I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 338 720 people, martial arts master?

Chapter 338 720 people, martial arts master?

The next day, Yu Laosan sent Su Qing and 107 special forces over, and at the same time vacated a military training base for Su Chen. Reuse it.

Su Chen went to the site to investigate, and then arranged for people to prepare some necessary living facilities.

In addition, there are some things that Su Chen needs to prepare by himself.

These things are available in the system mall, and Su Chen can handle them by himself.

Three days later, Su Qing woke up, because there was no outsider, Su Chen had already healed all his injuries in advance.

So as soon as Su Qing woke up, he found that he had no injuries all over his body, which surprised Su Qing very much.

Su Chen chatted with Su Qing who woke up for a while, and had a good impression of Su Qing.

Su Qing has a very well-mannered personality, and she is cheerful and happy when chatting, without the slightest hostility.Moreover, he is knowledgeable and grateful to Su Chen. He is indeed an outstanding talent.

The most important thing is that Su Qing's name is actually a combination of Su Chen and Gao Qing, which makes Su Chen always feel awkward when calling Su Qing's name.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Su Chen brought Su Qing, Gao Qing, Gao Cheng and Xu Xiaodong to the abandoned training base on the outskirts of the imperial capital.As for the security of the courtyard, the old man's security team is temporarily in charge.

Several old men also live in the courtyard, so Su Chen naturally does not need to worry about the safety of the Su residence.

The abandoned base is located in the north of the imperial capital, with a large area. In the past, a regiment of troops was stationed here, but now there are only two battalions here, so the site is large enough.

As for the facilities, after four days of full renovation, the place has already looked brand new.

At this moment, a total of 717 people have stood neatly in four squares at the base school grounds, waiting for him.

After Su Chen came to the school field, Su Qing, Gao Qing and Gao Cheng also joined the team, and the four square teams had exactly 720 people.

As for Xu Xiaodong, the temporary cameo role of the butler of the base was, to put it bluntly, just running errands.

In the entire base, apart from them, there is also a logistics team that is responsible for the basic necessities of life of these people.

Especially the chef team, Su Chen was seconded from Jiangnan Han Yun, all of them have high-level culinary skills, and the leader has stepped into the master level, which is enough to ensure that these people eat and drink well.

The reason why they are treated so favorably is that in the next three months, these people will go through the devil training that is worse than death, so they will naturally improve their basic necessities of life.

"Ahem!" On the school podium, Su Chen spoke for the first time. "Let me tell you something! I guess you are all wondering why you gathered here.

Among you, some are active-duty soldiers, some are veterans, some are retired armed police officers, and some are even pure quacks.

There is only one purpose for bringing you here, and that is to train you.

I know that some of you will be dissatisfied, because you people are originally the super special forces in the army, and many of you are even known as the special forces of the special forces, the sharp blade and trump card of the army!
I don't doubt that your military qualities are excellent, but I don't care either.Because that has nothing to do with me.

Because in my place, you basically rarely cultivate your military quality.I only train you in one aspect here, and that is the body!
Believe it or not, the purpose of bringing you here is to train you to be the strongest super fighters in the world!

I can assure you that as long as you can persevere, after those three months, each of you will become a legendary martial arts master! "

martial arts master?

Many people sneered after hearing it.

What age is this?Even the martial arts that have been passed down in China since ancient times are not recognized, let alone martial arts masters?
Su Chen also knew that these people didn't believe it, so he didn't intend to explain further, but continued: "In addition, there is another sentence, although you often listen to it, I still have to say it. The training process will be very painful, and it will even far surpass yours. Imagine. So, if you are timid, you can leave early, it is best not to leave halfway.

Quit now, I won't say anything.But if I leave midway, it will have a great impact on me, and I have to bear the consequences.

So, be sure to think clearly! "

Su Chen said the consequences were serious enough, but no one quit.

This is understandable. After all, they were all born in the military, so there is still some ideological awareness.

Even if there are a small number of Jianghu people, they are not ordinary people who are afraid of death.

All that needs to be said has been said, so Su Chen doesn't waste his time talking.

Next, he started grouping everyone.

He divided the 720 people into three groups, all active soldiers from the army, Gao Qing led a group of 36 people including 108 women, and finally Gao Cheng led a group of 360 people.

"Next, your three teams will be the Tiangandi Detachment, the Tiangangdisha Team, and the Right Time and Place Team!
The heavenly stems and earthly detachment will have two captains and deputy captains, namely heavenly stems and earthly branches.After that is the group of four mythical beasts, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, with four team leaders.After that, there is the Zodiac Team, with 12 team leaders, and each group has three Zodiac teams.

Tiangang Disha group, this is simple, only divided into 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha.

As for the right time and place group, there are two captains and deputy captains at the right time and place, four season team leaders, and 12 December team leaders!

This is the composition of your groups and cadres.

I can’t say much about the active military, but you should hear it clearly for others. You are all the guarding forces around me. Being able to stand here shows that I will reuse you.

This training is also an assessment, including Gao Qing and Gao Cheng, I will not give them any preferential treatment, everything will be based on strength.

After a while, I will select these leading cadres through assessment, and this assessment will be valid for life.This is also related to what kind of positions and work benefits you will get after the training is over.So, I hope you don't waste this opportunity.

I won't talk about the much better ones, uh, and the last one, don't discuss in private whether the names of these groups are secondary or not, I will be very upset if I find out.In addition, judging from the grouping situation, you know that you 720 people are indispensable, so if someone quits midway, it will be very troublesome. I am most afraid of trouble, and I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I hope you don’t have a midfielder exited. "

After finishing speaking, Su Chen turned and stepped off the stage, and asked Xu Xiaodong to lead everyone to have breakfast and receive training uniforms.

He discussed this matter with Gao Qing and Gao Cheng.Originally, he planned to lock them in as the captain.But the two insisted on running for the election.Su Chen thought for a while and didn't stop them. These two people were often scolded by Su Chen. As long as they were not too lazy, it would be easy to compete for the captain's position.

(End of this chapter)

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