I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 348 In one night, the north and south of the river became popular

Chapter 348 Overnight, it became popular all over the world
December [-]th is not a special day, many people are preparing for the new year's day the day after tomorrow.

However, on such an ordinary day, an energy drink was born out of thin air, and within a day, it became popular all over the world.

Many people were ignorant at the beginning, only to suddenly realize that the TV, computer, mobile phone, and short video screens including Douyin, etc., were all overwhelmed by an advertisement called Tianfang Beverage in just one day.

Surprisingly, this advertisement is full of energy, because someone deliberately sorted it out and found that a total of 81 celebrities advertised for Tianfang Beverage on the same day. What's more, none of these celebrities had a small role. They are all second-tier stars who have acted in many dramas, and basically everyone is a household name.

Among them are not only the show business circle, but also the singing circle, sports circle, sketch circle and so on.

Anyway, all the celebrities who are familiar to the audience are basically invited in place.

For a while, many people were shocked by the energy of the boss behind this drink.

For a while, Tianfang Beverage quickly became popular in the north and south of the river.

Then someone broke the news that Tianfang Beverage belongs to Future Group, and Future Group is the parent company of Qingchen Clothing.

Needless to say, the reputation of Qingchen clothing has been verified by the market.

According to common sense, when a new type of technology is first launched, its finished product is often rough, because the seller is eager to recover the funds, and basically only cares about the technology, and rarely cares about other aspects of the product.

Just like Qingchen clothing, it is reasonable to rely on the characteristics of temperature-adjustable clothing, even if the quality or appearance of the clothes is slightly worse, the common people can bear it and spend money willingly to buy them.

After all, in winter, compared with wearing comfort, the appearance is still tolerable.

But Qingchen clothing is different. The first clothes of Qingchen clothing are not only of super good quality, but also super comfortable to wear. Even the appearance is designed by Su Chen, a master fashion designer. Very ergonomic.

Therefore, Qingchen clothing became popular all over the country as soon as it was launched, and other ordinary clothing brands were quickly eliminated.Made a large number of clothing brands go bankrupt.

If Qingchen Clothing hadn't taken the initiative to cooperate with some clothing companies on temperature-adjustable technology, it is estimated that the clothing industry would have been devastated by now.

In fact, it’s not much better now. In the entire Huaguo, except for some big clothing brands and some small clothing brands with distinctive features, many other clothing companies are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Some people even want to take risks for this, but after investigating the big man behind Qingchen Clothing, most of them died down.Only a small number of people still have evil intentions, and they paid a heavy price for it.

And because of Qingchen clothing, the reputation of the future group is extremely good. Now when people hear that the new energy drink belongs to the future group, their first impression is very good.

However, after watching the ad, the common people murmured again.

Just because the ad is too crazy.

Almost turned the energy drink into an energy potion in the novel, what did you say to drink a bottle of energy drink to ensure a full day of energy!

Of course, there are many such advertisements on the Internet, and everyone is immune to them.And generally the harder you brag, the more people will not believe you.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of brain-dead fans and curious people in any era. Once the advertisement was broadcast, many people went out to buy Tianfang drinks.

These people were the first to try.

Then, it was normal, with the super obvious effect of Tianfang Drink, it quickly conquered this group of buyers.

Some of these buyers specialize in testing new products, relying on this to become popular online and attract fans to make money.

So after these people have used it, they will definitely recommend it highly.For such a good product, after recommending it, it will definitely increase your character points, and you must promote it even if you don’t give money.

In this way, one spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands quickly, one after another was fooled into the shopping mall.

Needless to say, [-]% of all customers who have tried the effect have paid for a bottle.

After all, it's only ten yuan, anyone can afford it, and I believe few people would be reluctant to exchange it for a bottle of energy potion.

There are even those Shenhao customers who basically buy it by box after tasting it.

Just like that, Tianfang Beverage was launched at [-]:[-] am, and it was sold out before [-]:[-] pm!

In less than eight hours, Tianfang Beverage sold 300 million bottles!

This is just because it was the first day, the merchants underestimated the beverages and did not purchase much, which was a miracle.

But now, in the customer service department of Tianfang Company, the calls for orders almost overwhelmed the customer service department's dozen or so phones!
The entire Tianfang Company was busy.

Even the staff of Tianfang Company didn't expect that the company they were working for was just a little-known small company, but who would have thought that the company would become a leading company in the beverage industry before leaving work on the first day of opening.

This kind of good thing feels like a dream.

Everyone in Tianfang Company was so busy that they didn't touch the ground, but they didn't cry tired, instead they all smiled happily, as if they had won the lottery!
It's not their fault, it's really unbelievable.

Not to mention them, even Tang Fang, the boss of their company, is now excited like a fool, speaking incoherently while holding the phone.

"Ahahaha, brother-in-law, you are so awesome brother-in-law, really, I dare not even think about it! You actually bought 300 million bottles in one day!
300 million!You know, the pulsating drink, which is extremely popular now, only sells one billion bottles a year, and the average is less than 300 million a day. We actually surpassed them in a day, which is incredible! "

On the other side of the phone, Su Che, who was climbing mountains and wading through water, heard his brother-in-law's roar on the phone, and said speechlessly, "Brother, calm down, this is just the beginning!"

"What do you mean?" Tang Fang was stunned. "Is this just the beginning?"

"What do you think?" Su Chen had no choice but to explain while climbing the mountain: "Don't forget, what we make is an energy drink, and the effect is so obvious, there will definitely be people who suspect that there is something bad in our drink Ingredients, such as stimulants and the like.

Therefore, many people, especially our peers and other energy drink companies, will definitely take our products for testing. The real big buyers of imported products like this are very cautious, and these people have basically not made any effort. .

So the most important thing for you next is to survive the next storm of public opinion. The quality of our products must be fine, and once you resist this storm of public opinion, you will stabilize the good reputation of Tianfang Beverage.

Then the next time is the time to really harvest the market.

By that time, let alone selling 300 million bottles a day, it would not be uncommon to sell 1000 million bottles a day.What's more, this is only in the country.

You have to know that our energy drink, so far, is considered a monopoly product!
The power of monopoly products, need I say more? "

 one more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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