Chapter 327 Rewards

The second child, Tang Qiong, knelt and crawled in front of Su Chen, acting cute non-stop.

Su Chen was amused. "what?"

"I want to eat Zhuyan Pill!"

"Then eat!" Su Chen waved his hand. "Zhuyan Pill is for you, otherwise why should I take it out?"

When the girls heard this, they roared excitedly.Although they had already guessed the result in advance, but now they heard Su Chen admit it, they were still too excited.

"Big sister, big sister!"

With Su Chen's approval, the three girls immediately looked at Gu Qingya.

Seeing this, Gu Qingya opened the jade bottle without any trace of ink, and poured out four Zhuyan Pills from it.

The girls obediently took one pill in order, no matter how impatient they were, no one competed for it.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen was extremely relieved, the elder sister has done a good job in managing the family.

"Husband, do you just eat it like this?" Zhang Huan asked naively, for fear of eating it wrong.

"Well, if you feel like choking, you can also press it down with water."


After Su Chen finished speaking, the girls took the medicine one after another.

Just kidding, this baby still needs water pressure?

As long as it can keep the face, let alone a pill, even a bone, a woman can swallow it whole.

Su Chen shook his head, got up, got four cups of warm tea, and walked back.

Sure enough, the girls choked and ate too fast.

Su Chen hurriedly passed the water over.

When the girls saw the water, they hurriedly took a glass each and drank it down.

"Okay~! Emma, ​​I finally swallowed it!"

"Shu Tan!"

"I'm a little choked!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "I said, what are you doing? No one is robbing you. If you say that you and I have been together for so long, what good things haven't you seen? Why are you still so worthless?"

The girls were scolded, and all of them giggled with a playful smile.

"Oh, can this be the same? This is related to the happiness of our women's life."

"That's right, hey? Second sister, do you think I've become prettier?"

"It's changed, you look better!"

"You too!"

"What about me?"

As the girls talked, the topic went off track.

Su Chen was speechless. "Okay, it's all psychological. This is Zhuyan Pill, not Beauty Pill. Under my conditioning, your appearance and skin condition are always at their peak. What else can change?"

"Oh my husband, you have changed! How did you become a straight man?"

"Yeah! You can't even talk about love now!"

"Hmph! It seems that I have not been trained, little Suzi, I have been fighting for a long time without showing my strength, are you hahahahahaha! My husband, you are just kidding, stop scratching, itchy! Hahaha! Ah~! Fourth Su, you Why are you taking off my socks? Ah~! Fourth Su, you took advantage of the fire and scratched my soles, you are finished."

After playing around for a while, the girls relieved from the state of excitement.

Su Chen also made trouble with the girls on purpose, it's best to vent out the joy and sorrow, as holding back is not good for your health.

After playing around, the girls were a little tired, laying on each other's bodies, and looked at the mirror endlessly.

Suddenly, the elder sister Gu Qingya found an opportunity to say, "Husband, this is for you!"

Saying that, Gu Qingya returned the Zhuyan Pill Jade Bottle to Su Chen without hesitation.

The girls glanced at it, their expressions didn't change, they just did what they should do.

They are all used to it, and they all understand that in the Su family, the best state is not to fight, not to grab, not to be greedy, not to steal!
Because it should belong to them, even if they don't say anything, don't do anything, and are not even at home, it should be theirs, nothing less.

In this regard, the eldest sister was extremely fair, and the three younger sisters could not find any faults. Over time, the mutual trust and tacit understanding were formed imperceptibly.

And if they are particularly fond of certain things, such as clothes and jewelry, as long as they ask, Su Chen and the eldest sister can basically satisfy them, and they have never refused.So in fact, there is no need for them to play tricks and intrigue.

Of course, there are exceptions, like some things, the eldest sister is not satisfied with everything.

For example, the third child prefers spicy food. Most importantly, she is not in good health, and her stomach hurts when she eats too much spicy food.Even with Su Chen around, he can be cured afterward, and there won't be any major problems.But suffering is certain.

For this reason, Gu Qingya often scolded the third child distressedly, but the third child had no choice but to let it go.Sometimes in order to eat more, I often go to the kitchen to steal my mouth, and I am often scolded for this.

Of course, these are normal family noises. Although the third child is greedy, why doesn't she enjoy being scolded by the eldest sister?Someone scolds you, it means someone loves you.

Su Chen was about to push it back to the eldest sister, and said with a smile: "Why do you give it to me? This should be kept for you!"

When Gu Qingya heard this, she instantly smiled happily and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I got a total of eleven pills, and they are all here. You have to save the remaining seven pills. These are the only seven pills left in the world. Each pill is worth hundreds of billions, unless there is a miracle , I can’t get it even if I want to.”

After listening to the elder sister, the smile became stronger.

"Then you just give it to me? Are you willing?"

Su Chen smiled. "What is there to be reluctant about? Didn't you agree at the beginning? In terms of feelings, I will not hide anything from you, and you are the eldest sister in the family, so this thing should be kept by you. "

After listening to Gu Qingya, she was so moved that she started to talk more.

"Are you not afraid that I will strangle your life in the future?"

Su Chen pouted. "I asked you to say this, even if there is no Zhuyan Pill, would I dare to take someone home without your consent?"

"That's true!" Gu Qingya smiled slightly, then carefully kept Zhuyan Pill close to her body, looked at Su Chen with eyes full of love and said, "Yes, seeing how well you performed today, our sisters will reward you tonight one time!"

Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really? No kidding?"

The girls sneered, looked at each other, and said in unison: "I will wait tonight at the master's command!"

Su Chen was instantly excited!

I drop mom!It's done this time!

Happy life!
Stand up tonight!

Su Chen was excited, even more excited than the girls who won Zhuyan Pill.

Happily, Su Chen got up and left the study.

There's no way, he can't stay any longer, he won't be able to bear it any longer.

He raised his head, looked at the sky, and looked at his watch.

Why is it only eight o'clock in the morning, how does this time pass so slowly?

In anxiety, Su Chen had to find a job for himself.

After thinking about it, Su Chen suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a small Qi gathering array in yesterday's sign-in reward.

Su Chen hurriedly opened the system interface, and called up the relevant instructions of the Qi gathering array. After seeing it, his eyes lit up.

The so-called energy-gathering array is similar to the spirit-gathering array in Xianxia novels, but it is different.

The Spirit Gathering Array gathers the aura of heaven and earth for Qi practitioners to cultivate, while the Qi Gathering Array gathers the most essence, cleanest, and purest air in the world and removes all impurities in the air at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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