I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 332 Shenzhang Company

Chapter 332 Shinhwa Company
"other works?"

Su Chen thought for a while, and said, "I still have a smaller statue of Guan Gong and the Red Rabbit. It was my early work. Although the carving is a bit poor, the materials are also top quality!"

Early works? ? ? ?
Looking at Su Chen's youthful and outrageous appearance, everyone always felt that these words sounded so unpleasant.
Mr. Ren was very happy.

"Success! That's it! It's settled, it's mine!"

Su Chen smiled and did not refuse.

He doesn't pay too much attention to jade carvings now, after all, these things are too common for him.

Of course, even so, he can't just give it away. Some things are worthless if they are given too much.

Fortunately, Mr. Ren is not an ordinary person, a jade carving is still worth giving.

"Success! When you leave, I promise you can take it with you!"

"Hahaha! Then I will be disrespectful!"

Mr. Ren was as happy as a child.

Afterwards, everyone sat down according to their order. Once they were seated, they looked around. They were all exquisite antique porcelain and famous calligraphy and paintings!

But after the baptism of the veranda, no one was surprised.

Mr. Ren was also very enthusiastic about it, chatted with everyone for a while, and after introducing the topic into the theme, he went to study antiques alone, as if he didn't care about the business at all.

In fact, Su Chen knew that it was Mr. Ren making a concession.

With so many people coming to the Ren family today, it is one thing to visit and make friends, the most important thing is to come to seek cooperation.

Since it is cooperation, there must be a distinction between primary and secondary.

And the bet between Su Chen and Mr. Ren yesterday was actually what he read.

In yesterday's bet, it seemed that whoever lost the door would come to the door in person, but in fact, the person who came to the door was weaker in momentum, which also showed that the person who came to the door took the initiative to give way to cooperation.

And just now Su Chen did not hesitate to give Elder Ren a jade statue of Guan Gong, which gave Elder Ren enough face.

In return, Mr. Ren must fulfill the agreement.If he didn't show up, it meant that he would place the Ren family on the weak side and would not overwhelm the host.

Although Mr. Ren has abdicated, he still exists in the Ren family.

Elder Ren has spoken, no matter how unwilling Ren Ping is, he has to obey.

So when one party was willing to retreat, the cooperation between the two parties went smoothly.

In the end, the two parties agreed to jointly form a new company called Shinhwa Corporation.

With the theme of Tianxing Group and future technology, the company will make every effort to create a new brand of high-tech Internet products ahead of the times, including but not limited to mobile phones, computers, intelligent robots, smart homes and so on.

The new Shinhwa series will use lithium-air batteries as the energy source and the carbon-based chip being developed by Jiangnan Laboratory as the core to create a true Shinhwa series product that transcends the times.

And not only that, the new series of products are not only aimed at batteries and chips, but other aspects such as motherboards, memory, cameras, etc., will all be innovated and upgraded. In one step, buy technology from the mall at any cost.

Moreover, Su Chen also plans to formally build a new 5G network with Tianqi and domestic operators. The new 5G network will be much more advanced than the current 5G network. The new 5G network is not only for the preparation of new series of products, but also for the next generation A series of preparations.

According to Su Chen's plan, the new series of smart products will be the last generation of traditional smart products.In the upgrade, the smart products will be combined with the virtual network, and the virtual network and smart products will be officially combined into one.

As shown in the movie, a communicator that looks like a mobile phone or a watch is used as a virtual network terminal. As long as the communicator is turned on, a virtual light screen will pop up, and this light screen will completely replace the old one. LCD display, completely enter the era of real technology network.

Of course, in order to achieve this step, there are still many, many things to do, and the Mythology series will only be the beginning.

According to the negotiation, the Ren family will hold 45% of the shares in the new Shinhwa Company, while Su Chen will have the Future Group, which will hold 55% of the shares.

The specific company management will also be based on the Future Group, with the Ren family as the assistant.

The specific division of labor is that the Future Group is responsible for technology research and development and software development, and the Ren family will be responsible for hardware production.

As for the patent shares of the new company, it is another shareholding system.For the new company's patents, Shinhwa can enjoy the rights without compensation, but other than that, the Ren family only has the right to distribute 20.00% of the shares, but has no right to dispose of the shares.

Of course, the companies under the Ren family have the priority of use and a certain degree of fee reduction.

It seems unreasonable, but in fact, everyone present knows that the key to the future development of Shinhwa Company is these patented technologies. As long as they have these patented technologies, even if there is no Ren, Shinhwa Company can still rise.

That is to say, in this company, their Ren family is basically the place where they hold their thighs. It is already a great deal of face for Su Chen to take them to fly together.

So don't look at the fact that the Ren family suffered a big loss on the surface, in fact, after the negotiation, Ren Ping's wooden face was already wrinkled.

Anyone with a little vision can see that as long as the technologies mentioned by Su Chen can be successfully developed, the rise of the myth series is basically a foregone conclusion, and no one can stop it.

As for the research and development capabilities of Jiangnan Lab, everyone present had great confidence.

They are all insiders. They have heard the news that Jiangnan Laboratory has successfully developed controllable nuclear fusion technology, and lithium-air batteries have also entered the experimental stage.

Even if such a technology that can change the world can be researched, then those other technical difficulties are probably ordinary for Jiangnan Lab, right?

Things went smoothly, mainly because today is just a simple communication between the two sides.

The specific cooperation matters are definitely very troublesome, and Wen Liangdong needs to come forward to discuss it in person, and Su Chen doesn't need to worry about it.

In fact, the project of the Mythology series is a key project of future technology. Wen Liangdong had already talked to Su Chen about this issue, and they have been preparing for it all the time. Today is just Su Chen's final decision.

With an attitude on his side, he doesn't need to worry about the rest.

Ren Ping is a person who does things. Now that he has made a decision, he doesn't want to let it go. After being scolded by Mr. Ren, he hurriedly left the courtyard and went straight to the future technology.

Su Chen has already greeted Wen Liangdong. Both Wen Liangdong and Ren Ping are decisive people. Ren Ping is still impatient. It seems that the myth series will be released soon!

Ren Ping left, and the others naturally followed suit.

Only Mr. Ren and Ren Xiaomo stayed behind.

The old man seems to like the courtyard house very much, and he must have made up his mind to stay here for a night.

(End of this chapter)

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