Chapter 329

After watching the Jade Essence, Su Chen looked at other rewards.

Five resource veins!

Su Chen actually got this out of the five sign-in rewards.

It's also reasonable, things like resource ore veins, each one is worth a lot, enough to be used as a sign-in reward alone.

It is worth mentioning that these five veins are not existing veins on the earth, but are bestowed by the system alone.

In other words, Su Chen is equivalent to fighting for five additional vein resources for the earth.

The most important thing is that these five veins belong to blank veins, allowing Su Chen to specify the type of veins, or even two-in-one or even three-in-one veins.Moreover, these mineral veins are very large. According to the system, the largest volume of these mineral veins is about one kilometer in length, width and height!

Such a large mine, no matter what it is, its volume is quite amazing, and it may even be the largest mine on earth.

Moreover, the resources in these mines will be very pure, with few impurities.

In addition, these mines allow Su Chen to choose the location arbitrarily.

Calculated in this way, the value of these five mines is, without exaggeration, more valuable than Su Chen's current net worth.

After all, Su Chen can completely specify the types of these mines.Not to mention anything else, even if these are five gold mines, the gold contained here is enough to compare with the amount of gold stored in the entire world today.

Of course, Su Chen is not so stupid, there are many metals that are more precious than gold in the world.

Su Chen only exchanged for gold mines unless he was crazy, and he had to exchange for Journey to the West energy mines or rare metal mines.

After buying wildly, there are five blueprints!
Five drawings that are enough to change the world!
Needless to say, sea fortresses and air battleships are super strategic weapons of a higher conceptual level than aircraft carriers and fighter jets.

It can be said that once Hua Guo develops these two behemoths, there is basically no need to worry about national defense issues.

These two drawings must be handed over to the state, but how to hand them over still needs to be considered.

The remaining three blueprints are related to the living environment of human beings. Whether it is air purification, water purification, or even seawater desalination, they are the most needed and scarce technologies at present.

Without any hesitation, Su Chen passed the last three blueprints to Leng Mo through a secret account!
Within 3 minutes, Leng Mo called, and his tone was very excited.

"Boss, you are so awesome, how did you get these blueprints?"

As Leng Mo gradually adapts to life on Earth, he also gradually takes on the identity of a human on Earth, and under the influence of the system, he also gradually forgets the existence of the system.

The current Leng Mo basically doesn't know anything about Su Chen and the system except that he is a robot.

Leng Mo's current self-concept is that of a patriotic scientist.That's why I was so excited after receiving the drawing from Su Chen.

"Don't worry about how you got it, just say if you can make it?"

"Boss, wait a moment, let me take a look."

Half an hour was enough, and Su Chen's phone was almost out of battery before a cold voice came from the opposite side.

"Boss, I took a preliminary look. Although these three blueprints are difficult, they are not difficult to make. As long as you ensure that the blueprints are correct, I can make a model in a month at most!"

"Okay! Then hurry up! Besides, you don't need to make a model, it's a waste of time, just make the finished product according to the relevant specifications, don't be afraid of waste, tell Lao Wen if there is anything missing, and call me if it doesn't work!"

"Success! Leave it to me!"

"Hmm! How's the controllable fusion research going?"

"I was just going to tell you, Boss, that we are almost ready for the final stage of picketing. At the latest, we can try to ignite the fire within a month."

"That's it, work harder on your side. After a month, I will take people to Jiangnan. While lighting the fire, it's best to get those three blueprints out, and then we will experiment together!"

"No problem, boss, don't worry, leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, I put down the phone first!

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Su Chen was speechless for a while.

What the hell, as expected of a scientist, his EQ is so low.Being a human being makes people so uncomfortable, but there is no way, who makes people more capable?

Shaking his head, Su Chen thought of Yu Jing and some military blueprints again. After thinking for a while, he was about to call Fatty Yu, but he heard someone calling him outside, saying that someone was visiting.

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he thought of Mr. Ren from yesterday. He made an appointment to meet today, Su Chen didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly got up and went out to meet him.

Hurry up to the main entrance, just in time to see a row of black Rolls Royce driving over, just arrived.

Fortunately, Mr. Ren's secretary notified in advance, otherwise he would be rude today.

When Su Chen came to the front yard, he had already notified Zhang Huan who was at home to welcome the guests.

At this moment, everyone in the courtyard is already busy.

Seeing the convoy, Su Chen didn't step forward. He had already expressed his attitude when he got to the door. There is no need to be overly enthusiastic, and that would be a bit of a loss.

After the car stopped, Mr. Ren took a little girl out of the car in the middle.

Su Chen took a few steps forward, and said loudly: "Welcome Mr. Ren to visit the humble house, let the humble house flourish!"

Mr. Ren brought the little girl to Su Chen, and said with a bright smile, "Little friend, we are friends now, so we don't need to be so polite, do we?"

Su Chen chuckled. "That's a good thing. I'm not used to speaking such polite words. I recited them last night."

When Mr. Ren heard this, his smile became even bigger.

"Your mouth is not sure what to say. Based on your cultural literacy, you still need to memorize these few sentences? Alright, let me introduce you!"

As Elder Ren said, a middle-aged man stepped out of the car in front and hurried over.

"This is my son Ren Ping, who is taking over from me to manage Tianqi Group now!"

"Mr. Su, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Ren Ping extended his hand first, and said hello humbly.

Su Chen didn't hold it, and responded enthusiastically.

Afterwards, Mr. Ren introduced the little girl beside him. She was Mr. Ren's granddaughter. She was 19 years old this year, named Ren Xiaomo. Her size and those round long legs are the most eye-catching.

Ren Xiaomo's face is slightly cute, especially her pair of eyes, which are extremely attractive and can melt people's hearts when she smiles.

The little girl is not very lively, but her eyes are extremely agile, and she keeps looking at Su Chen, as if she is extremely interested in Su Chen.

After joking for a while, Su Chen welcomed the group into the courtyard.

Mr. Ren was extremely interested in Su Chen's courtyard house, perhaps because he had heard about it before, and he looked at it with great interest as soon as he entered the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the door, Old Ren paused, stood up and smelled it, and said unexpectedly, "Huh? Little friend, the air in your courtyard is so fresh! The old man hasn't smelled such comfortable air for a long time!"

The others didn't pay attention to it at first, but after listening to Mr. Ren's words, when they felt it carefully, they all showed surprise.

Obviously, in this courtyard house, the air quality inside and outside the courtyard is not at the same level at all.

(End of this chapter)

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