I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 311 Old Ren, Apocalypse

Chapter 311 Old Ren, Apocalypse
Hearing Su Chen's words, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing Chi Huo's reaction, he understood directly.

All things have animism, he is late!
Especially for animals like the Tibetan Mastiff, once they recognize their master, they will never change for life.In other words, if you didn't take advantage of the Tibetan Mastiff when it was first born, then there is probably no hope in the future.

Seeing this, the old man didn't force it, but enviously said: "My little brother is so lucky!"

Su Chen smiled, and said: "The old man has a lot of blessings in his life, why should he envy my blessings?"

The old man laughed. "Little friend can see clearly, but people are always greedy."

After chatting with Su Chen for a few words, it seemed that Su Chen was very interesting, but the old man stopped listening and was not in a hurry to leave.

"Little friend also likes the Four Treasures of the Study?"

Su Chen knows the old man, and has always wanted to know the old man. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally does not reject it, so he is not in a hurry to leave.

"Well, I like literature and antiques, and I like everything left by our ancestors!"

The old man's eyes lit up. "Oh? That's really rare! Young people these days rarely like these things!"

Su Chen heard the words, but shook his head. "Old man, I'm sorry I dare not agree with your words!"

The old man was not annoyed when he heard it, but asked curiously, "What do you mean, little brother?"

"Any hobby is actually based on economics. The old man said that young people don't like things left by their ancestors, which is actually a bit biased.

It's not that they don't like it, but they can't afford it. If they want to play antiques, even if they are just getting started, the cost will cost hundreds or even thousands.

Needless to say antiques, just Wenwan.Although the focus of Wenwan is on the disk, if you want to really enter the industry, you must also need a little good information.Ordinary things, even if they have patina, are not of high value. They can only be used for self-entertainment, but how can we cultivate interest in things that have no value.

If Wenwan wants to sell its value, it has to buy some good things, and among these good things, the most common ones cost several thousand.And now young people, how many people can casually squander thousands of dollars to cultivate interests for themselves?

Now many people on the Internet say that the young people in our country worship foreigners and don’t like the craftsmanship of their ancestors, but in fact, it’s not that they don’t like it, but that the craftsmanship of their ancestors is too expensive for them to afford.

Of course, the reason for this phenomenon is that there are fewer and fewer serious craftsmen, all kinds of inheritance are on the verge of extinction, and rare things are more expensive. "

The old man was slightly surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

But what surprised him was not how amazing these remarks were. The old man had lived such a big age, what kind of words had he never heard, let alone these basic truths?
What surprised the old man was that when Su Chen expressed his views, he was surprised by the atmosphere of worrying about the country and the people between the lines.

You know, this kind of feeling can only be possessed by those who are in a high position and who can imitate countless people in every move.

But for Su Chen to make the old man feel this way at such a young age, it is obvious that this is an ordinary young man.

The old man stared at Su Chen suspiciously for a long time, but felt more and more specious. After a while, the old man finally couldn't help asking: "Brother, have I seen you?"

Su Chen touched his nose and knew that he had been discovered.

Slightly amazed in my heart, these old foxes really know a little bit, they are so low-key, but still reveal their shocking appearance and talent.

Su Chen didn't hide it anymore, that would be disrespectful to the old man.

However, Su Chen didn't wipe off the makeup on his face, he just lowered his head slightly, and said politely: "Junior Su Chen, I have met Mr. Ren!"

Ren Tianfeng!
Founder and President of Apocalypse Group.Apocalypse Group is the largest original and information service group in China.Its mobile phone brand Tianxing is the top mobile phone brand in Huaguo.

Mr. Ren's status in the domestic business world is very high. Although Mr. Ren's net worth is not particularly high, in terms of status, he is definitely not weaker than the three Internet giants.

The old man has a decent temper.

Su Chen admired this kind of tenacity and unrelenting spirit.So in fact, Su Chen has always wanted to cooperate with the old man, but he has never found an opportunity.

Well, it's just because there is no chance, it's definitely not that Su Chen is too lazy.

On the other side, Mr. Ren was stunned for a moment, and then showed shock.

Obviously, he has also heard of Su Chen's name.

There is no way I have never heard of it. The emerging business tycoon in the business world has pulled up a future group worth hundreds of billions in Huaguo in just half a year.

In particular, the enterprise model of the aircraft carrier battle group of the Future Group has been seen by interested people, and it is extremely shocking.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is the Jiangnan Laboratory under Future.

In the past three months, Jiangnan Laboratory has announced a new technology patent for a new invention almost every two or three days, each of which is very important and has great potential.And such a patent, for Jiangnan Lab, seems to be the same as writing an essay by an elementary school student, and it is not rare.

So this shocked many people with the scientific research capabilities of the Jiangnan Laboratory.

And people with the status of Mr. Ren know more.

Mr. Ren knows that the Jiangnan Laboratory is currently researching controllable nuclear fusion and lithium-air batteries.

Either of these two is super high-tech that can change the times.It is said that the Jiangnan Laboratory has successfully completed the research and has entered the experimental stage.

In addition, because of Mr. Ren's identity, he really got to know some lesser-known inside stories.

That is, he knew that Su Chen was the behind-the-scenes supplier of the fetish!
In other words, Mr. Ren knows Su Chen's status in Huaguo, and also knows how important Su Chen is to Huaguo.

So Mr. Ren has always wanted to see Su Chen, but he never had the chance.

Unexpectedly, when he went shopping on a sudden whim, he ran into Su Chen. I have to say, this is fate.

This also made old man Ren inexplicably excited. He helped Su Chen up, and old man Ren blushed with excitement.

"Are you really Mr. Su?"

"Hehe, you're too polite. I'm a junior, so I can't bear your honorific title. Just call me Xiaosu!"

"I can afford it, I can afford it! If you can't afford it, who else in Huaguo can afford it? But you are right, calling you Mr. Su is too strange, let's call you Xiao Su!
Xiao Su, you have kept me waiting for a long time, I have always wanted to meet you!

It's a pity that you've been busy, and we haven't had the chance to meet each other! "

"Hehe, boy, I had a lot of things a while ago, but I was a little busy. Please don't blame the old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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