions or even billions at every turn. .

Su Chen carefully sprinkled the potion between the gaps in the book, and after a while, the glue inside was dissolved, and Su Chen also successfully dismembered the book.

After dismembering, Su Chen discovered that the cover of this book actually had two layers, and a layer was added in the middle. The whole book is actually equivalent to an all-round book cover. The book was exposed.

The books hidden inside are obviously ancient books, at least from before the Qing Dynasty from the paper.

Fortunately, this book has a cover, so there is no need for Su Chen to identify it.

"Yongle Grand Ceremony?"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Su Chen's ear.

Su Chen looked up, and found that the little girl named Xiaotong in the shop was holding tea and looking at the book in his hand curiously.

Seeing Su Chen looking up at her, the little girl panicked and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't sneak a peek on purpose. I came to bring you tea, so I accidentally saw it."

Su Chen smiled slightly, he couldn't be angry, but looked at the little girl with interest, and said with a smile, "Do you know these words?"

When the little girl heard this, she pouted proudly. "Isn't it just traditional Chinese characters? Not only do I know it, but I can also write it! And these characters are so simple, Yongle Dadian, who doesn't know it?"

"Yongle Grand Ceremony? What Yongle Grand Ceremony?"

Xiaotong's words attracted everyone's attention, especially the shopkeeper Liang Xuan, the owner of an antique shop was so familiar with the words "Yongle Dadian".

"Book! The book in this little brother's hand is the Yongle Canon!"


Everyone froze for a moment.

Including Guo Qilin and Yue Yunpeng, although the two of them are not people in the antique business, and have never even studied in college, their Chinese education is several times better than that of many college students who graduated from famous universities.

So the two of them must have heard of the Yongle Encyclopedia, the largest encyclopedia in the history of Huaguo and even the history of the world.

Knowing that its value is immeasurable.

So when they heard the title of this book, a group of people were stunned.

Liang Hyun reacted the fastest, and ran over in two or three steps, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Yongle Dadian? Impossible? Is it really Yongle Dadian? Is it a Ming copy?"

Logically speaking, as a cultural relic, the original should be the most valuable.

But in fact, Liang Xuan didn't think about the possibility of the original at all, because after various investigations, the original of the Yongle Grand Ceremony has not been published yet, and it was either destroyed or buried with him in the Yongling Mausoleum.

In other words, unless the Yongling Tomb is being excavated now, it is impossible to obtain the original copy of the "Yongle Dadian"!

(End of this chapter)

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