Chapter 340
Dinner was eaten at Tang's house. Tang's father and Tang's mother saw Su Chen again this time, and their attitude was completely different.

After half a year of contact, Tang's father and Tang's mother have also completely accepted Su Chen's status as a son-in-law.

And because Tang Fang is not yet married, as the only relative with a foreign surname in the family, Su Chen is still very popular in the Tang family.

What's more, now the entire Tang family needs to develop the family business under Su Chen's care.

It can be said that as long as Su Chen is not too a jerk, Tang's father and Tang's mother will continue to express their enthusiasm for Su Chen.

However, if this kind of enthusiasm is too much, it will make people uncomfortable and even seem a little hypocritical.

At least Su Chen couldn't bear it.

He also understands the state of mind of the Tang family. After all, it is not only the son-in-law, but also controls the entire Tang group.Driven by interests, even if Tang's father and Tang mother wanted to be reserved, they would unconsciously please Su Chen, for fear that Su Chen would be dissatisfied with them in some way.

In such an atmosphere, Su Chen really felt like a year.

After finally surviving dinner, Su Chen resolutely offered to leave on the pretext that he still had something important to do.

"stop laughing!"

In the car, Tang Qiong bid farewell to Su Chen, but couldn't help laughing.

The main reason is that it was the first time she saw Su Chen in such distress.Of course, Tang Qiong was more moved because he knew that the reason why Su Chen was like this was because he loved him, so he accommodated his family in this way.If it were someone else, why would Su Chen be so embarrassed.

"Hee hee, I know you've worked hard, husband! My reward for you!"

Tang Qiong said with a smile.

Su Chen shook his head.

"You, take care, uncle and aunt's mentality is obviously abnormal, and I can understand it, but after all, we are a family. If they are always like this, then we will not be comfortable getting along in the future, right? You are at home these two days, talk to dad more Mom, talk to me, have I been made to look like a devil? Am I the kind of person who bullies others? I don’t bully outsiders, let alone my own family? "

Tang Qiong nodded.

"I know my husband, don't worry, others don't know, I must know who my husband is? My husband is the most gentle man in the whole world. I will definitely convince them and make sure they won't do this again next time !"

"Don't be too deliberate, it makes me seem to have too many things. Hey, this matter is not easy to deal with. Don't force it, just let it be!"

Tang Qiong nodded. "Don't worry, husband, I will pay attention."

"Okay! You go back, take this opportunity to spend more time with your uncle and aunt at home!"

"Well, husband, you should be careful in everything."

"Go, what can happen to me? Don't worry about me!"

The couple got bored for a while before Tang Qiong reluctantly left.Although we saw each other every day in the courtyard, the four girls were indeed getting more and more clingy to Su Chen, and they were reluctant to separate for a while.

This time when Su Chen came to Jiangnan, even the elder sister Gu Qingya was depressed for several days.

As soon as Tang Qiong left, only Su Chen and Zhang Huan were left in the car.

Almost most of the Su family's cars have a common feature, that is, the driver's seat and the rear compartment are completely isolated.

They can only communicate with each other through walkie-talkie or car video.

So in the car, privacy is very strong.

As soon as Tang Qiong left, Zhang Huan piled his small and exquisite body in Su Chen's arms, extremely crooked.

The old husband and wife have been together for so long, but the couple still have endless things to say.

This time, Su Chen's foothold is no longer Misty Rain Pavilion, but a place called Jingyuan.

This is one of the high-end themed hotel chains under Shichen Real Estate Group.

The decoration style and layout of the entire Jingyuan are completely modeled after the classical gardens in the south of the Yangtze River.

The entire Jingyuan is actually a super-large and luxurious Jiangnan garden.

Jingyuan combines the characteristics of the famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River in history. It not only has the poetic flavor of Suzhou gardens, elegant taste of literati, and the characteristics of reading literature with architecture, but also has the beauty of multi-layer buildings in Nanjing gardens combining royal colors and political meanings. It also has the natural landscape of Hangzhou gardens. The sense of smooth continuity blends with the environment; of course, there is no lack of luxury and practical beauty of Yangzhou gardens.

And since it is a garden in the south of the Yangtze River, it must be inseparable from flowers, birds, fish trees, strange rocks and landscapes!
All the building materials in the garden are provided by the system, so the layout inside is absolutely everything and extremely luxurious.

Even though it is winter, there are still colorful exotic trees everywhere in Jingyuan, and various strange rocks in various poses and with different expressions are scattered around.

The quiet garden is very large. Between the well-arranged guest rooms, you can see chic pavilions, water pools, swimming fish, strange rocks and hundreds of flowers almost every few steps.

The entire quiet garden is full of vitality.

What's more special is that the garden is not only antique, but also perfectly fits modern technological elements.

For example, on the forest path, colorful ground lights triggered by induction are basically buried. After the first light under the foot of the visitor is triggered to light up after the visitor enters the path, other lights will also light up one after another.

In addition, the various wall lamps inlaid in various strange stones not only perfectly fit the characteristics of the natural landscape, but also make the quiet garden at night beautiful.

The design of the gazebo is also very thoughtful, it is not a simple gazebo like the one in the park, but more like the Xianyun Pavilion in Su Zhai.

Not only are high-quality floor-to-ceiling windows used inside and outside to keep warm, but also entertainment facilities such as tea sets, wine tables, chess and mahjong are thoughtfully arranged inside, and the service feels considerate.

Su Chen was very satisfied with enjoying the Jingyuan along the way.

This is the theme hotel he wants!
Not only Jiangnan gardens, what Su Chen wants most is a themed hotel that can inherit and carry forward Chinese classical architecture.

With a history of 5000 years in China, the unique architectural style is absolutely the best in the past and present.

However, due to sustainable development in modern times, many Chinese classical buildings have disappeared in the long river of history.

Su Chen just wanted to dig out these quintessential architectural styles and reproduce them perfectly, so that they can still find their place in the modern industrial society.

Su Chen believes that good things will never be out of date.

Although many people are still obsessed with the luxury of high-rise buildings and sea view villas.But Su Chen didn't believe that no one would like such a beautiful and unique Jiangnan garden full of artistic conception.

Jingyuan has not yet opened, and he is here this time, presiding over the opening of Jingyuan is also one of his jobs.

Moreover, Su Chen believes that Jingyuan will definitely become one of the most famous hotels in Jiangzhou, China, and the world even without his vigorous promotion!

Not only the Jingyuan in Jiangzhou, but also the Zifu built in the imperial capital modeled on Prince Gong’s Mansion, the Jin Courtyard built in imitation of the Jinzhong Courtyard, and the Lishui Garden in the style of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, etc., a total of ten theme parks across the country Featured hotels will all open within the first half of the month.

In addition, apart from the architectural style, the biggest feature of these themed hotels is the catering.

In order to develop these hotels, Su Chen took great pains and began to train cooks several months in advance.

Each of the ten hotels now has at least two master chefs, one each of Chinese and Western chefs.

Although it is said to carry forward the national culture, it is better to take into account both Chinese and Western food when it comes to food!

(End of this chapter)

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